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Everything posted by JSMR

  1. Oh thanks. I did find a solution I think to the problem. I haven’t download that one you mentioned yet. Changing the inlet area = from 4.40 to 1.40 seems to be the fix, I timed from take off to FL370 at MTOW 28 mins which I think is fairly accurate from what I read. Cruise at Mach 0.80 also seems to have correct fuel flow.
  2. Yes very add-on specific. Usually the more complex the add-on, the more they encourage loading the default flight first. Takes all of an extra 20 seconds to do so it’s never a big deal for me.
  3. Not really about performance at all. I can’t see how that would change anyway. But complex add-ons - like the iFly 737/747 to name one - have gauge / system issues if the default flight isn’t loaded first. Several others are the same. So you need to always start with the default flight so everything in FS2004 loads correctly, carrying over to the add-on you’re using.
  4. ^ where is that? Looks great. Always default flight. Habit for me. I don’t think it matters too much for most things but some add-ons require it loads first.
  5. I downloaded this one yesterday. Looks cool. Has good documentation. But I can't get anywhere close to the performance listed. Not even remotely close. Has anyone any experience with this one?
  6. JSMR

    FSD Piper Navajo

    Does anyone have this one? It was released some years ago....and I'd never heard of it until yesterday. Strange. Seems ok. I think its still available for purchase too.
  7. Ok thanks. Seems it’s a CD option only then. I’ll look around and see what I can find. Thanks for the help gents.
  8. I do have those, thank you. Yeah I wasn’t sure if the UK VFR scenery was available but I guess not. I’ll keep looking.
  9. I think Just Flight put this collection out but I can't find it anywhere. Is it available now as freeware somewhere like some of the UK2000 scenery?
  10. Ok, I’ll try. And then you compile it as a bgl and add it to the scenery file?
  11. Ooooh my head hurts.... I guess this is how to set up some permanent localised turbulence at the end of a runway for instance?
  12. Hmm, interesting it mentions turbulence. So you can have permanent localised areas that have turbulence if you want?
  13. Yes!!!!! So good to see!! Long live FS9!!!!!
  14. JSMR

    Anyone use FsHub?

    https://fshub.io/ I'm not sure exactly how it all works, but it seems a cool idea. Kinda like being a part of VA without being part if a VA?
  15. JSMR

    Active Sky 6.5

    Strange thing is, the Lite version does a better depiction than both FsRealwx Pro and FSGRW. Odd. Not sure if i want to spend 15 euro's or whatever on V3 though.
  16. JSMR

    Active Sky 6.5

    I do agree with the cloud depictions. I have both the free and version 3.0 which as now expired for me. But even the free version does do a good job in this area. But its frustrating when it doesn't inject anywhere close to the real wx. So I gave up trying.
  17. JSMR

    Active Sky 6.5

    I’ve had the opposite experience and tried a couple different versions of FSrealWX all with similar results…the worst one I’ve ever used. By a considerable margin. It just doesn’t inject anywhere near the correct weather into FS2004. Like all other FS2004 issues on his support forum, there isn’t any given. FSGRW has good historic weather. Works great with fs2004/simbrief flight plans, and works well with multiple sims. I rarely have issues or see the wx too much different to reality.
  18. JSMR

    Active Sky 6.5

    FSGRW works great for me. Is it as good as ASK 6.5? Or ASE? Hmmm...Having used 6.5, maybe not. But its more than acceptable for me. Just to throw another option into the loop.
  19. JSMR

    Moon mod

    Its a regular occurance. Doesn't help my VA stats having her step on the keyboard causing flaps down or the gear down at Mach 0.84 and 35000 ft. lol
  20. JSMR

    Moon mod

    Yeah that was fun. Well, it was once I figured out what controls did what. I went from a catastrophic attempt to some nice smooth dockings. Even with my cat walking all over the keyboard trying to get a close up view of my attempt.
  21. I've never been successful merging the RFP panel with any Posky 747. Even with somebody's posted cfg files. But I'd like to have a 747Sp using the RFP panel. If anyone has done it, and it works, please let me know!
  22. JSMR

    PF3 ATC

    Compatible with FS2004?
  23. JSMR

    PF3 ATC

    How does it differ from the default ATC? I know default is lame, but is it a matter of what it tells / directs you is what has already been inputted? Such as SID / STAR’s, height restrictions, speeds etc? If there is a runway change, does that make the STAR now obsolete? Since it’s all a 0’s and 1 program, can it now assign new arrivals routes etc? I’m just curious how it all works.
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