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Windows 10 Real-time Wx/Multiplater won't connect to internet

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I don't know much about the real world weather, but I think MS discontinued that some time back. There are other sources, and I'm sure someone will be along to tell you.


On multiplayer, you must have the right information in the connection boxes, such as an IP address and a port number, or perhaps a certain URL would work for some game sites. You gave no clue what you have or what you are trying to connect to, so you might show some screens of trying to connect. You also didn't mention whether you're on a LAN, a direct connection to the internet, or what. So we need more info to help.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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and you will have to search for another multiplayer server.

Or click LAN, click HOST or Connect Directly, and supply an IP, port(s) (done in settings), etc., along with whatever routing info is needed on your local LAN.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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I host a server for my friend for cockpit sharing.


Open 6112 to 6122 TCP and UDP to your machines IP address in the Router and the ports in windows firewall


Port forwarding is not needed on local lan

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