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Increase download speeds

Guest T-VIRUS1234

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Guest T-VIRUS1234

why are the download speeds so slow???

this is 2018 not 1990, i have gigabit fiber optic and you are saying i can only get 50kb/s?


it will take over 4 hours to download just one file, quit being greedy, you probably make enough money watching me with cookies (that i had to enable or you wouldnt let me start the download)


had i known this i would never have signed up!

you should increase the download speed or warn people BEFORE they sign up that they will be waiting several hours to actually get anything

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  • Founder

We have different levels of membership here. Free members get limited download speeds. If you want the fastest possible speeds you can choose to sign up for a First Class Membership. Other flightsim communities work the same way, so this is not exactly unusual.


Please click on "MEMBERSHIP" in the blue menu bar at the top of the page.


Just FYI, we don't make any money at all from cookies. FlightSim.Com is largely supported by members like you, either directly through our membership programs or from purchases made in our store.

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The First Class membership is worth it. I used to be just a free downloader, but having been a member here for a while and downloading countless stuff, I thought I should donate. Now the speeds meet my Internet speed of 100 Mbps. I now can download things in an instant.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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That's not the issue...


In other news, it looks like the download speed is caped to 1 MB/second according to my recent 150 MB file download.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I remember years ago when broadband was in it's infancy here in the UK, I was downloading lots of aircraft, scenery and skins etc and my speed went to a trickle.

When I phone about it, I got a woman on and she said she knew what I was doing, according to her I was downloading illegal software from pirate websites.

I told her I wasn't and told her what I was downloading, she was ignorant to flight sim and said, "Well they shouldn't have so many files, it's ridiculous," I had to laugh, anyway after that my speeds went up again, but in those days it wasn't that fast compared to today's speeds.

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That is absolutely NOT the case!

I am not in the same country or state and I

can get 28 MB per second (bytes not bits).

There is NO cap on First Class Member Speeds.

Please check with your ISP to see why your

bandwidth is so low.





and you downloaded that file in 79 seconds.

That's not the issue...


In other news, it looks like the download speed is caped to 1 MB/second according to my recent 150 MB file download.

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That is absolutely NOT the case!

I am not in the same country or state and I

can get 28 MB per second (bytes not bits).

There is NO cap on First Class Member Speeds.

Please check with your ISP to see why your

bandwidth is so low.





and you downloaded that file in 79 seconds.


It could have been a one off. Before I could download files in an instant, but just last night when I downloaded a 150 MB file it was at 1 MB/sec. I can do a speed test to show my speed, but I highly doubt it's my ISP or computer. I'll redownload the file again tonight and see what happens.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I understand the 50k limit, but given the vast increase in file size for the average download in the past twenty years it is time to consider raising it. Non-paying members are more penalized now than back then by this.


I recall downloading a B-58 for FS98 which at just under 5meg was a huge d/l back then. But a complete aircraft today for FS9 or FSX is easily 50meg+, which is quite onerous at a 50k cap.


This could be raised to 150k-250k, still far below what most connections are capable of, but more in keeping with increased file size. (I propose look at what the download time was for an average file back then at 50k and adjust the limit for the same time for an average file today.)

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One night my speeds went right down, I phoned up my provider and I got a woman on, she said she would have a look.

After a few minutes she said try it now, I did a speed test and they shot up like I've never had before, the next day they had dropped back to normal again, so whatever she did, she must have put it on a timer or something as it dropped back again.


It shows they can do it their end without the bull of having to wait for an engineer.

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One night my speeds went right down, I phoned up my provider and I got a woman on, she said she would have a look.

After a few minutes she said try it now, I did a speed test and they shot up like I've never had before, the next day they had dropped back to normal again, so whatever she did, she must have put it on a timer or something as it dropped back again.


It shows they can do it their end without the bull of having to wait for an engineer.


I don't know what you have there, but if it's DSL you may have ingress in the line. Old phone lines are notorious for that crap. Also, she probably just reset your modem which you can do yourself.


If you want to test the quality of the line check out smokeping. You'll have to allow pings to your modem or router for 24 hours. http://www.dslreports.com/smokeping


Try this site as well. http://ping-test.net/

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Finally redownloaded that massive file again for testing. Yeah, it was just a one off.







I can actually get somewhere around 200 Mbps, but I wired up the house with 100 Mbps ethernet using just four lines in the cable instead of all 8 for gigabyte speed. I would have to rewire everything. Well, at least redo the connectors to have all four pairs being used, and since I'm color blind it's a PITA to see the color code. I should buy those damn glasses they charge you a fortune for on fleaBay.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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It costs a lot to maintain servers and data-centers. Especially for a 20+ year old website like ours that has tons of content to host and serves a huge number of visitors. There's more at play here than simply hosting like backups, power consumption, etc. In light of this, I see no problem in the membership policy of this website.


Impressive internet speeds being showcased here! I'd love to have connections like those. These days, I'm making do with speeds of 0.1 Mb/s to 1 Mb/s.

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It costs a lot to maintain servers and data-centers.

You chirped it. I've been amazed at how well Nels and company have done with this site for the last 20 years (and it was here a while before I found it, too), being able to devote full time (at least 3 people, maybe more) to it. It's a great (and very friendly) resource.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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You chirped it. I've been amazed at how well Nels and company have done with this site for the last 20 years (and it was here a while before I found it, too), being able to devote full time (at least 3 people, maybe more) to it. It's a great (and very friendly) resource.


Now if we could just get you and the previous fellow to follow up and become "First Class" members, This will help to ensure the continuation of the site.


You're welcome, Nels! Just send me a check!;)

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I used to be, and I may be again sometime, but I do so little here anymore, except an occasional look into the forums- my simming isn't what it used to be. Still...


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Now if we could just get you and the previous fellow to follow up and become "First Class" members, This will help to ensure the continuation of the site.


You're welcome, Nels! Just send me a check!;)


As soon after I get regular access to internet that can actually download at a speed more than 50 kB/s :-P

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I wasn't aware that dial-up still existed! :p


Dial up!? Well my first broadband connection was a 256 kb/s one and that gave me about 30 kB/s :-). My dial up was I think a 28 or 56k connection.


Who remembers the old 28k/56k dialup modem sound? For a trip down the memory lane, look it up on YouTube :’)

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