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New MS Flight Sim 2020


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Hi guys, I wasn;t sure where else to post this question in the forums so figured I'd drop it here. I'll assume you all have seen the announcement on Microsoft's new sim coming in 2020. Obviously my first skepticism is that I won't be able to get a smooth 60 FPS like I do now on FS9 on my high end computer. But the announcement mentions it will be available on X-Box. Does X-Box provide a better opp for better performance??? I'm often amazed at my kids' games they play there and how the performance is so good with real fancy graphics. I'd spend thousands on a new system if I could get 60 FPS on this thing when it comes out, but I'm skeptical.
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Would be nice if it would really look like it does in the video. I don't own and Xbox and never will. So if I buy it I'll use the PC. But I am skeptical that it will look and run as smooth as the video. But I hope I am wrong.
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Hi guys, I wasn;t sure where else to post this question in the forums so figured I'd drop it here. I'll assume you all have seen the announcement on Microsoft's new sim coming in 2020. Obviously my first skepticism is that I won't be able to get a smooth 60 FPS like I do now on FS9 on my high end computer. But the announcement mentions it will be available on X-Box. Does X-Box provide a better opp for better performance??? I'm often amazed at my kids' games they play there and how the performance is so good with real fancy graphics. I'd spend thousands on a new system if I could get 60 FPS on this thing when it comes out, but I'm skeptical.




on my i9 macbook pro with a vega 20 running an external 27 inch display at 1440p in bootcamp windows, I get max sliders (other than traffic which is at 10%) and fps of locked 30 which it doesn't go down from.


the only add on i have is AS16 weather (not the cloud textures)


bear in mind that macs are not optimised for running windows, the bootcamp chipset and graphics card drivers are not very good, the thermal constraints of the chasis are awful, any power and voltage cleverness that apple does to its hardware dont apply in windows, and yet the fans only ramp up to anything louder than barely audible(for a computer than runs under load as loudly as a 747, thats amazing) for the first hour or so and then settle down to nothing.


apple computers are not magic, and that processor / graphics chip combo is about equivalent to a good i5 and nvidia 1050 in a well cooled computer- these are not particularly high end specs, they are budget to mid gaming pc specs.


I'm not saying that a new fs will not be system hungry. I'm sure it will be. But it might take advantage of multicore processors better and will certainly take advantage of graphics cards better.

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You are apparently thinking the same thing I am - that is, the X-Boxes of this world do seem to pack a whole lot of graphics and gaming capability into a specially designed and optimized hardware package. I speculate that such a specialized piece of hardware may well deliver a much better overall performance than a PC, which by definition is more of a universally adaptable machine. And due to the insanely high production runs, the cost per box is obviously much much lower for the game machines. This may possibly have very interesting ramifications for the future of flight simulation.


But of paramount importance will be the ability to use the realistic high performance control hardware (joysticks, yokes and pedals and the like) that we now use on PC's with the XBoxes or whatever they come up with to run this on. Regular game controllers are quite unsuited to serious flight simulation.


We shall see what we shall see....

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But of paramount importance will be the ability to use the realistic high performance control hardware (joysticks, yokes and pedals and the like) that we now use on PC's with the XBoxes or whatever they come up with to run this on. Regular game controllers are quite unsuited to serious flight simulation.


We shall see what we shall see....


Xboxes already support keyboards, mice and plenty of other peripherals, including joysticks, throttles and rudder pedals.

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The new sim will be for PC's & the forthcoming new Xbox.

At this stage, there is much speculation, 59 pages on another forum, but, apart from a teaser video clip, nothing else has been released.


There is speculation that it will be released on Xbox Game Pass, which could mean that it may be subscription based, with scenery being streamed into the sim, as you fly.


Nothing about 3rd party add-ons being available, nor min PC specs as yet. It could very well be a 'closed' sim, with add-ons being available in-game (similar to the way FlightGear works)


So, speculation is rife & apart from that 2 minute or so video, nothing else available.


Cape Town, South Africa

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There is speculation that it will be released on Xbox Game Pass, which could mean that it may be subscription based, with scenery being streamed into the sim, as you fly.


It will be coming to Xbox Game Pass acoording to the Microsoft website. Doesn't say whether it will be exclusive to the game pass or no though. Many, if not all, games currently available through the Game Pass are also available for independent purchase too.



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I thought Microsoft let all the FS team go after FSX and made statement that FSX will be the last sim? So bit confused about them designing something in 2020?


That was also one of the first things I thought about. Those skills are gone and unless Microsoft found a team with years of flight modelling experience, my feeling is that this will be all glitzy, but little substance. We'll probably get something like an Ace Combat for civilian aircraft.


As I also said on other threads already, it will apparently be built on the Unreal Game Engine, which does not natively support TrackIr or multi-monitor.

i5-10600K @ 5.0 GHz, Gigabyte Z490M motherboard, RTX 2080 Super 8GB, 64GB DDR4 3200MHz, ASUS ROG PG278Q 1440p monitor, CH Products Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals, Track IR 5, Oculus Quest 2, Windows 10 64-bit
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As I also said on other threads already, it will apparently be built on the Unreal Game Engine, which does not natively support TrackIr or multi-monitor.


Unless Microsoft has explicitly stated it themselves, everything should be treated as a rumour.


As for the developers, there's nothing saying they couldn't have brought some of the original ACES team back, or set up a partnership with LM. Until we get more details though, it's all speculation.

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I started with FS98 20+ years ago, and I am speaking with folks behind the scenes and DF team members. We are paying VERY close attention to this. If MSFS comes back, we're coming back, and with all new aircraft too. Clean slate. Of course, I might make an exception for a re-do of Nels' Archer!


We shall see, but, and at age 60, I've still got the stamina for another version or two, or four!


Lou Betti


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I don’t rate the Aces team, many of which were snapped up by Lockheed Martin to work on P3D. The FSX experience is not a patch on FS9 although FSX is a lot more detailed and vivid the Land Class is rubbish. I get FSX users reverting back to FS9 quite regularly. One just needs to look at the default P3D v4 scenery to see what a bungling mess it is, maybe new blood is a good thing. I think Microsofts new rendition will run on win10 which has a lot of Xbox it, but can’t comment on it further as I have never had anything to do with Xbox. FS9 still remains the most comforting sim in my mind FSX Steam default with all the updates looks pretty good now


Web : http://biggles11.wix.com/the-natural-world

Mail : biggles11@btinternet.com

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I don’t rate the Aces team, many of which were snapped up by Lockheed Martin to work on P3D. The FSX experience is not a patch on FS9 although FSX is a lot more detailed and vivid the Land Class is rubbish. I get FSX users reverting back to FS9 quite regularly. One just needs to look at the default P3D v4 scenery to see what a bungling mess it is, maybe new blood is a good thing. I think Microsofts new rendition will run on win10 which has a lot of Xbox it, but can’t comment on it further as I have never had anything to do with Xbox. FS9 still remains the most comforting sim in my mind FSX Steam default with all the updates looks pretty good now


Web : http://biggles11.wix.com/the-natural-world

Mail : biggles11@btinternet.com



As to what the future holds, I have no clue, but I do agree with you about FS9. As for me: I upgraded PCs each time a new version came out. Dell was always my choice. I didn't have time to waste to build anything custom.


As to the Aces team; all great folks. My first contact at MS was with Hal Bryan, back in the FS2000 days. He's now with EAA! I pray that they offer the same support to 3rd party developers again- don't let us down. I hope to have to check on flights from FLL or MIA to to SEA, now that I'm living in Florida.


Lou Betti


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The FSX experience is not a patch on FS9 although FSX is a lot more detailed and vivid the Land Class is rubbish. I get FSX users reverting back to FS9 quite regularly. One just needs to look at the default P3D v4 scenery to see what a bungling mess it is, maybe new blood is a good thing.

I don't see a lot of point in rubbishing FSX and P3D on a FS9 forum - we are all here because we prefer FS9 for whatever reason suits us. I am sure each version has its good points and we are fortunate to have the choice.


As far as this new version is concerned, it is of some concern to me that it is being designed for X-box, even more so if it is both X-box and Win10 compatible (speculation at the moment?). If you look at forums discussing another simulator going through the same transition (Train Simulator/Trainsim World) you will see that a lot of eye candy (moving cars on roads etc) has been taken away because the X-box technology can't handle it. Therefore the Desktop PC version is forced to lack features present in the older version, giving it a cold, lifeless look. I can see this happening with the new Flight Simulator.


As for the idea that scenery and aircraft will be downloaded as and when needed during a flight (more speculation, I think), I just wish somebody would realise that we don't all have sooperdooper high speed internet connections. I have enough trouble with an on-line bank that won't do anything without texting me a code to use - a bit tricky on an area with no signal! Keeping ahead of the technology game is fine for developers in their wonderful workplaces, and impresses their sponsors, but . . .





My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!

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As far as this new version is concerned, it is of some concern to me that it is being designed for X-box, even more so if it is both X-box and Win10 compatible (speculation at the moment?). If you look at forums discussing another simulator going through the same transition (Train Simulator/Trainsim World) you will see that a lot of eye candy (moving cars on roads etc) has been taken away because the X-box technology can't handle it. Therefore the Desktop PC version is forced to lack features present in the older version, giving it a cold, lifeless look. I can see this happening with the new Flight Simulator.





Microsoft has said the new sim will be coming to Windows 10 first, and then the next generation Xbox. They have also indicated the new Xbox will be around 4 times faster than the current generation too. Also, many games do offer a better experience in the Windows version, such as higher scenery detail and textures. They don't all cut back the Windows side just to match the Xbox or PS version. Much of this is up to the developer and the resources they have available.

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I love eye candy like everyone else here (esp. the photo real stuff offered in the recent MS videos). But I mostly fly the "tubes" at 37,000. So most of the detailed scenery is on take-off and landing, except for weather effects. However, I am excited about a probable PC sim by MS, but --- I will likely never purchase an X-BOX for flight simming...
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As to what the future holds, I have no clue, but I do agree with you about FS9. As for me: I upgraded PCs each time a new version came out. Dell was always my choice. I didn't have time to waste to build anything custom.





I don't think building a computer is a waste of time. I have always built mine. That way I put exactly the parts I want in it instead of a manufacturer putting what they want in a PC. I can also upgrade it when I want and not have to worry about proprietary parts that can not be upgraded. I use mine for FS9 as well as numerous other games on and off of Steam. I don't feel it's ever a waste of time to build a computer at all.

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New member here, this is my first comment. I sure hope that they do come up with a new offering, and not just FSX with new cover art. I stopped using flight simulators in 2005, when I got my restored 1940 Taylorcraft. now that there are some AD's that need to be satisfied, and I might not have the money, I will just probably get one of my Ultralights into the sky, and use the Sim for late night flights, from the house to any airport in the world, with "Heavies".
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