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Everything posted by JSMR

  1. 3924 downloads? I wonder how many got it to work...because I cant. At all.
  2. Work coming along very very nicely on the -200ER with the GE90-94B and Trent 895. Both nearly identical thrust. A little more fuel burn with the RR. I do actually have a lot of info for the -200ER with the GE engines so I've got a good base to work with. Done a couple flights already (after a mass of testing) and it is working nicely. Fuel burn on the money and it also works nicely with Simbrief and the 777-200ER in the data base. After a LHR-JFK flight, fuel burns matched almost identical. Once thing that is frustrating is the the whole Posky mix an matching with the models, air files and textures etc etc. Some frustration when it doesn't work. I recall the same annoyance about 10 years ago. The annoying part mostly is the ground vehicles(GSU)/stairs/Tug textures that don't always work and it varies from model to model. One airframe and the stairs don't have textures, on another livery same model, it does but the tug doesn't. Even with the same textures in the folder. Odd.
  3. As long as it applies to the 777-300ER airframe. The FCOM I have (-200) has the N1 settings for take off, climb, cruise N1 at various weights with expected fuel flow at power settings for LRC Mach etc etc. Along with the unreliable airspeed section that gives an estimate of performance in climb, cruise, descent, and approach at various flap settings. Which all helps when making adjustments to the air file. Acknowledging that in reality it’s probably not exact from the chart to aircraft anyway let alone to flight sim, so if I get reasonably close I’m satisfied. So that’s kinda the minimum needed to get a pretty good FDE.
  4. Had a couple Posky 777-300/ER planes lying dormant in my folder so decided to work on them improving the FDE (despite the claim they are accurate, they're not). I've got a FCOM for a 777-200 with the Trent engines. So I've got a reasonable ballpark to work with regarding the -300 with Trent engines (yes different airframe but since its close enough with the little info i have available its good enough.) So it matches pretty well in most areas of flight considering its freeware and I'm not highly skilled in FDE development. I'll also be applying it to the -200 when I install that one as well. But I don't have much information at all regarding the -300ER with those monster GE engines I mentioned. I've only got some YouTube vids to go on but I cant get accurate as I don't always know the GTOW etc. Nor do I see the fuel flow anywhere. So if anyone has any kind of info/charts that's reasonably accurate that would be most appreciated. :) Jon.
  5. Yeah anything with a Fraser McKay panel is a big plus. Thanks for the links.
  6. So there must be an issue with the KORD scenery. Does happen from time to time. A texture as mentioned must be in the wrong format or something like that.
  7. Yes another one that will cause it. Good call.
  8. Have you added any scenery / airports just before doing this? Strangely, it’s often a airport that’s missing some texture or an incorrect one that will affect the ground scenery. I’ve had it several times.
  9. Yeah nice job. Did you upload them? I’ve done my own but I’m not so good at the matching the fonts part very good.
  10. JSMR

    ENB Mod

    Installing sweetfx is easy. I use it in windows 10. No issues. Follow the instructions and you cant go wrong. I’m always from my Pc for a few days so I can’t tell you what folders / files go where. Not much to do to be honest.
  11. JSMR

    ENB Mod

    I always found ENB not so good because of the same reasons. Whites too bright, and everything else too dark. My preference was Sweetfx. Much more easily adjustable. And results can be made subtle which I prefer.
  12. JSMR

    Rebranding FS9

    Obsolete but does nearly everything better then the rest combined. ;)
  13. JSMR

    Rebranding FS9

    I’ve got 4 versions on my PC all renamed. As I’ve changed, modified and enhanced it. Call it whatever you like. :) Anyway, I doubt Microsoft even knows it exists any more.
  14. https://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=C-11.zip&categoryId=&filename=Y It says it’s for both FS2004 and FSX. I saw it on the FSX when I searched. Im guessing it’s the same? https://simviation.com/1/browse-Vintage-66-125
  15. Sitting on a small mountain in Asia? Are you searching for the illusive small blue flower with special healing properties? Or looking for Eagle eggs? Think I saw a documentary (or a movie) once about both.. :p
  16. I’ve downloaded a lot of your scenery. I’m only getting into the Canadian scenery now especially with all the Holger, Glacier Bay etc stuff as well. I’ve barely scratched the surface. So I’m looking forward to continuing my adventures using many of your airports. Your contribution to FS2004 is very much appreciated! Have you considered a completely new region / country to work on?
  17. I still use FS9 as the same reason as everyone above. The smoothness, the ease to add varied aircraft of every generation, airports and scenery from every era possible. Not even MSFS 2020 can do that. You can butcher it, slice and dice it and try and maim fs2004, but it never dies. Always a simple fix. I keep it because nothing cooler has come along. Nothing even close…
  18. Sascha hasn’t been around for some time.
  19. Glad the op went ok, Robin. You have plenty of support here from us simmers.
  20. Yes terrible news, Robin! And like the others, we hope for a speedy recovery.
  21. Indeed. Nothing wrong with FS9. It was the last of the great simulators. As Carlos Sainz would say " Smooooth Operator"!
  22. Download it now from the other place. Absolutely stunning. And free. Greg Putz, one of the all time great scenery developers. Not much more to say.
  23. Appreciate the time and effort into the sceneries you develop, Greg! Absolutely outstanding. Also appreciate offering the Reunion island scenery along with it! As David mentioned, your contribution to FS9 has been truly incredible. Many many thanks! jon.
  24. Ok, ah…I have a house in Lake Como, a yacht in Monaco, a Villa in the Swiss alps and an over water bungalow in Tahiti. He’s welcome to one of those for a few weeks. :)
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