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Fsx lagging. Unplayable


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Hi guys


I just bought a new pc to run FSX on it. But it turned out that it is unplayable, even with all settings on low. Lagging big time.

I'm not sure what i should upgrade in my pc. Any help would be appreciated!

My specs are

Intel Pentium G4400 3,3GHz

Crucial 8GB DDR4-2133

AMD Radeon RX 560 2GB




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Well, FSX and even FS2004 are in large part CPU driven, and to make matters worse are only single threaded, meaning the Sim can't take advantage of multiple cores in a CPU. Given your CPU model, that could in fact be the source of your trouble.


Luckily for you, your CPU socket is an LGA 1151, and thus you could go with maybe what I have currently, an i5 6600k or even bump it up to an i7 6700k, or even an i7 7700k. But, the i7 7700k is a Kaby Lake CPU and so Microsoft in their infinite monopolizing wisdom made it so if you use Kaby Lake or anything newer like Coffee Lake, you won't get updates. To combat that there is a patch over at Github that remedies this problem. For me personally, I don't use updates for reasons I don't want to get into without writing at least four to five paragraphs. I do have about four updates since my motherboard and Sandboxie that I use for my browser requires them. Other than that I've been update free since I ran Windows 98se and all of my computers function happily. No malware, no "hacking" non of that scare tactic crap. LMAO


Anyways... do you have a budget for a CPU upgrade? What country do you live in? If you live in the UK for example, I'm not sure what vendor you can buy from or even if you have access to Amazon. I actually bought my CPU on eBay dirt cheap compared to brand new. But you have to really know what your doing on that venture. I would never buy a motherboard on eBay though unless it was brand new. Motherboards can be a PITA. If anything goes it is more likely to be a motherboard, RAM or PSU. Not so much with a CPU, though it can happen, just not as often as a motherboard or RAM.


So there you have it. I'm afraid your CPU is most likely not up to par for FSX.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Are you running heavy add-ons and heavy add-on aircraft at all?


And here's how bad your CPU is in the single thread department compared to an i5 6600k


Intel Pentium G4400 @ 3.30GHz 1,879



Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.50GHz 2,148



OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Your g4400 is not bad at all. You should be able to run fsx with that just fine. Maybe not with the most extreme addons, but with freeware addons it should do fine, even with some of the payware.


Make sure your system gets virus free. Use a paid for virus scanner. It's an investment that's well worth it.


Then also defragment your harddisk. (all partitions). That should speed things up too.


And don't run too many other programs while playing. (do keep the anti virus program on of course, but shut down things you don't really need.)


and if the pc is over a year old, buy a can of compressed air. Unplug the pc from the wall and blow the dust out of the air inlets and out the inside of the pc.

Cleaning out the dust allows air to enter the pc better, and reach the pc part. The air can then keep everything cool while the pc runs which makes the pc run much better.

( don't touch the parts inside too much. Always unplug the pc from the wall first. And don't make the fans spin while you blow air through, but hold them gently to prevent spinning.)

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Thats weird to hear that it should run fine bc it's lagging so much even at small airports like Montego Bay etc.. I tried fs2004 as well and it runs without any problems even with mega airport Heathrow , CDG and all packages of world of AI. am I doing something wrong while running fsx?



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Are you running Windows 10 by chance? And is FSX installed to the programs folder?


Do you have other programs running in the background?



You can download Autoruns, go to File and save the ARN file, zip it and upload here and I'll take a look.


No, you don't need payware anti-virus. I don't believe in that at all. For one, definition-based ant-virus is just that. Polymorphic malware will still get by. A free product is just as good. And may be to one's benefit because often times a paid-for product comes with all kinds of unnecessary bloat and can and will mess with things and slow your computer down. If you want a pretty decent anti-virus then Bitdefender FREE is all you need. It's cloud-based to help stay up to date with polymorphic malware (malware in the wild with no definition), it's light weight so there's not a huge footprint on your Comp., and it blocks debugging which in of its self can be a virus vector. But, if you use a game cheat or some game mod program, then if you need a debugging ability, Bitdefender FREE won't be for you.


I personally don't even use an anti-virus product. Mainly due to me using Sandboxie for my browser, and I scan all downloads at virus total. Then I know how not to use the Internet, which in its self can go a very long way in terms of keeping your computer safe form malware. Then you'd want a good AD blocker in your browser because often times a malicious AD can be laced with a malware payload. Sucks for the website that needs the AD revenue, but that's just the way it is. I believe in the donation based philosophy if a website needs to stay afloat.


Another anti-virus approach that can be less intrusive and friendly to gaming is Faronics Anti-executable. I ran it in a virtual machine and tossed a whole bunch of malware at it including ransomware and each time it was blocked.


Finally, the biggest thing you can do to protect yourself from a malware disaster is to clone your computer every once in a while to an external hard dive of equal or larger size. I use AOMEI Backupper for this purpose all the time. The program is straight forward without a bunch of other crap. Chose source disk, chose destination disk, select clone. That's it.


You don't have to take my word for it, but I've NEVER gotten a virus or have been "hacked" since I ran Windows 98se. And at the time I was running AVG. Some job that did because at the time a virus slipped right on through.


All in all it's mostly how YOU, the user operates your computer and how you do things.


Anyways... Run Autoruns, save and zip the ARN file and upload here and I'll have a look. If you are using Windows 10, then that's a new beast in its self. And the stuttering problem could be exacerbated if updates are being downloaded and what have you while you game. One of the absolute worst OS's I even seen. IMO. It will be at least seven to ten years before I use it, and when I do I intend to deploy a hardware based firewall and block all of M$'s ASNs and monitor SNMP for anything else that may be emanating from my PC (Personal Computer). With Windows 10 it's not a PC, it's effectively a LC, (Leased Computer). Don't even try putting Truecrypt or Vera Crypt on there. They'll more than likely know your password. After all, Win 10 does come with a built-in key logger. Yeah it can be "turned off", but that's not the point.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter



























[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.0]




























































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Are you sure this is the WHOLE file? There is a lot of important stuff missing!


If this is indeed the whole file, then you need to generate a new one, like this: with FSX shut down, then DELETE this file. Now start FSX again, and the file will be re-generated in its entirety.




You also noticed almost nothing under [graphics]! That would make everything look terrible.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I bought FSX out of the box and hated it from the beginning, it was one problem right after the other. I got a good deal buying the Steam version of FSX and haven't had a problem with it since, in fact I'm rather happy with it, just thought i would slide that one by you
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That's pretty crazy how a fragmented HDD would be the source of the stutters over your FSX.cfg since the Sim doesn't really pull from the HDD all the time.


I mean, not in a continual basis where a fragmented HDD would pose a real factor where the data is delayed in rendering.


If you have a HDD indicator light on your computer, I don't think it's constantly blinking as you fly. It will blink every now and then as it loads new scenery when you fly. But that rate isn't constant.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Bit concerning you have a nvidia 1050ti listed as your graphics card but you say you have a radeon rx280? Also you need to add HighMemFix=1 under [graphics]

i5 4690 (350mhz) with Arctic Cooler, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600mhz, ASUS Rock H97 performance MoBo, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB, Windows10 64bit, 256GB and 500GB Crucial SSDs

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I haven't flown yet, maby it will stutter again when flying for several hours straight. I don't know. But i installed some add ons and all WOAI packages and it runs pretty smooth even at CDG and LHR. I also shut every programs down that were running in the background.
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