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Why did i fail and what would be considered great on this landing?


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Never seen this screen before? It looks like all areas with the exception of the last, you did Perfect to Great! Wherever you found this, do they have tips for any constructive feedback on how to improve that one item? What kind of landing, manual, ILS, Localizer only? Aircraft? Sorry that I ask so many questions, I'm just interested in what you could have done better on that last item!


Rick :cool:

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Never seen this screen before? It looks like all areas with the exception of the last, you did Perfect to Great! Wherever you found this, do they have tips for any constructive feedback on how to improve that one item? What kind of landing, manual, ILS, Localizer only? Aircraft? Sorry that I ask so many questions, I'm just interested in what you could have done better on that last item!


Rick :cool:


737 manual landing, i searched a bit but did not found something that would explain why this happened,

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It appears that the maximum vertical speed was too high during your approach, which was the only point of failure. I don't know what the target v/s is (programmed, that is), but 1000 fpm is likely not desirable during the approach, and especially when you're closer to the ground, the latter part of the approach.


In other words, at some point during the approach you let your rate of descent get too high. Apparently your average v/s was OK, though, so I'd not worry about it unless you did that near the ground.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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It appears that the maximum vertical speed was too high during your approach, which was the only point of failure. I don't know what the target v/s is (programmed, that is), but 1000 fpm is likely not desirable during the approach, and especially when you're closer to the ground, the latter part of the approach.


In other words, at some point during the approach you let your rate of descent get too high. Apparently your average v/s was OK, though, so I'd not worry about it unless you did that near the ground.


yeah figured out what's wrong, when you teleport to a approach distance using LoLa your plane starts at a descent of -1000 fpm and that makes the fail, on a normal approach i only go to -800fpm and as i get lower so does my descent rate

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