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Internet weather

liner simpilot

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Hello flight simmers, it has been awhile since needing your assistance as i messed up my shoulder. I use to have internet weather so I can fly real weather. I went on my first flight today. I checked off the real weather by internet it would not allow it something to do with check my internet connection. I am uploading the info. I hope someone here can please help me out. I have internet as I can go here on the flightsim website. Many thanks Kenny


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Hi, Kenny! Guess you haven't been keeping up on the forums lately. Many posts about the Jeppsen server no longer provide weather to the flightsims. There are many freeware and payware options to choose from. If you are not overly concerned about having the absolutely correct weather, then just hit the "OK" in the warning and there will be some kind of weather injected.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thanks Mr. Zippy, no I haven't been able to fly lately a few months ago I fractured my router cup had some nerve damage mostly my leg. So I guess the real world weather doesn't work any more, what a shame. Do you have any freeware software in mind? I will check them out. Once as usual thanks for your input. It's good to here from long time simmers. Kenny
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Thanks Mr. Zippy, no I haven't been able to fly lately a few months ago I fractured my router cup had some nerve damage mostly my leg. So I guess the real world weather doesn't work any more, what a shame. Do you have any freeware software in mind? I will check them out. Once as usual thanks for your input. It's good to here from long time simmers. Kenny



Sorry to hear of your medical issue. I am a retired LEO that messed up my shoulder/neck and was forced to retire after having 20 years in. Take care of yourself and do what the doctors tell you. After 8 surgeries I am still only about 70% of what I used to be. Shoulders and nerves take a long time to heal.

As Mr. Zippy said there are many free and paid programs to use for your weather.

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So I guess the real world weather doesn't work any more, what a shame. Do you have any freeware software in mind?



Look for other recent discussions on weather. This subject has been raised so often it is pointless for eveybody to chirp in again and say the same old things about this one is better than that etc etc.





My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!

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