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The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO


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5 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

For those who have had kind words for the Updates throughout the Gaggle, thank you so much! 


You did an exceptional job throughout, Great Work!  🙂


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Just now, Melo965 said:


He does look similar, but you would never catch me wearing shorts.


The only carriers I have  been on were the HMS Ark Royal (R09), my grandfather took me on a tour.

And the other one was the USS Midway where she is still docked in San Diego.

On neither carrier did they offer that I get in the cockpit of an aircraft.  😞


The F-18 was sure fun to fly!



Which Hornet was that? Looked like a Legacy by the shape of the Intakes. I have the KBT SuperHornet in both the single and two seat Models.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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49 minutes ago, Bossspecops said:

What would I like to see?


More of the same actually, and I like the idea of 3-4 events spaced along the year with hefty gaps in the middle to restore one's mind to normalcy.


I second Kit's thoughts on the Event.  I enjoyed both the Southern and Eastern route flights, but doing the Combined as well was just too much for my schedule, even though I am retired now.


3 to 4 main events per year sounds great!



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18 minutes ago, Melo965 said:


I second Kit's thoughts on the Event.  I enjoyed both the Southern and Eastern route flights, but doing the Combined as well was just too much for my schedule, even though I am retired now.


3 to 4 main events per year sounds great!




What should we do in between 'big' Events? Educational/Instructional style 'mini' Challenges? A "Flight of the Week", maybe? An Alaska Mail Run in a SuperCub or Beaver, for Example?


The possibilities are literally endless, and we've got the collective brain power to come up with just about anything!

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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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59 minutes ago, ViperPilot2 said:

Which Hornet was that?


I did download the version you mentioned, I will check it out, Thanks!


I started out with the default F-18 from FSX Acceleration.  Had huge problems multiple times part way into the flight.  So I did some searching and found this:


The original team that created the F-18 for FSX Acceleration have made HUGE improvements in the Hornet. A totally new and much better version is out now and it is freeware.  "FS Dream Team FSX Blue Angels F/A-18C"


Here is the link:



FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet ver. 18.3 link (as of 5 MAY 2018)"


Much more exceptional than the default F-18, and it was a bonus that there was a good RAAF livery.  A very big download though.

There is a lot to learn to fly this accurately, but it was great fun to fly it from Darwin to Cairns.


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Thanks for that, Melo!


Out of curiosity, would you kind folks please post what Sim you're using? Just wondering who's using what, and how many.


I'm using Nine.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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23 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

We have one last item of business for this Gaggle: Post-Race Tech (another Radio Lemans thing).  Before discussing the next event, let me ask three questions:

  1. What "worked" for you about the GAAG?
  2. What didn't work for you?
  3. What would you like to see next time out?


1.  From a Free Flight perspective … I liked the option of heading off the beaten track (although I didn’t take enough advantage of it) without worry or fear of losing my ‘competitive focus’ as compared with our Route 66 event.  Best of both worlds in some ways but wondered at times if I should jump into the competition … jury is still out on that one.


2.  Going Free Flight, it didn’t affect me, but it took the first week or two to really get my head around the route and rally structure.  In some ways it felt a little too informal at times but that may just have been a reaction given the length of the event … both in distance and time.  Not quite sure …


3.  I’m open … but the ferry flights Bosss and jfg took to YPJT illustrated the destination fly-in concept well.  The routes and machines that took them from their home base(s) sparked some great story lines.  Still may require a bit more kicking around the hanger, but I think the concept has potential.


Regardless … whatever our process … I think it's working.  👍


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Looks like it's a pretty even mix so far...


FS2002 - 1

FS2004 (FS9) - 4

FSX - 3


No one using XP or 2020 (Melo says he uses 2020 occasionally). I was just curious; if I recall correctly, we have Repaint and Scenery creation capability to some degree amongst us which came in very handy this last event.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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7 minutes ago, ViperPilot2 said:

Looks like it's a pretty even mix so far...


I think they were all listed in the Spotters' Guide ... if I can find it ... 🙃


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2 hours ago, ViperPilot2 said:

What should we do in between 'big' Events?

I do "ferry" runs taken from a RW sources, Skyliner and Air Britain, and, if none of those appeal to me, I try to learn to fly something I don't usually fly, like a glider or a helicopter. Currently, I'm trying to master the autopilot in the Bell 407!

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2 hours ago, ViperPilot2 said:

What should we do in between 'big' Events?

Right now we have the return flights and any other flights anyone wants to tell us about.  After that, maybe we could drop in on each others' home airports?

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Morning Gaggle, or should that be post-Gaggle. Haven't read the posts yet since the party (barbie) wound down. Any sore heads out there today? Think not, as we're all mature gentleman and those days of being wild young men are behind us, let's hope. I was disciplined, enjoyed great company, good food, and a few good beers.

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I fly FSX + Acceleration these days (or I would if it worked, some new discs for a re-install are on the way even now.................)


I did fly FS9 in my busiest FS period, and was much more at home with it than I am with FSX I must admit.


I can do repaints in both sims, and enjoy that immensely, which may be a bit obvious,. sorry.


As for the ferry flights, that too goes back to my C'serve Rally days. back then I was travelling the world quite a bit and would fly to the rally destination from wherever I was in reality. In a few cases that resulted in some CRAZY flights, like the one Melo will surely remember to Catalina Island just off the coast near LA. I was in Holland at the start of that, but wanted to do an air-drop of goodies over the Catalina strip in an RAF Andover freighter, but no way did it have the range to get there. So I hitched a lift with a USAF C-5 from Mildenhall in the UK to Travis AFB and then flew the Andover from there. Total madness. 🙂


Since then, while I was a serious FS pilot with the Albion Group, I always flew our operational aircraft from where they were to where they needed to be, and that required some discipline to keep track of the fleet, but it was all good fun. 



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Looks like even steven; 4 each for 9 and FSX, and MAD1 the sole using 2002...


I bought an eBook about Ferry Pilots, and created a few in the Sim. I also did some Relief flights based on News Reports about Floods, Tornadoes and flying Medical stuff to the Navajo Nation (Naabeehó Bináhásdzo). Yáʼátʼééh!


Apologies for spitballing so early... 😋

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Have caught up on all the posts. Re 1, 2, 3, all was great, just happy to be allowed to be included in your esteemed company. Am up for anything that you guys want to throw against the wall.


Request: please keep this FBO going, initially for the people flying home OS. Me, and I think others, like being 'lurkers' aka armchair flyers, and it's enjoyable just reading others exploits. Like some in the Gaggle, I still work 3 days per wk, so with domestic commitments, hardly any time, energy, mental fortitude to climb into the FS2002 Mazda cockpit and fly. BUT, this event, and this community, gives me a purpose, otherwise I'm just another poor, lonely bloke out in FS world, am sure there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of us worldwide who think 'would love to be with a group of like-minded guys doing stuff, but I'm not'.


And of course, once you get the Club thread finalised (which could simply be this FBO rebranded), having a place to keep up with the Club news and happening would be great.

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56 minutes ago, Bossspecops said:

rally destination . . . to Catalina Island just off the coast near LA.


That was my shortest Rally flight ever.  Less than 30 minutes in my usual Spitfire from Burbank (KBUR).


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I usually fly solo, storylines buzzing and changing in my head as circumstances dictate (weather, airports, scenery, etc), following a pre-determined route forced a discipline in writing the stories down and returning the storyline to the race as it had a pre determined finish time. So it was a plus if sometimes frustrating having to abandon encounters with characters that could be developed further.

It was challenging (another plus) interacting with others and having to weave them into the storyline without having control over them (almost like dealing with real life ;-))


Having the one FBO thread helped, we all met in the same place and could see what we were up to.

TPD's commentary helped one not feel we were pitching our posts into a forum just for it to be ignored and forgotten. Everyone commenting on each other's posts helped develop a sense of community and involvement.


Towards the last few legs of the southern timed route I felt a little pressured to just get the race finished, curtailing any story line. So for me possibly it was a bit too long, but others might be thinking: “Thank goodness he stopped his stupid storylines.”.


As others have said; two or three events a year sounds about right, with flexibility on the number or location of stops a good idea.


Thanks to all those who worked on the format, spreadsheets, timing etc. You know who you are.

I feel I have met friends and as the song goes: “We shall meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but we'll meet again.” seems apt.

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