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Falkirk Wheel


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Seeing Bob's Scottish canal flight reminded me of a great boat ride we took through the Falkirk Wheel two years ago. So I decided to hitch a ride over to Scotland and make some money flying tourists on photo shoot trips in a friend's Maule. If I'm successful I may soon be able to buy the fuel to get the King Air Jan loaned me home again.


Two canals, one running East to West and one North to South in Scotland came close together. But you couldn't go by boat from one to the other because of a 75' or so altitude difference.


So they built a "Wheel" where you floated your boat into a cassion full of water, then the wheel rotated counterclockwise to the next canal level. There are two cassions on the wheel, each full of water. So since water displaces and equalizes, whether one or both cassions is carrying a boat, the weight of each is still equal. They claim it rotates 180* in under five minutes and the motor uses less the same amount of energy per rotation as what it takes to heat eight (8) kettles of tea!!


1 Wheel resized very much smaller to fit the limits.jpg


2 Wheel.jpg


3 Upper canal section.jpg


4 Upper section 2.jpg

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Very nice set of pics! :pilot:

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Wonderful pics . . . . I recently watched a tv program of that amazing machine.


Yes it is!! Molly and I both loved that trip. We also took a narrowboat across the Ponteysyllte Aqueduct built by Thomas Telford in the 1,800s. In it's day, that was every bit as fantastic an achievement! I did a screenshot series on that a few years back.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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That is quite an elaborate canal system, excellent shots of it.


It is! They have a huge. still operating canal system all over the country in the UK including in and through London, York, Chester, etc.


I only wish I'd gotten interested in it years ago when we could have explored more of it by canal boat!! We've done a little narrowboating but frankly at our age we're now limited to passenger trips like through the Aquaduct and over the Wheel.


What's that they say "Too soon old and too late smart!" :o:o

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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