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Phone and tablet gauge app

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Hello everybody.


Today I came up with an idea, when i was playing prepar3d.


You know that monent, when you are landing or something, that you want to see your speed, but in order to see your speed, you have to look down, and now you can't see the runway you are heading for very good.


Well, i just came up with something.


An app on your phone or tablet, that can connect with your flightsim. It shows you the gauges. It displays your airspeed, altitude, horizon, master caution and fire alarm, your autopilot settings ect. And on the tablet it also shows your GPS and engine info. It's bassicly an Primary Flight Display, with extra's.


here is an main picture of the idea.


pfd concept resized.jpg


I also have designs for the tablet and phone.


Could you guys please download these pics and open them with your device and tell me what you find good and what not. and if you miss things you would like to see in an actual app?


Also tell me if you would like to see an interactive version or an non-interactive version please.


Phone design interactive


pfd concept phone (side) INTERACTIVE resized.jpg


pfd concept phone INTERACTIVE resized.png


Phone design non-interactive


pfd concept phone (side) NON INTERACTIVE resized.jpg


pfd concept phone NON INTERACTIVE resized.jpg


tablet design interactive


pfd concept tablet INTERACTIVE resized.jpg


tablet design non-interactive


pfd concept tablet NON INTERACTIVE resized.jpg


Thank you guys for helping me out.


And please, ask me if you want to use these pictures somewhere else. I plan to make this a free app, but i do put a lot of time and afford in it. So don't use these concepts and designs without my permission.

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Welcome to the FSX forum! Looks like you put a lot of work and effort into this project! Well Done;)


I gotta ask, though, Would the pilot that's using this app on an Iphone or IPAD have to hold it in one hand, have the yoke or stick in another and adjust the throttles for landing with his foot and still take his eyes off of the runway to view the screen?:confused:

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thank you :) And good one.. didnt think about that. i think that would be the only thing a user has to find a solution to him or herself. For ex-sample, i can place my phone against my monitor, or against my wall, or against my computer. But you could also buy an phone or tablet case that you also can use as standard. like this https://www.google.nl/search?q=samsung+tab+cover&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=gtMiVdCJG4X0ULPWgMAG&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=3xT5FxT4rUmesM%253A%3BYLChLys5R86saM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn.cultofmac.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F07%252Fsamsung-smart-case-for-galaxy-tab-image-002-e1311015470558.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.cultofmac.com%252F104985%252Fsamsung-certifies-the-most-shameless-smart-cover-rip-off-youll-ever-see%252F%3B640%3B298


Or a mini tripod http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CXGF84M


Or make something out of tin foil. i don't know :P creativity is needed :) haha


But what do you think of the layout? Do you miss stuff, or do you see stuff that you don't need in the screen?

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Nice idea. Just a small thing. The word "Gear" is both singular and plural in English, like the word "Sheep". No need for the 'S' on the end.

Will be interesting to see finished project. Personally I would go for non interactive so the user keeps his hands on the flight controls.





Sent from my tablet thingy!

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To give you even more to think about...what you are describing for your APP pretty much has been done a while ago and it's referred to as a HUD (Heads Up Display). Using this type of display will give you all of the info without the pilot having to take his eye(s) (For some of the guy's out there) away from the windscreen and the runway. Keep at it, you are having some good ideas! :D



Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Yes, i plan to make it work with all systems. And yes, you can place your tablet or phone wherever you want. All you got to do is connect to your simulator, and your plane syncs with the app and shows you your actual instruments.


But what do you prefer? Interactive or non-interactive?

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...without the pilot having to take his eye(s) (For some of the guy's out there)...

Well, thank you for remembering! Us cyclops appreciate it!


For those of you who don't know, I do have only one eye due to a fatal (for the horse!) interaction between a wild horse and me on a motorcycle at 60 MPH. He died at the scene, and I lost my left eye due to my helmeted head's impact with the pavement as I skidded along the highway sans motorcycle after the horse reared and scraped me off the back. Thank goodness the Police make great front fairings!


Safe flights and drives to you all!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hi :)


Given a choice, I would personally prefer interactive. Other than that, it looks great to me, no pun intended. The whole mounting thing is a minor problem. Thee are all kinds of tablet and cell mounts, and making one out of aluminum is a good idea.

I do feel, after flying a lot in military birds that a HUD is the best possible choice, but this App is great idea.

A thought just hit, and it hurt too! What about an alternative to the MFD/PFD type disply, like a HUD style display. No, no invisible or projected on infinity, but a display with the kind of data a HUD contains, such as a pitch ladder, airspeed and altitude displays, Vertical Velocity, an AOA display, and a velocity vector. During the very dark nights or white-out type IFR such a thing to fly by is great. Enough data to fly the plane, not so much that there is data overload. Maybe be able to switch between you PFD/MFD displays and a HUD type with a touch point on the screen, or a swipe, or something...

Those are my thoughts, anyway, and it hurt. My thoughts are few and far between :)



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Looks nice. I especially like the artificial horizon with the little rectangle in the cirkle, makes pitch very clear.


Some thing that I think could be added (in the horizontal situation indicator):

Nav2 -- VOR acronym, frequency, and distance.

Nav1 -- RWY acronym, frequency and distance.

A course (CRS) knob.

A Full/Exp knob to switch from this HSI view to a 360 degree view.


Maybe it would get a bit cluttered, but I think those items are essential when flying an approach.


good luck with it, enjoy!


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I like the concept. And yes, even using HUDS, I still would like gauges or whatever that don't change or disappear as I move around doing things, looking out windows, etc.. I'd certainly be interested in seeing how that works with my Nook. I've played with it myself a little but am not been very pleased with the result.


Questions: "Connect to your simulator" What connection method are you planning?


"Interactive or non-interactive?" Please define your question. I would want to set-up my display so I have a basic readout no matter what I'm doing. (Like looking at dashboard gauges in a plane.) However I already have lots of control input devices. So I don't need live input from the Nook. Is that what you call a non-interactive setup? If so, that's all I need.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I put in the above link to show you that their are numerous apps on the market already. It is always good to be aware of what other app makers are doing when designing your product. The apps linked above only work with apple products. I do see a lack of these kinds of panels for the Android systems though so maybe you could concentrate your efforts on that OS. :)
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