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Good free aircraft ? not default


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I love FSX and using the default aircraft was fine with me before. But now I started learning more advanced systems by watching youtube videos and now the default airplanes just don't cut it. When I fly with them it feels so empty.


I want to get payware aircraft which will offer way better realism, but unfourtnatley my computer sucks when it comes to adding this stuff. I mean like I don't have the necessary requirements to be able to run these planes because it will literally crash when I start using it.


So, is there any good freeware aircraft that are more advanced in realism? Or at least something payware that doesn't take a toll on my system? I only have 2.8 ghz processor and 6 gb RAM if that helps. \



thanks loads

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Depending on what OS you are using, your system specs are very poor. There will not be very many planes (even freeware) which make a difference in your flying experience. Ram is OK, but you need North of 3Ghz to get your flight satisfaction up. Freeware doesn't necessarily mean more framerates because the developer mave not have been skillful at optimizing the model or may use a lot of polys.

CPUs around 3.4 or higher let you turn most of the performance settings near max and use higher density scenery and aircraft.


You could ask pilots for freeware which they think have better framerates, but a lot of pilots have more powerful CPUs than you or may be more skillful at optimizing their simulation or computer performance. You could try looking through the library here for "frame rate friendly" or similar terms and try them out. You don't have to keep what you try.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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It would also help if you could narrow down as to what type of plane you are looking for.


Eliminates someone pointing out a bunch of GA planes when all you are looking for is tubeliners or warbirds.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Good developers of outstanding freeware both civilian and military are Milton Shupe and Manfred Jahn. Rob Richardson can be included, also. Just search each name in the File Library and check out their work.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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FSDreamTeam's FSX Blue Angels offer a very nice F/A-18C that flies like a dream.


Have fun, no matter what plane(s) you choose.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I love FSX and using the default aircraft was fine with me before. But now I started learning more advanced systems by watching youtube videos and now the default airplanes just don't cut it. When I fly with them it feels so empty.


I want to get payware aircraft which will offer way better realism, but unfourtnatley my computer sucks when it comes to adding this stuff. I mean like I don't have the necessary requirements to be able to run these planes because it will literally crash when I start using it.


So, is there any good freeware aircraft that are more advanced in realism? Or at least something payware that doesn't take a toll on my system? I only have 2.8 ghz processor and 6 gb RAM if that helps. \



thanks loads


Concentrate on a faster computer, not putting additional load on what you already have... You are asking the wrong question as almost all freeware is built on the premise you will have the software to run it, not optimised for slower machines.

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