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I guess I should report this, but when I was up at Caiguna, this chap turns up.


Federal Police, he says, and asks me for some ID. He gets my passport, drivers licence(due for renewal mid Jan 2024) and my rental agreement.  He Hmms and hands me my stuff back. "This yours" he says waving a thumb at the wreck. I tell him no and that it was here when I got here. He Hmms again, and gets back into the 4x4 and drives up to the John Eyre Motel to ask more questions up there. I get back into the F150 and head East.

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1 hour ago, Melo965 said:

They use the DDS file format, which is a total pain to work with as it needs to be converted twice before it can be edited, and when I' convert them back the results are rubbish. 😪

Melo, you will need MWGraphics DXTBmp that will convert DDS files into bmp files. Then, when you've finished with them, you reconvert them back to DDS files with the same DXTBmp program.  As a start, just practice converting from DDS to BMP, save it, and then reconvert to DDS and see what happens.


Good luck.

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50 minutes ago, Sirrus said:

He Hmms again

Always scary when all you get is a Hmmm.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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3 hours ago, Bossspecops said:

Apropos of nothing at all to do with flight rallies, does anyone know of a step-by-step tutorial for doing FSX repaints please?


They use the DDS file format, which is a total pain to work with as it needs to be converted twice before it can be edited, and when I' convert them back the results are rubbish. 😪


DDS is a lossy format much like jpg;  never ever edit DDS files, each save will degrade the image.  Do all your work in bmp or, if working in PSP or Photoshop, use pspimage or psd (multilayer formats which make editing much easier).  Converting to DDS should be the very last stage;  and if the results are not satisfactory dump those DDS files, edit the master files, and try again.  Also double check the parameters for the DDS save (check a default livery for that aircraft to see what was used), and different DDS formats are often used for different parts of an aircraft, usually depending on how alpha channels are used.

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55 minutes ago, Sirrus said:

you will need MWGraphics DXTBmp that will convert DDS files into bmp files. Then, when you've finished with them, you reconvert them back to DDS files with the same DXTBmp program.


Thanks for the good advice.  I will have to give that a try in January. 🙂


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Taking a stab at Airbasil_1's challenge to fly to Toronto City Center (CYTZ).  Hope this turns out better than my previous airliner flight in a DC-9. 🙂


My home airport in flight simulator is Bremerton National Airport on the Olympic penninsula in Washington state.  I decided to try flying a 727-200 aircraft.  Found a good one for FSX from Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS).  It does not have a VC but the 2D cocpit and associated panels are good.  I did swap out the original JT8D-9 engine for the JT8D-217 engine though.  That is because the Bremerton airport runway is only 6,000 ft long.  I figured the more engine power the better for this flight.  Living here in Washington, also found an Alaska Airlines repaint for the 727-200.  Seattle is one of Alaska's hubs after all.


Leg 1 of 2 as it turned out. Bremerton National (KPWT) to Duluth International Airport in Minnesota (KDLH)


Decided to take off in the early morning for this cross country flight.  Same setup as I usually use - FSX Acceleration, Active Sky 2016 for weather, and Little NavMap for navigation.  


The weather for the start of this flight would be a VFR challenge, but flying IFR this time so should not be a concern.


this 727-200 is really too big for the biggest parking spot at the airport.


After a standard pushback from the tug my aircraft was pushed back part way on to the grass.  But at least now reasonably lined up to head to the active runway.


Holding short at Runway 20.  (The scenery package is a bit old so it still reports it as Runway 19.)


Stomping on the brakes with lowered flaps, and increasing throttle to full power for this relatively short runway for a 727-200.  Full fuel for this trip, but only a few brave souls in First Class and a cargo hold with salmon, other seafood, and sweet cherries for export to Canada.  Keeping the weight low for a shorter takeoff roll.



Up Up and Away.  I did not need to worry after all!  And yes, I did clear those trees ahead.


Climbing out through 10,000 ft.  Mount Rainier in the background.


Half way across Washington state.  Cruising at 35,000 ft.


Flying over Montana.  Finally left the clouds below behind.


Cruising over North Dakota.  Checked my fuel state and realized that I would need to stop somewhere to refuel.  Checking the charts and looking ahead to Minnesota for a suitable landing spot.


Some of my First Class passengers are regretting boarding this flight right about now because of my unconventional approach to Runway 9 at Duluth International Airport.  Runway in sight ahead.


More trees in the way!  Why are they always taller on the runway heading.


Down safely on runway 9.  Full flaps, slats and brakes.  About to lower the nose wheel.


On the ground at Duluth International Airport.  Calling for a fuel truck to top off my tanks.  Have 566 gallons on board now, so 7% of a full fuel load.  Started the flight with 8090 gallons of fuel.


View from the tower.  They are not used to seeing such a large aircraft here.


So one more flight to get to Toronto City Center (CYTZ).  More than half way there so I will have no more fuel issues.  Already covered 1239 miles, only 573 miles to go.


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My KMSP>CYUL>CYTZ report is attached, and after completing my little trip feel the destination fly-in concept has real merit.  Thinking about the variety of challenges, routes and machines that could take us from our home base(s) to the destination could spark some interesting story lines.


It would require a bit more kicking around the hanger, but I would suggest we keep the idea in the hopper, let alone move it up to the back burner.  Thanks again Airbasil_1 ...



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Thanks for all the assists on the repainting, I already had DXTBMP but didn't know that it handled DDS files as well, how stupid can you get? 🫤


I'd already done some of my planned repaint in .bmp format, but trying to convert it to DDS by using a couple of dubious programmes was wrecking it, but DXTBMP worked a treat, thanks so much.


Melo, I'm trying to do a CMC Leopard in my old Albion scheme, using that superb new Leopard, and now it's coming on a treat. The Albion tail will be a bit of a pain I'm sure, but I've done it more than once before, both for FS and for plastic models. 🙂  I just have to do it upside down and backwards for a DDS file!



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2 minutes ago, Bossspecops said:

Melo, I'm trying to do a CMC Leopard in my old Albion scheme, using that superb new Leopard, and now it's coming on a treat. The Albion tail will be a bit of a pain I'm sure, but I've done it more than once before, both for FS and for plastic models. 🙂  I just have to do it upside down and backwards for a DDS file!




Kit, that looks fantastic so far.  Can't wait to add your Albion paint job to the Leopard in my hangar. 🙂


I did look for some Australian RAAF liveries for the Chipmunk I plan to fly in Australia, but came up empty.  No worries, the bright yellow Canadian scheme will stand out well so everyone can see me coming!  🙂


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2 hours ago, jgf said:

Also double check the parameters for the DDS save (check a default livery for that aircraft to see what was used), and different DDS formats are often used for different parts of an aircraft, usually depending on how alpha channels are used.

The exact format is often not clear, as what DXTbmp shows for the original format may not be the exact wording of the save-as options. This is why I stated that several save attempts may be needed (pic a format, if not, try again).

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

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Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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Humming to self... "I come from the land down under..."

Test run of the proposed southern route, much quieter, smoother, faster, and way cooler than in the Dragonfly.


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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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3 hours ago, PhrogPhlyer said:

Humming to self... "I come from the land down under..."

Test run of the proposed southern route, much quieter, smoother, faster, and way cooler than in the Dragonfly.



Thanks for the drum, cobber! 'Ave a relaxin' arvo, throw back a stubby or a gob of Cab Sav, plop some Prawns on the Barbie and veg out! 🤪


I looked over the AU Freeware Airports that were from the File Library, and all of them had items enclosed that I was unfamiliar with, so I opted not to put them in my Sim.


I'm just gonna stick with Default FS9 Scenery; it should be fine. Still deciding on which Airplane to fly... once the Format is decided on it'll be easier to finalize.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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I attempted the Toronto City run (Columbus-Chicago-Montreal-Toronto) in the Citation X.  Am slowly learning this plane, put over 5000 miles on it this week (more than it's had in the past fifteen years), still seeking a tutorial on using the FMS (it will display plans created in the default FS flight planner, but I've no idea how to plan with it alone, nor do I understand half the data it gives me).     


Departure from KORD



New panel is an improvement (stitched together from three photos and the default panel, which was only 1228x768);  95% default gauges, replaced the AP and added a fuel status gauge, timer (the one in the MFD is a pain to use), and TOC/BOD gauge.  (And tweaked the steering so I don't weave around the taxiways like a drunken sailor.)




Uneventful flight except for the ILS never lining up with the runways, had to shut off the AP and land manually at each stop.  Worst was at CYTZ, gauges said I was lined up perfectly but my eyes disagreed, FSNAV said I was right;  on a parallel course about a half mile south.  Go around?  I'm eight miles out at 2600ft and it's dinner time ...a bit of last minute maneuvering, when finally in position was a bit fast, touched down about a third of the way down the runway at 125kt, nose up, full flaps, zero throttle, speed brakes on, and a request to the passengers to emulate Fred Flintstone and slam their feet through the floor.  But stopped with some wiggle room.




I think this is default scenery, not up to the standards of other screenshots.  But the first time I've flown to Toronto.



A fun flight, and a learning experience.  Should try it again.

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1 hour ago, ViperPilot2 said:

all of them had items enclosed that I was unfamiliar with


What items?


1 hour ago, ViperPilot2 said:

I'm just gonna stick with Default FS9 Scenery; it should be fine. Still deciding on which Airplane to fly... once the Format is decided on it'll be easier to finalize.


I'm also awaiting the final route and what airports will be used;  hoping someone will gather everything necessary into a single download for us.  Given the spotty availability of the required airports I say use what is easily obtained and adjust the route for those, capture the "flavor" of the event if not the exact route.

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10 hours ago, jgf said:

This may help confuse the issue (also check articles for painting in some race sims, such as GTR2, they also use DDS)






That's very helpful, thanks so much.


So far DXTBMP is working a treat on my Leopard project, so fingers crossed. 👍



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8 hours ago, PhrogPhlyer said:

Humming to self... "I come from the land down under..."

Test run of the proposed southern route, much quieter, smoother, faster, and way cooler than in the Dragonfly.



I'll have that track buzzing through head ALL day now! 'Men at work' indeed! 🙂


I have a soft spot for the Vampire as a T11 was the first jet I ever flew in, with 23 Sqdn at West Malling some time in the late 50s. They had two T11s as squadron hacks while they flew Venom NF10s operationally. There wasn't a lot of room in that side-by-side cockpit for me and the pilot! 



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12 hours ago, Melo965 said:


Kit, that looks fantastic so far.  Can't wait to add your Albion paint job to the Leopard in my hangar. 🙂


I did look for some Australian RAAF liveries for the Chipmunk I plan to fly in Australia, but came up empty.  No worries, the bright yellow Canadian scheme will stand out well so everyone can see me coming!  🙂



As soon as G-KITS is done the texture files will be on their way to you Melo. 


I'm sure an RAAF repaint would be just a matter of moments for an FS Chipmunk. 🙂



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2 hours ago, Bossspecops said:

I have a soft spot for the Vampire as a T11 was the first jet I ever flew in, with 23 Sqdn at West Malling

 Even as a Yank, I loved the Vampire, Hunter, and Swift,

I've been flying Rob Richardson's DeHavilland Vampire, along with the Submarine Swift by A.F.Scrub.

Need to as the Hunter to my hangar.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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Re: Repainting, you might want to check out ChaSYS Draw, over at download.com.  As a 9'er, I don't use .DDS textures (I generally avoid things with DDS in their names), but I noticed that ChaSYS now handles them.  Due to the lossiness of the .DDS format, you might still want to use DXTBMP to convert them to .BMP's before editing.  It's donationware, but it's not obnoxious about it.

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