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REX Real Environment Extreme for FS9


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I bought this program back in 2010 from the Flightsim store here on this site. Today, I re-installed FS9 and tried to activate the REX program. Input all the correct info on the validation page and got an error message that the validation failed. The message read "Validation failed: check your internet connection/resolving host". I was connected to the Internet. Brought up any web site I desired. Can anyone shed some light on this message and why my validation by the Flightsim store was not recognized?
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Did you actually purchase this from the "Pilotshop" that was hosted by this site? They are out of business and maybe their server also? Are you able to contact REX directly?

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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The store we used in 2010 is not longer affiliated with or recommended by FlightSim.Com.

We started our own store to support this web site in October 2018. The old store provides

NO support for any of our libraries or features. First Class memberships and sales from our

own store, now fully support FlightSim.Com and our contributions to community efforts.


If you wish to purchase an item from the FlightSim.Com Store: https://store.flightsim.com,

you will receive the same fine service that Nels and I have provided to the community for the

last 23 years. It will also allow us to keep the file library and forums up and running while providing

help to new and old visitors alike with the talents of our moderators and selfless experts.


Thank you for your support,


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The store we used in 2010 is not longer affiliated with or recommended by FlightSim.Com.

We started our own store to support this web site in October 2018. The old store provides

NO support for any of our libraries or features. First Class memberships and sales from our

own store, now fully support FlightSim.Com and our contributions to community efforts.


If you wish to purchase an item from the FlightSim.Com Store: https://store.flightsim.com,

you will receive the same fine service that Nels and I have provided to the community for the

last 23 years. It will also allow us to keep the file library and forums up and running while providing

help to new and old visitors alike with the talents of our moderators and selfless experts.


'nuf said,




Wow. So you won't help this guy out since he already paid for the product? Incidents like these are why I stopped paying for a first class membership years go.


nuf said

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Wow! You sure know how to jump to a conclusion! I have long ago

replied to this when he submitted a ticket to us rather than the store

that sold him the product. If and when the PilotShop officially goes out

of business we have requested that we be able to fulfill previous customer's

orders. We do not have their database so there is no way for us to help

these customers, but we do point them to the appropriate Publisher or

Developer for assistance.


Thank you for your understanding!



ps "Incidents like these"? We have never owned a store before!

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My original order # is FSS0051906. I could not remember who I had purchased it from but by your records, you say it was The Pilot Shop. I just wonder what the first three letters of the order number are tied too. Might it be FlightSimStore? Is this Store not associated with Flightsim.com back in 2010 when the original purchase was made? All I am asking for is a validation code so that I can use this legitimately purchased program. I can provide the date of purchase and the Registration #.


Also, could you please provide the date you say you replied to a ticket that I sent. I do not recall filling out a ticket other than the one of two days ago regarding this issue, but my memory isn't what it used to be!


Thank you.

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To be clear, beginning around 2004 and ending late 2018, FlightSim.Com

advertised products for what was/is called the FSPilotShop. Due to late

and non-existing payments, we could no longer continue down that path.

I can also say that more than a few vendors received the same treatment.


In order to protect our web sites and and serving the community, Nels

and I finally decided it was time to run our own store. The result is what

some consider to be a world class fully responsive online store. Our wish is

to provide top of the line service to the customer and the Developer or Publisher.

We make sure that every customer is happy, and if not, we work with them and

the Developer or Publisher to make sure they get the help they need.


We believe we have served the community faithfully during the last 23 years

and hope that you will support us in this endeavor.


Blue Skies!


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To be clear, beginning around 2004 and ending late 2018, FlightSim.Com

advertised products for what was/is called the FSPilotShop. Due to late

and non-existing payments, we could no longer continue down that path.

I can also say that more than a few vendors received the same treatment.


In order to protect our web sites and and serving the community, Nels

and I finally decided it was time to run our own store. The result is what

some consider to be a world class fully responsive online store. Our wish is

to provide top of the line service to the customer and the Developer or Publisher.

We make sure that every customer is happy, and if not, we work with them and

the Developer or Publisher to make sure they get the help they need.


We believe we have served the community faithfully during the last 23 years

and hope that you will support us in this endeavor.


Blue Skies!



I have to say that as a customer and a contributor to this hobby(six aircraft repaints starting as far back as 2010) that I feel I am being left out in the cold. Your statement in BOLD above evidently does not apply to me, either as a customer or a contributor, in this situation. I am deeply disappointed. BTW, you didn't answer the questions I asked.

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I have to say that as a customer and a contributor to this hobby(six aircraft repaints starting as far back as 2010) that I feel I am being left out in the cold. Your statement in BOLD above evidently does not apply to me, either as a customer or a contributor, in this situation. I am deeply disappointed. BTW, you didn't answer the questions I asked.


First of all, the first thing I told you was that you were not our customer, now or then.

As far as I know, www.flightsimstore.com is in Australia and out of business.

I told you that in 2010 we were associated with the FSPilotShop.

I told you that in 2018 we stopped doing business with FSPilotShop.

I told you that we don't have access to the FSPilotShop database.

Our store is FlightSim.Com Store @ https://store.flightsim.com


The only thing left that I can possibly do for you is give you a big virtual hug

and wish you the best!



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The FsPilotShop is a separate thing from flightsim.com site.

Completely separate, and always was.


There used to be FsPilotShop advertisements here. But it was a completely separate site, different owners, and their own support desk.


You did not buy your product from Flightsim.com in 2010.


If your product always used to activate fine then I expect the original seller will not be able to help you further either. You will have to ask the maker of the product instead. (REX)

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The only thing left that I can possibly do for you is give you a big virtual hug

and wish you the best!



While I appreciate you were not the owner of the store, merely profitting from the sales through it. I think your response here is pretty poor.


I don't recall seeing any posts from you that there were problems brewing with you partnership.


Anyway with that said I'm not sure where any future purchases I make will be from, food for thought.

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Getting back to the original question, since this is a REX product have you tried contacting them directly for help? It's quite possible they can give you the answer you need and it really won't matter where you purchased.


REX support can be found here:




Thank you Nels. Request sent to REX.

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  • Founder
While I appreciate you were not the owner of the store, merely profitting from the sales through it. I think your response here is pretty poor.


I don't recall seeing any posts from you that there were problems brewing with you partnership.


Anyway with that said I'm not sure where any future purchases I make will be from, food for thought.


Well, one problem here is we're still not really sure what store he purchased it from. If it was "The Flight Sim Store" (the one in Australia) we've never had any relationship with them whatsoever so there's nothing we can do there. If it was "FS Pilot Shop" we did have a relationship with them at one time, but if you need help from them my best advice is to contact them directly as we have no current relationship with them.


If you still think my response poor, please help me out and let me what we could be doing better. We're always learning and trying to improve, based on your feedback.


As for whether we ever posted about our new store, we announced it publicly the day it opened. Here, on our home page:




We also announced it on our Facebook feed:




It would also have been posted to our feeds on Twitter, Google Plus, Tumbler and Instagram.


If this is insufficient, where else should we publish news like this so you will see it? Without your feedback we don't know what your needs are...


I hope your future purchases will be from Store.FlightSim.Com as only there can we fully offer our support.

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Wow! You sure know how to jump to a conclusion! I have long ago

replied to this when he submitted a ticket to us rather than the store

that sold him the product. If and when the PilotShop officially goes out

of business we have requested that we be able to fulfill previous customer's

orders. We do not have their database so there is no way for us to help

these customers, but we do point them to the appropriate Publisher or

Developer for assistance.


Thank you for your understanding!



ps "Incidents like these"? We have never owned a store before!



I shouldn't have said incidents like these. What set me off was the rude comment at the end of your message to him. The "nuf said" comment. You actually made your point very well up until that rude comment at the end. I have been here in this forum since dirt. I was here long before ya'll even had the server crash or attack years ago when everyone had to resign in after everyone's info was lost. I used to be a First Class Member. But ya'll had an administrator/moderator that thought he was God. He was extremely rude and was the reason I canceled my First Class Membership. I haven't seen him in a long time. And I won't mention any names. What I should have said instead of incidents was the attitude here. Again I felt the rude "nuf said" was uncalled for. And it reeked of the old days when that rude admin/mod was here. Thank you for letting me clarify this. I won't comment here about this again. Good day sir.

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I would like to apologize to people for my use of 'nuf said'.

First of all, I did not say enough as Nels pointed out. I should

have mentioned the support option which unfortunately, I took

for granted that everyone would try that first. I was trying to

be cute/funny but obviously this was not an appropriate response.


To any who were offended, please accept my most sincere apologies.


Thank you for reading,


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  • Founder
I was here long before ya'll even had the server crash or attack years ago when everyone had to resign in after everyone's info was lost. I used to be a First Class Member. But ya'll had an administrator/moderator that thought he was God. He was extremely rude and was the reason I canceled my First Class Membership.


I have to respond to this as it's quite incorrect. The attack and server crash was at Avsim, not here. They were offline for the better part of a year while they rebuilt. FlightSim.Com has never had any such problem. Whatever else you might think of us, we've been pretty reliably here for the past 23 years. I wonder if the moderator you're remembering was also at Avsim as I'm not sure who here would fit your description.

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Well, one problem here is we're still not really sure what store he purchased it from.




Neither am I! The only reference I can draw from is the small window that appears immediately after I click on the App to execute it. I tried in vane to take a screenshot of it, but without success. The small window that appears clearly shows the words FlightSimStore so this is what I based my purchase criteria upon. According to your comments, this was probably the Australian outfit. I really don't know. No word yet from REX.



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I have to respond to this as it's quite incorrect. The attack and server crash was at Avsim, not here. They were offline for the better part of a year while they rebuilt. FlightSim.Com has never had any such problem. Whatever else you might think of us, we've been pretty reliably here for the past 23 years. I wonder if the moderator you're remembering was also at Avsim as I'm not sure who here would fit your description.


I can tell you who the moderator was but I'm not going to bring that up in this forum. And no he wasn't at Avsim that I know of. If you didn't have a crash or attack then why did I have to make a new user name and password in 2012? I have been here practically the whole time ya'll have been here. I signed up back during FS98. And I wasn't the only one who had to do this years ago. Something did happen.

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  • Founder
I can tell you who the moderator was but I'm not going to bring that up in this forum. And no he wasn't at Avsim that I know of. If you didn't have a crash or attack then why did I have to make a new user name and password in 2012? I have been here practically the whole time ya'll have been here. I signed up back during FS98. And I wasn't the only one who had to do this years ago. Something did happen.


FlightSim.Com has not had that sort of problem. Over the years we've had very minimal downtime, the worst case I can remember was one time when there was a fire at our hosting company.


We have done upgrades over the years and that and any number of other reason might have caused the need for a new account. But we still have some people who have maintained their accounts right from the beginning as we did generally try to move accounts forward during those major system upgrades we've done.

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Nels it was Avsim and the idiot he is referring to I'm sure is the one and only "Hifi Spokesman" at Avsim that has long been banned. (Not mentioning any names but its easy to identify him).


Flightsim rocks. Always has, always will.






No it was not Avsim. It was here. And I will not give his name because I still see that he is a mod here at Flightsim. Although I haven't seen him post in a while. Avsim had their own jerks and Flightsim is a much better site. But what I am talking about is a moderator here at Flightsim. He was the reason I did not and will not renew my First Class membership as I have stated. Again it's not proper to name him in this forum.

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Neither am I! The only reference I can draw from is the small window that appears immediately after I click on the App to execute it. I tried in vane to take a screenshot of it, but without success. The small window that appears clearly shows the words FlightSimStore so this is what I based my purchase criteria upon. According to your comments, this was probably the Australian outfit. I really don't know. No word yet from REX.




You should be taken care of now. Please check your email.





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