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23 hours ago, PhrogPhlyer said:

Club Chachapoya

Sounds like a dance you would do with your favorite lady friend, or nun.

What about Club Niner? This all came from a question about Niners so why not use that.


I would suggest as a base, somewhere warm, no snow in winter, no control tower/atc - we've shown we don't need it - a relaxed atmosphere, few bugs or nasty weather, perhaps a disused military base, USAF, USN, USMC, US Army, and continental US so we can all get there easily, but not close to a big town/city so that they end up building all over us.


I know of a disused modern airport in Europe, Ciudad Real Airport, but it's in Spain and has been abandoned for years. And doesn't show on FSX!


Any more suggestions?

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Should we open a new thread for this?


If it's our FBO, we're likely to be there quite frequently (at least departing) so the sim location ought to be interesting.


Snow in winter is a very distinct seasonal effect. it increases a location's variety, and so interest, without altering handling. (I'm not sure about MSFS though. Is surface condition & braking implemented?)


I also think that eliminating tower & approach because people don't use them is a bad idea. Not everybody doesn't use them: if they're not there then several simmers are automatically excluded. If you don't use them, you could just ignore them.


I'd suggest also a long runway. Big planes can't land on small runways but small planes can land on big runways. By ignoring ATC you can even land a Cub at Heathrow but a tiny runway will always exclude commercial jets.


Personally, I'd like somewhere with sea, varied landclass and mountains. Possibly for us retrogrades some photoscenery too like the BlueSky uploads though photoscenery does usually exclude autogen. A challenging approach would be a bonus.


USA is good for me: I can put the runaround in the back of the wagon whenever I need to drop by.


Anywhere PNW?


In no particular order, my list of attributes would include stuff that adds interest:

          geographical variety
          seasonal variety
          ai traffic
          adequate runway
          airport scenery objects (buildings etc)
          private apron (no ai parking spots)
          fbo building


If we are only pirates and all we want is to hide, then what's in the screenie would be adequate. There's even a tree to stand up against.




I'll just chuck this image in too because it's amused me for many years. It describes my employer to a tee and, if I'd thought about it, I'd have posted it a couple of days ago.





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2 hours ago, Sirrus said:

And South America???? Ugh, drugs cartels, corrupt governments, the odd revolution or two, dictators by the ton, snakes, mosquitoes: no, please no. 


You do realize that there is a Latino in this group, do you not?  Would you look me in the face and say that?  We can talk all day about whose fault the cartels, governments, revolutions and dictators are - with specifics and facts, not stereotypes.  As far as the snakes and mosquitoes go, Aeropuerto Chachapoyas sits at 8,333'.  My butt's currently sitting at 8,680', and when I looked up SPPY I thought, "Just like home".  That is well above the service ceiling for most mosquitoes.  At that altitude, even at 6°S, the climate tends to be mild and the day/night temperature range wide, which is not very conducive to snakes, either.  I dare say that someplace warm and without snow will have a far greater mosquito and snake problem than would Chachapoyas.

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For a home field  we could consider someplace politically neutral, such as Geneva LSGG?

Looks great in all variations of flight sims (airport and surrounding area). 



As for the group's name, although I agree this started as with FS9 events, it has expanded to include many other sims. LSGG - Loco Simmers Gaggle Group? JK


Sim Adventurers, or Aerial Grand Turismo, or anything that speaks to the larger scope of members.


Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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16 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

Aeropuerto Chachapoyas sits at 8,333'.  My butt's currently sitting at 8,680', and when I looked up SPPY I thought, "Just like home".

I liked the geographic bowl that is at one end, then it opens up to the surrounding view.

And being undeveloped, it offers much opportunity for scenery.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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5 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

For a kids' cartoon, it had some really clever writing.

Definitely a product of the cold war.

Loved it as a kid, understand more of it now, have the complete series on DVD.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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5 hours ago, defaid said:


No. NO! NO!


After fourteen years, there's no way any one of you is ever going to drag me back to South A-bleedin-merica.




I meant that. My interest lies more in the challenges than the roleplay so if you want a South American base, go for it. For the challenges, I will meet up with you starting from somewhere else. My RtW:



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14 minutes ago, PhrogPhlyer said:

As for the group's name, although I agree this started as with FS9 events, it has expanded to include many other sims. LSGG - Loco Simmers Gaggle Group? JK


If we don't go for Chachapoya, I like a suggestion from several pages back: The Astral Dome FBO.  When I first read it, it seemed like a great science fiction concept: A chain of pan-universe FBOs where select flyers from parallel universes meet and swap stories.  It explains how, for instance, an FS9'er can step out of the FBO onto a ramp populated with buildings, and an FSX'er can step out of the same FBO and see a  barren piece of tarmac.  As a literary device, it's a metaphor for how each of us essentially lives in our own universe, yet we somehow find ways to interact.


If we do go for Chachapoya, we might want to brand it a little more attractively - something like, "Chachapoya - The Cloud Warriors". 

(The Cloud Warriors - Doing Battle With Instrument Procedures)

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57 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

You do realize that there is a Latino in this group


You got me thinking, which is sometimes a terrible thing, but...

We are an eclectic group of sim enthusiasts.

At times, I do feel that some of our misunderstandings come from how each if us "reads" what another "wrote."

It is so difficult to add inflection and intent to the typed words.

I have fallen trap to this and taken offence, where none was intended,

Humor or sarcasm can appear the same when typed.

Thanks for reminding me that we are a worldwide group who all share a love for flight simming.

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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26 minutes ago, defaid said:

I meant that. My interest lies more in the challenges than the roleplay so if you want a South American base, go for it. For the challenges, I will meet up with you starting from somewhere else. My RtW:


That's one impressive trip!


As much as I'd like to see us based in my backyard, teach y'all wrong Spanish, and LMAO at the results (if you ever visit me IRL, watch out for this and keep a translator app open), I think we should be based in either Europe or the U.S.A.  I suggested Tempelhof because it's reasonably large, out of use, and has that big semicircular building as a clubhouse, but I don't know if it's available for MSFS.  Geneva sounds really intriguing, and should be in all sims.  If Basil doesn't mind the new neighbors...

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“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”


Language is a poor form of communication, but it is all we have, so semantics are important, especially online.  Avoid slang, idioms, and dialect, even contractions,  when possible;  it is usually gibberish to someone for whom that is not their native tongue.  When you learn a language you learn the proper, formal, version, not the sloppy version used by natives.


And for those trying to understand us ... speak up if you do not.  In an online game a friend from Brazil frequently reminds people, "please do not use slang, I do not understand it".

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Is it my turn to have misunderstood something?


I thought we were discussing a real (for a given FS value of real) location for a base, and not just an imaginary location as a literary device.


I feel a bit gaslit now (you may have to google that one) because I haven't taken offence at anything posted in the entire forum, and that has me wondering how offensive I may have been.


Racism, sexism and elitism are the favourites but generally I see humour in such posts. Living on the western border of England, a thick skin and broad sense of humour are essential equipment.


I'll say it, because I doubt he will. I don't believe there was any malice in Sirrus' objection to South America and I doubt you'd find him like that in real life. Not even deep down. It struck me as being exactly like the English speak of the Welsh and the Welsh speak of the English.


Consider though how many people from either country have moved to live in the other.


Hell, even Jim Skorna has yet to offend me. If you read this, Jim, just pick up that gauntlet for me would you mate?


So, if it is a literary device, let's have it wherever. If it's a real FS location, please some other continent.



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4 minutes ago, jgf said:

Language is a poor form of communication, but it is all we have, so semantics are important, especially online.  Avoid slang, idioms, and dialect, even contractions,  when possible;  it is usually gibberish to someone for whom that is not their native tongue.  When you learn a language you learn the proper, formal, version, not the sloppy version used by natives.


And for those trying to understand us ... speak up if you do not.  In an online game a friend from Brazil frequently reminds people, "please do not use slang, I do not understand it".


Guilty as charged. I'll I will try to be better at this in my posts.  Thus, my posts will be gibberish as usual, but without the contractions, slang, idioms, and dialect.  As far as my stories go, they (I) rely heavily on dialog, and all of those things are my pan de cada día (daily bread).  I apologize in advance to anyone who might be confused or offended by anything I might say or how I say it.  Call me out here or PM me if you would like an explanation or to discuss it.  This has already happened regarding my use of vocabulary; I have done my best to ameliorate that (Amelia hit me over the head with that club that has been floating around for the last couple of pages).🥸


As an aside, one does not always learn the proper, formal version of a language - I learned Spanish from taxi drivers (I was not allowed to learn it or speak it at home).  Whenever I include Spanish in my stories, I have to check it with my wife to make sure it is correct and not offensive.

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Some lively interaction here overnight! I believe some Clarification is needed here...


When I came up with "Club Chachapoya", the only reason was because of its meaning ("The Cloud Warriors"), and I liked the way it rolled off the Tongue. That's it. I did not intend in any way try to insinuate anything about being based in South America, starting any Flights from there, or anything of the Kind. Same thing with "The Astral Dome FBO"; no fanciful, other worldly connotation. It was REAL Equipment on planes like the B-17, the Boeing 314, and the C-47. Plus, its Use was for something all of do every day when we Sim... Navigation.


I thought initially about calling the Club something referencing FS9, but that might have been a death blow; since we have folks using FSX, XP, 2020 and Nine it didn't make sense to focus on Nine. Plus, don't forget that to the FS Community at large, Niners are the kids that don't get picked to play.


As some have said, we're an eclectic Group. Sounds to me like we come from everywhere. So, why not make the FBO wherever you're from? We don't need to have a Central Base to fly out of. Besides, where are we going to find a cross platform Scenery Designer? I can't even find someone to do a simple Exclude and move in Default FS9 without going through a world of grief and guff, ending with the words " figure it out for yourself".


Last point... we all need to be keenly, doubly, triplely, and quadrupulely careful about what we say and write in this Forum, and the Club (if one is created). You all know what I mean. Inflection, Tone and Context means everything, and there are many times when someone might say something that rubs somebody the wrong way, even though that wasn't the intention. I did it last night; I made a Comment about Nuns totally in jest that the OP might have found not to his liking, so I added Smiles and a 'j/k' (just kidding). Didn't mean to offend, and I hope the OP realizes that.


I'm an unabashed Cinephile and user of other people's Words and phrases. That's why you'll see me drop lines from Film, Books, TV shows and the like. And yes, I'll drop Trek bombs like Third Period Trigonometry 221.


This isn't X, BraggartBook, TokTukTick, or whatever... it's not a Venue to settle scores, bust someone's pelótas, or sit in the shadows cracking wise and making snide comments. I ain't gonna stand for it, and if I catch anyone doing it they're gonna get torn a new one. I WILL NOT tolerate boorish, demeaning behavior towards anyone here or any type of bullying




You got beefs with someone? Settle it via PM. If you're salty that day... take a break. Don't bring it in here.


C'mon, folks... there's too much anger in this World already.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Unconnected with the last several posts, so don't feel guilty, I've pretty much stated what I intend to do for the AuAOPA and this seems like a good point at which to devote the (fewer 🙂 ) free hours I'll have in the next couple of weeks to repaints, installing & tweaking utilities, familiarising with flight-planning sites, test flights, ferry flights, hunting for new southern Australian scenery, developing skeletal pilot reports, developing skeletal pilot skills, building up the Carribbean for the next stage of the RtW...


I'm spending far too much time online.


I'll be there in Perth -- God! Perth must be lovely at this time of year (darkest day in Wales today, a heavily overcast solstice) -- in a 1976-compatible single prop, ready for the timed event whatever form it takes.


After that, if @Airbasil_1's still up for it, I'll be looking at the east coast route.


Merry Christmas, folks.



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If we want a single FBO for the club (and I don't mind if we don't) how about Hewanorra in St. Lucia (TLPL). An 8900' Rwy at 14' elevation, Caribbean climate, ample general aviation parking. No ILS but does have a VOR and NDB.

Easily reachable from the Americas not TOO far from Europe. Good scenery (in fs9, not sure about other sims.). I would like to keep the Chachapoyas name, as VP2 says, it rolls off the tongue.





Ample general aviation parking:





Hewanorra TLPL on Saint Lucia in the eastern Caribbean


made using SceneryGenX by Roger Wensley for FS9


St Lucia island is to the north of the Grenadines, between Martinique to the north and Saint Vincent to the south, Saint Vincent being the main island of the Grenadines. St Lucia is nearly 30 miles long and has a population of 175,000, with two airports. Hewanorra International is at the southern end of the island, the end furthest from the capital, Castries. The reason for this is that at the southern end it was possible to build a runway almost 9,000 feet long, while the airport in the north (Vigie) could not be extended further to accomodate the largest jets.

The airport was originally a USAAF base, converted to commercial use. There is a new terminal which has since also been extended, a new control tower, and an extended apron so that 747's etc can be accommodated. There are regular international flights by Virgin, BA, Air Canada, Air France, etc and local connecting flights by LIAT; local flights specifically to St Lucia use the northern airport, Vigie. There is AI for these major international airlines and for LIAT. The towns around the airport (Vieux Fort etc) are included here: the scenery is based on the "Lesser Antilles Mesh" which is required and can be downloaded from flightsim for free.

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