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The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO


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MAD1 Just my (very) humble opinion, but it would be great if you stuck it out with us. Your Travelogue has been very entertaining and quite informative. Everyone enjoys your company and participation in the Event. 


Don't bow out; fly when you can, and come along with us for the rest of the Ride!


TPD My intention is to fly the Eastern Route as a TIMED Route, if for nothing more to see if my Flight Planning holds up.


It might be best for all concerned to end the Timed portion of the Challenge at Sydney, and let the Eastern Route become the Free Flight portion of the Challenge. It would give everyone a chance to fly something different and show off what they've got stashed away in their Hangar!


Stay safe, everyone... especially those of you in CA. 

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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Only flying to Bankstown timed, then going free for some fun. I've gained my twin rating since the Route 66.

So have hired this to head up the coast to the heat.Sydney1.thumb.jpg.7ee286fb60c1812c6240f758dd854e45.jpg


Free flight means I can accomodate the RW more easily:

"She who must be played with" drops her frisbee on my keyboard if she is ignored too long:


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15 hours ago, taoftedal said:

Nice screen over the water Melo ... and that traditional canopy is just right ...


Thanks, that was my favorite screen shot too from this flight.


Thanks!  I am really glad that I also painted the standard canopy version.  Was for Kit to have since that is the only one he purchased.  Finding the fuel issue with the bubble canopy version later made the choice of version easy to make. 

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4 hours ago, defaid said:

 I see by your short final into Ceduna that we're all getting good at crabbing 🙂


The wind keeps pushing my light weight Chippie all over the place!  It is an easy aircraft to land though.


My favorite RW landing was at Catalina Island (KAVX) in an 8 knot crosswind.


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5 hours ago, MAD1 said:

Am a bit frustrated, damned RW is getting in the way of my hobby!


I second or third the motion that you stay and participate as much as the RW lets you.  Your commentary alone is much appreciated.  Hope you can add some more flights as time permits. 🙂


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The Daily Update

(Cue “She Sells Sanctuary”)


CU: “Happy February 6th, everybody! I’m Claus Ullrich, with Elias Pacheco in the left seat, for Radio Chachapoya, here with our Daily Update. We’re cruising along at 7,500’, on our way to Sydney, where Eli says he has a surprise for me. I have a surprise for you, or at least news: One of our Free Fliers, jgf, has completed the Combined route! I knew that something was up on Sunday, when he flew from Parkes to Bathurst to Bankstown, filled up, and then ran up to Coff’s Harbour and Ballina – I thought he might drop in on MAD1. Yesterday, he ran the rest of the Eastern Route to Cairns. Congratulations, jgf!! As far as the Leaderboard goes:




“Melo965 is still in the lead. Not content with that, he decided to steal some of jgf’s thunder and put down two perfect runs, to Ceduna and Port Augusta. He has a CV of 0, now after 6 legs. Is the Chipmunk the plane to beat? Stay tuned.


“defaid and dj are in second, in Melbourne with a -2.


“ViperPilot2 is in third, also with a -2, in Ceduna.


“Bossspecops is in fourth, with a -5 in Warrnambool.


“Captain Dirk Doovalacky is in fifth, having finished the 1976 Route with a +7.


“MAD1 is in sixth, with a -8 in Katanning. I agree: Katanning is really a lovely little hamlet, but would he really want to retire there?


“JSMR is in seventh, in Ceduna with a +9.


“ScottishMike rounds out the field in eighth, with a -10 in Melbourne.


“And this concludes the Daily Update for today. This is Claus Ullrich, for Elias Pacheco and the rest of the Radio Chachapoya family, signing off. Safe flying, everybody!”

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Ceduna (YCDU) to Port Augusta (YPAG)


Ready to start engine and taxi.

For this leg I plan on a cruise speed of 115 kts at 4,000 ft.  Skyvector predicts 2 hours and 5 minutes for the 209 mile flight.  My Active Sky flightplan predicts 2 hours and 2 minutes.


There are some pretty steady right to left crosswinds this time.

I decided to go with one minute less than the Skyvector estimate.  Predicted arrival = 2 hours and 4 minutes.


That airliner is still parked on the grass.


Advancing throttle for takeoff.  Maybe taking off at dawn was not such a good idea.  Taking off right into the sun.


Climbing out on course, leaving Ceduna behind.



Flying into sun glare.



External view.



At least my course is not directly at the sun now.


One fourth of the way there.



Intersting hills below.



And more hills on my left.


Half way there.



Three fourths of the way there.



Another forested ridge below.



Almost there, only 5% to go.

Approaching the PAGNF navaid.  Once there will make the turn south to land on runway 15.



Runway in sight ahead.  2 minutes to go on the timer.



Final for runway 15.






Parked at Port Augusta.



Tower view of my aircraft.



At Port Augusta, another leg sucessfully completed.



It was less than a 2 hour walk into town for dinner and a well earned rest at the Augusta Courtyard Motel.


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8 hours ago, defaid said:

As far as being serious simmers is concerned, well, I may be wrong but I think most of us do it for entertainment rather than obsession. ... simmimg is not to be taken seriously: we found it to be much more fun with a (large) glass of wine. The four grey lines at Moorabbin might have been eight.

Defaid, all the evidence on this site indicates that you, and all the other idiots here, are obsessed! And really, you guys aren't taking it seriously? I love your seriousness, doing the 'as real as it gets' thing. I would too be obsessed if I was not semi-retired but fully retired. Let's clink glasses re the wine medicine.

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21 hours ago, jgf said:

Picking up from last time, ... at Ballina, next stop Coolangatta. follow the coast to YBCG, Coolangatta. Brisbane. Rockhanpton. Mackay. Townsville. Ayr. Down in the valley. Which lines you up perfectly [for Cairns].

Yep, I know this part of Australia well, as well as NSW and the ACT (Canberra). I work for a QLD government department, Geographic Information System (GIS) guy - spatial data, maps etc.. We have regional offices in all those places. Have driven the long drive Brisbane to Cairns to visit a mate at Mareeba (west of Cairns, up on the Atherton Tableland) and watch a total solar eclipse, a childhood dream come true. It's a lovely jaunt up the QLD coast. And yes, have also flown in commercials to Cairns, approach is exactly that, they shinnied west and dropped down into that valley for a straight-in. Of course, the rare times I get to fly on an airliner, I ALWAYS book a window seat and stare out ALL THE WAY, with a roadmap on my lap, plotting my progress. Love it!


Hey, this sim scenery is quite realistic, quite accurate in places. That's just how it looks from the air. Now jgf hot-tailed it to Cairns, for gagglers who enjoy the 'gentle art of slow travel', it's nice to be a tourist in all those towns. And don't forget the 'big things', manadatory to get a selfie pic standing in front of each: Coffs the Big Banana, Ballina the Big Prawn, a day excursion north of Brisbane - the Big Pineapple, another day excursion north of Townsville or south of Cairns, at Tully, one of the wettest places in Australia with over 4 metres (160 inches) per year, the Big Gumboot. Tully is in the Cassowary Coast region. The cassowary is an emu-like, elusive, flightless bird (by the way, it's pronounced 'e-me-u'/'e-mew' not 'e-moo'), I have caught a glimpse of a few when driving through the region. But don't go near them, they're notorious for being very aggressive about their territory, will attack and have sharp claws and been known to kill people (oh joy, yet another animal that will kill me).


(As one lilly-livered Pom tourist, a TV celebrity commented, when he asked about North QLD, he was advised re the wildlife (operative word 'wild': crocs, sharks, irukandji jellyfish, snakes, spiders etc.) "mate, just try not to get killed"! It sort of put him off a bit, dulled his enthusiasm, to go into the 'deep north' and explore the bush. So, you can't swim, something will try to kill you or eat you, you can't relax in the bush, something will try to sting or eat you. But hey, it's a nice place, just relax, have another beer and 'throw another shrimp ....' (oops, we aren't going there). Better perhaps to go try and hunt out another big thing for that all-important selfie.)

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6 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

Might I suggest the following:

Thanks Tom for all the good advice. Yes, swap to free-flight is the go. And I'll leave the 182 at Katanning, as my secret benefactor, who loaned me the plane, has told me 'Don't worry, we'll get you back to Perth, where you can get a commercial to Sydney, then Jetstar Sydney to Ballina. We'll arrange a ferry to get the 182 to Ballina, then you can rejoin the gaggle for two legs to Brisbane.'

So all is good, and yes, have learnt heaps. Bye from (like the movie 'Sleepless in Seattle') 'Frustrated in Katanning'.

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4 hours ago, ViperPilot2 said:

MAD1 ... would be great if you stuck it out with us.

Stay safe, everyone... especially those of you in CA. 

Thanks for your supportive comments VP2. No, I never intended to leave the forum, just change my status. I WILL free-fly at least the Ballina to Brisbane path.

I haven't had a chance to watch the news fully (our ABC national broadcaster, as well as our Special Broadcasting Service, SBS, ostensibly overseas content) have excellant overseas news, but what is happening in California, I presume that acronym CA means California?

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2 hours ago, MAD1 said:

Thanks for your supportive comments VP2. No, I never intended to leave the forum, just change my status. I WILL free-fly at least the Ballina to Brisbane path.

I haven't had a chance to watch the news fully (our ABC national broadcaster, as well as our Special Broadcasting Service, SBS, ostensibly overseas content) have excellant overseas news, but what is happening in California, I presume that acronym CA means California?


Massive rains on the Southern California coast over the last few days. Flooding, mudslides, things of that nature.

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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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6 hours ago, ScottishMike said:


Sweet ride!

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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7 hours ago, ScottishMike said:

"She who must be played with" drops her frisbee on my keyboard if she is ignored too long:


A familiar scene for any of us pet "parents."

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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Forrest to Ceduna. 
ETE : 1:37
ATA : 1:44  (ouch!) 

V+7. 😮


Forrest and ready to go..



40C. Hot!




Blasting out of Forrest, climbing to FL150. 
At cruise. The numbers off from the manual. Going to have to work on that. Nice ground speed though. 

Nearing TOD. 



Down we go. Ceduna in sight. Which way is the wind?  I need to save some time. I'm fast and the C210 is a slippery beast. 

Wrong way in the circuit. Way to fast.  Hey, just another normal approach for me.  😄



Overflew final. Wasting time! Speed coming back. Line up...land and taxi in. 7 mins late. Uughhh. 



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Port Augusta (YPAG) to Parafield (YPPF)


Engine started and ready to taxi.

For this leg I plan on a cruise speed of 115 kts at 4,000 ft.  Skyvector predicts 1 hour and 24 minutes for the 146 mile flight.  My Active Sky flightplan predicts 1 hour and 28 minutes.


There are some light headwinds this time.

I decided to go with half way in between.  Predicted arrival = 1 hour and 26 minutes.



Advancing throttle for takeoff.

It was a long taxi to the correct runway for takeoff based on wind direction.



Climbing out on course, leaving Port Augusta behind.

Took me longer than normal to get on course and properly underway.


Finally stable on course and at altitude.


Very green forests below.



One fourth of the way there.  Behind schedule so increasing throttle.



Flying over town of Port Pirie.



30 minutes so far.



Half way there.



60 percent of the way there.  No throttle adjustment needed.  Meeting timing estimate.



1 hour of flight completed.



80 percent of the way.  Holding throttle steady.



Cockpit view.


External view.

The destination is the further airport over the wing.
The closer airport is Edinburgh (YPED).  A RAAF military base.



Another view of the two airports over and under my right wing.



Only 10 percent of the flight left to go.



Flying over RAAF Edinburgh.



95 percent of the way there.

Descending to my added flight plan waypoint and then turning right to line up with the runway. 



Airport in sight ahead.  Aiming for 21R (just to the left of my canopy).



On final for 21R.



Worst landing of the Gaggle so far, finally came to a stop off the runway.

Matched my predicted time, but maybe I should take a +1 or -1 just for the horrible landing. 


Here is my approach and landing ground track.



Parked at Parafield.



Beside a Beechcraft King Air.


Made it to Parafield Airport.

It is a good thing that I did not stop at RAAF Edinburgh on the way here.  After a landing like this, they would never order any Chipmunks.



It was a short walk to the Mawson Lakes Hotel for the night.

After the day I've had, turning right and going to the Thirsty Camel for sure.  What is the rule about drinking then flying, is it 30 minutes after like swimming?  🙂


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Next leg. 
Ceduna - Port Augusta  (YCDU-YPGA)
ETE : 1:18
ATA : 1:19 

V+1. Much better!

On the ramp, Ceduna.  Gotta do better this one. 



Departing. She's had a tune up at Ceduna. Performing well now! Look at that climb rate. 


^ What a sweet bird. 

9500ft cruise. Getting a real TAS and fuel flow for an improved modded T210. 


Descent into Port Augusta


Too fast again. Wide circuit. One day I'll get it right. 




Approach and a VERY bouncy, log, flaring, bouncing up an down, long landing. Not a pretty sight! 





And made it. Welcome to Port Augusta. 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Melo965 said:

Port Augusta (YPAG) to Parafield (YPPF)





Worst landing of the Gaggle so far, finally came to a stop off the runway.

Matched my predicted time, but maybe I should take a +1 or -1 just for the horrible landing. 


Here is my approach and landing ground track.




Somehow making me feel better. 😛

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2 hours ago, ViperPilot2 said:

Massive rains on the Southern California coast over the last few days. Flooding, mudslides, things of that nature.


Normal California weather.  Throw in a forest fire and the ever present threat of earthquakes and you've got a wonderful locale.

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35 minutes ago, JSMR said:


Worst landing of the Gaggle so far, finally came to a stop off the runway.

Matched my predicted time, but maybe I should take a +1 or -1 just for the horrible landing. 

Any landing you walk away from...

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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23 hours ago, TomPenDragon said:

If you want to set a time for the Combined Route, however, it all has to be done in the same aircraft


Thanks Tom.


I'll stick with the Arrow for now and aim to time the whole lot.



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13 hours ago, Melo965 said:

Worst landing of the Gaggle so far, finally came to a stop off the runway.


... but a wonderful technique should you encounter the 'jgf experience @ Cairns' along the way.  🙂

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22 hours ago, ScottishMike said:

Only flying to Bankstown timed, then going free for some fun. I've gained my twin rating since the Route 66.

So have hired this to head up the coast to the heat.Sydney1.thumb.jpg.7ee286fb60c1812c6240f758dd854e45.jpg


Free flight means I can accomodate the RW more easily:

"She who must be played with" drops her frisbee on my keyboard if she is ignored too long:


Been there, had that happen!!  Wouldn't it be more boring without them! 


BTW:  RW I know several GA pilots whose dogs have been almost constant companions on their RW flights. 

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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