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Returning newbie


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Good evening all,


Looking for some advice and help on this, last time i played FlightSims it was over 15 years ago.

At the time all i could do was take off, circle around and visual land somewhere near a runway.


What is a good Flight sim to buy these days?

Any advice on an entry level joystick?


What i'm after is being able to genuinely fly from start to finish, start ups etc, highly functional cockpits and the like.




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FSX-SE when on sale for $5 or P3D for a great deal more money. I use the Extreme 3D pro joystick from Logitech.


Given the OP's credentials, I would urge reading the EULA for P3D to assure he complies. Prepar3d is NOT a recreational product and this user would seem to be the archetypal `recreational user`...


FSX Steam Edition would be my choice, when next on sale for $5. It includes a Learning Center which organises learning into easily-assimilated blocks.


Get three months or so challenging and meeting all the Missions, familiarising yourself with terminology and the mnemonics, then come back and we can recommend addons for your chosen style of flying - If you prefer VFR, there's little point in knowing about Flight Levels or RVSM's but knowing about Vlo versus Vle when flying into the airfield via GPS or ILS is a different matter...:pilot:

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