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3 minutes ago, tiger1962 said:

@Sweetd31 Well done, but you're posting this in the FS2024 discussion thread instead of the FSX thread.

Yeah, we were having a discussion about how to land IFR if you don't have a glideslope available. I was in pitch black dark, used to landing runway 35, expecting IFR vectors, but instead ATC gave me vectors for GPS to runway 4 with no glideslope, and with an IFR ribbon only pointing runway 22. They were just giving me advice that it is still possible and that pilots must learn how to deal with that scenario too. 


Plus I think OP is busy setting up their new rig! 

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4 hours ago, Sweetd31 said:

attack of three degrees

That would be 3 degrees Glideslope.


4 hours ago, Sweetd31 said:

watching angle of attack in case the above scenario of glideslope loss occurs

Fighters watch AOA for Airspeed.

I am guessing that what that pilot meant was, IF you are at the correct airspeed (AOA) and  power setting for a given rate of decent, then if the glideslope failed, maintianing the AOA would equal, same airspeed and same rate of decent, IF you do not add or reduce power.


For a stabilized approach (instrument or visual), you establish your approach speed in level flight, then just prior to reaching the GS you reduce power.

Airspeed stays the same and you descend.

If going below GS, add power.

If going above GS reduce power.

And do not change your nose attitude, this will maintain your airspeed.


Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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21 hours ago, Sweetd31 said:

In your case, I see turn heading 127 at 2400 feet, is procedure to just trust the DME and go around if you don't see threshold markings by your decision altitude to go around? I imagine this could be nerve racking in real life. (it was nerve racking in the sim, I got saturated and crashed)

Without the full ILS  you'll use MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude) instead of DA.


21 hours ago, Sweetd31 said:

So if I understand correctly, by the time I reach 150 kts I should be roughly 750 feet at an attack of three degrees,

When you are discussing angle of attack, be sure you don't leave out the word angle -- when I first read this I wondered if you meant descent angle of 3º (typical glide slope). A nice abbreviation that leaves no doubt, though is AOA (or AoA). And do note that not all aircraft have an AoA indicator, though it's great to use one when available.


Addendum: I'd missed seeing Phrog's latest post -- so glide slope is what the 3º was referring to.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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8 hours ago, lnuss said:

Without the full ILS  you'll use MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude) instead of DA.


When you are discussing angle of attack, be sure you don't leave out the word angle -- when I first read this I wondered if you meant descent angle of 3º (typical glide slope). A nice abbreviation that leaves no doubt, though is AOA (or AoA). And do note that not all aircraft have an AoA indicator, though it's great to use one when available.


Addendum: I'd missed seeing Phrog's latest post -- so glide slope is what the 3º was referring to.

Ty, good responses. I actually got recommended a video from pilot debrief where a pilot was expecting an ILS approach but the runway was closed and they diverted him to another runway gps. Sadly being pilot debrief it didn't end well as the pilot wasn't prepared for an alternate approach.  

In my own experience i was being vectored GPS which was a first for me, caught me off guard. The video was identical to my situation, except i was in a 30,000 pound jet

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