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How far are they planning on taking the realism in FS 2020?

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Will there be notice to airman reports the player will have to account for? What about runway analysis? You really don't have a real flight plan without it. The way I see it, if they are going to call this a 'simulator', then they might as well go full tilt and make it a true simulator and stop half doing it.
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I've even heard it will make your chair, or what ever you use to sit on while flying, move, shake and even make you fall out of it when you go upside down if you're not belted onto it. And if you happen to have a hard landing, it will injure you. And, in the event of a crash, well, hope your life insurance will be up to date!!! :)
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I'm going to wait and see what all the guinea pigs report in on and make a decision whether A) I should then update to Windows 10 and B) Get the Sim. If the Sim turns out to be crap I won't be buying it and I'll hold off on 10 for at least another 10 years.


Now don't even get me started on the "have to have updates" crap. I don't want to hear it. It's a fallacy. I have but four, never been hacked, no malware, nothing. And I run a netbook that runs XP SP3 that's on 24/7 as a kitchen kiosk. Also, one of the biggest search engine hits I get on my forum is, "why is Windows 10 a piece of s&*^." Pretty crazy. I get more hits on that one search term from all around the world.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Now don't even get me started on the "have to have updates" crap. I don't want to hear it. It's a fallacy.


Yep, totally agree and you are totally correct. Security updates being required are beaten into people by MS. It’s worked for MS for years. Now they all run to Win 10 because they think they MUST have a secure system.


If you live in the modern world, not off the land in an isolated area where there is no other mankind, buy stuff, use a phone, go out in public, you got MUCH, MUCH bigger potential security issues than your little old PC will give you.

Mark Daniels
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Yep, totally agree and you are totally correct. Security updates being required are beaten into people by MS. It’s worked for MS for years. Now they all run to Win 10 because they think they MUST have a secure system.


If you live in the modern world, not off the land in an isolated area where there is no other mankind, buy stuff, use a phone, go out in public, you got MUCH, MUCH bigger potential security issues than your little old PC will give you.


I can't argue with your concept. Having said that, I like being able to access all my ram, 64 bit processing, etc. And you can't go there in the Microsoft world without using 10.


I'm not thrilled about the ads!! Nor do I like all the stupid "updates either." But it seems to be the price we have to pay unless we choose to stay in the distant past of Microsoft computing.;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Will there be notice to airman reports the player will have to account for? What about runway analysis? You really don't have a real flight plan without it. The way I see it, if they are going to call this a 'simulator', then they might as well go full tilt and make it a true simulator and stop half doing it.


Hey RW pilots have to go out and get Metars, NTAS, VFR and IFR supplements, etc. I use the AOPA site and others for that info and have done so for years.


If you choose to truly "sim," that's what I suggest you do. You don't need to wait for FS 2020, P3D, or anyone else to do it for you.


IMHO There are probably a ton of people out there with no desire to pay for all that immersion. Including it in the price would really drive up the price and limit the market.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I like being able to access all my ram, 64 bit processing, etc.


Ahhh, what? You could use more than 4 GB of RAM way back in XP 64. I had it. I now use Windows 7 Ultimate 64 and have 16 GB of RAM. 10 not needed.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Ahhh, what? You could use more than 4 GB of RAM way back in XP 64. I had it. I now use Windows 7 Ultimate 64 and have 16 GB of RAM. 10 not needed.


I assume you realize there is a difference in accessing 16GB and 64GB of RAM. And working with 8 cores at once helps as well.


Years ago I thought 128K of ram in my Apple II E computer and a 7 segment dot matrix printer was all I'd ever need. I've moved along since then.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I assume you realize there is a difference in accessing 16GB and 64GB of RAM. And working with 8 cores at once helps as well.


Windows XP x64 supported up to 128GB of RAM and 64 CPU cores. So as noted above, you don’t need Windows 10 to use multiple cores or large amounts of RAM. Although Windows 10 does manage both better than XP did.

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Although Windows 10 does manage both better than XP did.


Yeah, I have read that XP 64 was like a quasi 64 bit OS. When Vista hit the scene that was true 64 bit capable. But XP 64 none the less allowed the addressing of more than 4 GB of RAM. I know because I had 8 GB at the time.


I now use Win 7 64 and have 16 GB and no ten needed.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Yeah, I have read that XP 64 was like a quasi 64 bit OS.


There was nothing quasi 64 bit about it, it was a proper 64 bit OS. However, it was basically Windows Server 2003 with the desktop enabled and was never really pushed by Microsoft. It was essentially a proof of concept. This lead to it having limited support for consumer level hardware and applications (many would think you were trying to install on Windows Server and refuse to install, for example).


My point about Windows 10 is that each version of Windows improved how the OS managed CPU cores and memory. Vista was better than XP, 7 was a little better than Vista, and 10 is better than any of the previous ones in this regard.

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