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WOAI Continued Issue Question Help World Of AI


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Easier to make a new post each time I encounter a new issue.


So, I downloaded appx. 100 WOAI packages. I'm slowly installing ONE by ONE, Converting to FSX, Running FSX just to be sure everything is going smoothly which, Fingers Crossed it has been.


I've encountered a number of these issues (Screen Shots Attached) where as I'm using the Installer, it says that particular package/airline is NOT FOUND. If the Package I'm trying to install has more Models, I get Multiple NOT FOUND Errors.


My thoughts are: #1. It is a Corrupt File from WOAI. #2. Downloadable from WOAI but somehow the Textures, Airplane or Flight Plan is no longer available. #3. I have no Clue. I'm leaning more towards #3.



So, can you help me & others who may have this issue?


My solution thus far is to just Delete it and Not try to Convert it to FSX.


Am I correct in just deleting them and moving on or is there something I'm doing wrong to get the error???


Thank you again & HAPPY NEW YEAR!



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When I use their overzealous and stupid World Of Ai installer, I just install to a folder on my desktop and manually place the files where they should be. I never hardly EVER allow installers to put things in my FSX directory unless A) I Know what it is, and B) I know where it's going. That way I can build a better picture of the internals and if something breaks I can fix it. Plus I'm very familiar with installing add-ons, planes, and AI flight plans, etc.


So with that try installing the package to a folder on your desktop and perhaps the problem won't be there. I can't see your FSX path, but if it's the programs folder there in lies your possible issue.


Can you provide a link to this package so that I can check it out?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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When I use their overzealous and stupid World Of Ai installer, I just install to a folder on my desktop and manually place the files where they should be. I never hardly EVER allow installers to put things in my FSX directory unless A) I Know what it is, and B) I know where it's going. That way I can build a better picture of the internals and if something breaks I can fix it. Plus I'm very familiar with installing add-ons, planes, and AI flight plans, etc.


So with that try installing the package to a folder on your desktop and perhaps the problem won't be there. I can't see your FSX path, but if it's the programs folder there in lies your possible issue.


Can you provide a link to this package so that I can check it out?


Hi CRJ - Name of file = Woa_airiceland_v1 Link to site https://www.world-of-ai.com/allpackages.php#United%20Airlines SEE Screen Shot Below for correct one.


I always download to a folder on my desktop so I can control what happens. FSX Path = F: Drive\STEAM\Steamapps\Common\FSX.


I use the installer and direct All WOAI to install in FSX\Simobjects\Airplanes\WOAI Traffic which I have open so I can monitor each transaction.


I too have much experience installing addons, planes, scenery ect. However AI installation and configuring is all new too me but we all start somewhere & I have been gaining quite the knowledge base on this subject thanks for everyone's help here at Flightsim.com.


Thanks for taking a look & I look forward to your findings. Brian


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Okay, I just tried this on my laptop without any Sim installed once so ever and it successfully extracted in a folder I specified on my desktop.


I'll run this on my gaming computer next just to be proof positive, but I'm sure the files work as expected.


Try this once. In the World Of AI installer select the path for extracting to the desktop. No where else. So your path might be something like C:\Users\[your_user_name]\Desktop\New folder


In the New Folder, folder that was created on your desktop should be all of the files. From there just manually copy/paste them to their respective sections in your FSX directory. But! Be sure you convert the flight plan BGL file to FSX format first with AIFP. If you don't, only FS2004 formatted flight plans will show up in FSX.


If you need help on knowing where to place the files just ask.


BTW- I never even had to run the installer as Admin, but in your case you might have to.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I just installed it with no problem. Maybe it was just a corrupt download? Try downloading it again, and unzip the "woa_airiceland_v1.zip" file to get the "Air_Iceland.woai.zip" file, which the WOAI Installer.exe can install from.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

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I actually never had to extract the woa_airiceland_v1.zip at all. I left it in place and let the World Of AI installer extract it on its own.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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This makes no sense. The one's I'm having issue with are saying that the file already exists, do I want to repair the file? Why would it be doing this with some but not others? I did have all of these WOAI airplanes installed at one time but I cleaned the hard drive. Other WOAI Files install fine without errors or questions.


If I answer Yes, that's when it says it can't find the file as shown in previous screen shots.


The one's that are saying they already exists, if I unzip manually to the second Zipped folder and run that zip with the installer, it doesn't error and seems to install fine.


Anyone have any idea or have you run into this?


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I'm trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying that if you extract the second zip withen the WOAI zip, the World Of AI installer works?


Did you set the installation path to a folder on the desktop like I pointed out and have you tried running the WOAI installer in Admin mode?


I really don't know what is going on here. You said you cleaned your HDD? Describe that. In what way did you in fact clean your HDD. Was it a format and an OS reinstallation? Or did you just go in and clean out a bunch of files. If that's the case, perhaps there's some file or even, and I doubt this, some registry work at play here. I'd have to run my program that monitors the registry to see if WOAI does use the registry. I wouldn't think so. I know it looks at your registry to figure out where your Sim is though.


Here's an experiment. Download Everything.exe and look for the file WOAI.cfg. Do you see multiple instances of that file anywhere on your Comp?



OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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-you probably are installing a corrupt or incomplete download.

I just installed the same file and there was no message about any missing aircraft.


-download the file again, and try again.




-the WOAI installer knows "what it has installed"

----Not: "what is installed"

If you uninstalled manually, the WOAI installer does not know you uninstalled them. It 'thinks' they are still installed.

Installing again will give message "repair?"

answer yes to that.


(Or, other option, rename file WOAIDATAX to WOAIDATAX.bak

That file stores the history of everything the WOAI installer installed. By renaming to .bak you have that as a backup. And with no WOAIDATAX file present the Woai installer will create a new file on the next install.)


(\BTW, There is also a way to uninstall a package so the Woai installer is aware you uninstalled it. You open the WOAI installer and select a package. You also select FSX as target.

Then you click on "expert mode". There you will see a list of all packages "the WOAI installer HAS installed" and you have the option to uninstall them.

In your case, using that is not really useful now. As you installed, and then removed packages by hand.)




I don't think I ever had any missing aircraft in any of the woai packages. (and I have them all installed.)


However, be aware that missing aircraft are not a big issue.

One trafficplan contains many flights,, and many different planes.

If one plane does not exist, well, those flights don't show up. Nothing more then that.

All the other flights in the plan will show up.


However, again, you should not have missing planes with WOAI.

If some are missing, I suspect a corrupt download. Which may very well mean that if you install it there will be texture files missing from the planes that you do have in the package. ---->

--> So even though a missing plane is not an issue per se, better download the package again.

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-you probably are installing a corrupt or incomplete download.

I just installed the same file and there was no message about any missing aircraft.


-download the file again, and try again.




-the WOAI installer knows "what it has installed"

----Not: "what is installed"

If you uninstalled manually, the WOAI installer does not know you uninstalled them. It 'thinks' they are still installed.

Installing again will give message "repair?"

answer yes to that.


(Or, other option, rename file WOAIDATAX to WOAIDATAX.bak

That file stores the history of everything the WOAI installer installed. By renaming to .bak you have that as a backup. And with no WOAIDATAX file present the Woai installer will create a new file on the next install.)


(\BTW, There is also a way to uninstall a package so the Woai installer is aware you uninstalled it. You open the WOAI installer and select a package. You also select FSX as target.

Then you click on "expert mode". There you will see a list of all packages "the WOAI installer HAS installed" and you have the option to uninstall them.

In your case, using that is not really useful now. As you installed, and then removed packages by hand.)




I don't think I ever had any missing aircraft in any of the woai packages. (and I have them all installed.)


However, be aware that missing aircraft are not a big issue.

One trafficplan contains many flights,, and many different planes.

If one plane does not exist, well, those flights don't show up. Nothing more then that.

All the other flights in the plan will show up.


However, again, you should not have missing planes with WOAI.

If some are missing, I suspect a corrupt download. Which may very well mean that if you install it there will be texture files missing from the planes that you do have in the package. ---->

--> So even though a missing plane is not an issue per se, better download the package again.


IL88pp - That is the answer. I had manually removed all the WOAI packages. I had no idea there is a "memory" stored in the installer of what once was installed. So by answering yes to repair, basically it is just reinstalling what it thinks is already there. Makes sense.


That takes care of that. Hopefully I won't be posting about this subject again. Thanks for your patience.


Happy New Year - Brian

Edited by Prostock
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  • 2 years later...

I had the same issue when I first installed woai another one of my machines,

I just went in to the wizard and deleted all woai packages and installed them all again, and btw, you can just select multiple .zip folders and click open and it will install them all so you don't have to install them all separately

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