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How to Increase Autopilot Throttle Sensitivity?

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Hello, so I was flying in the TDS 737-800 and on approach it was taking forever for the speed to change, Is there any way to increase autopilot throttle sensitivity to increase? I looked to see if I could find anything in the cfg file and tried increasing the "max_throttle_rate" under [autopilot] but it didn't seem to help. If somebody could help that would be amazing. :)
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You are using the Autothrottle on approach? Might be a good idea to turn off autothrottle and use the throttle on your joystick.


Are you setup correctly for your approach. Flaps, gear, auto-spoilers set? If you are using the Glideslope for your runway, you can set the A/T for about 135 knots as your Altitude Hold should turn off and that should work for landing.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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yesser Flaps usually 25 degrees-30 depending on weight, and usually sticking around 142-148 IAS,spoilers are armed as well as autobrake on the first notch, I was practicing approaches at KSAN with the LOC, so no ILS, I control my altitude, I Usually dont use Autothrottle on like short final but on the approach(usually from like 210-170IAS(160)) I have it engaged and as I lower my flaps it likes to react real slow and I usually end up going around 190 flaps down and all
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On approach to either Runway 27 or 9 your speed of 210-170 is way too fast. When approaching 27 and making my turn towards the runway at about 12 miles out and 2500 feet, my speed is down to 165 and dropping gear. Flaps set to 30 degrees for landing. Touchdown at around 136 knots.


I fly into Sandy Eggo all the time, both in Sim and IRL (Southwest airlines as a passenger).

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Haha yeah I know, 170-210 is getting on final usually I slow down to round 140-148 till touch down, you're right though maybe manual throttle is better haha never thought that simple answer would come also, Hey I fly into KSAN on southwest a lot too I got Family, also we can all agree that the left side of the Plane got the best view all the way down. Thanks a lot m8 really preciate the tip
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Haha yeah I know, 170-210 is getting on final usually I slow down to round 140-148 till touch down, you're right though maybe manual throttle is better haha never thought that simple answer would come also, Hey I fly into KSAN on southwest a lot too I got Family, also we can all agree that the left side of the Plane got the best view all the way down. Thanks a lot m8 really preciate the tip
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First, make sure you are "dirty and slow" before the GS. If you are making a fast approach and trying to slow down, turbofans spool up very slowly from idle to mid range, and that can be part of the problem. If you are on speed at glide slope intercept, only a small power reduction is typically required for q 700 or so rate of descent and small power changes are all that is required to bracket the GS.


Go to your aircraft.cfg file and fiddle with this setting:





This changes the rate of spool for an engine; however, it is a tedious process, and some air files will cause an increased response but large overshoots and "hunting". Save a copy of the original line as a backup --

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