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FSX on Win 10 after APRIL 2018 update


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I'm using 2 monitors as I said previously. The second one is connected by HDMI cable to the main box.


The issue is that FSX just does not operate on the NVIDIA card, it only seems to recognise the Integrated graphics.


If I use the NVIDIA control panel to set FSX to run NVIDIA graphics, FSX will not load at all.


FSX still runs on HD but it's hobbled by the HD Graphics.


Before the April 2018 update FSX recognised and ran on the NVIDIA graphics.

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From your fsx.cfg it seems one monitor is using HDgraphics, and the other is using the Nvidia. (both are listed in the fsx.cfg in post 16)


I don't fully understand what you mean by: "If I use the NVIDIA control panel to set FSX to run NVIDIA graphics"

Do you mean the physX setting?

That may be a dumb question. I don't remember that setting in the Nvidia panel in laptops. My current desktop does not have it. Menu?

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This is a 64 bit windows machine that came with win 10 installed, and has just had the Windows updates applies.


PS I tried disconnecting the second monitor and running with nvidia with the same result.


It's getting to be a bit of a hassle and I may just give up as the program still runs, but I'd prefer it to run on the high speed graphics card.

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Thanks. That screenshot was helpful.


What happens with the Nvidia selected?

Does anything show/work? Desktop? Other programs? Browser?

And what happens exactly with Nvidia when starting fsx?

Error messages?



You said it's a 64 bit system. I'm not so sure.


I did see:

System Type x64-based PC

which means your pc parts, such as cpu, are 64 bit capable, and can run a 32 bit OS or a 32 bit OS.

But I can't find what OS you have.


I do see:

Total Physical Memory 7.91 GB

Available Physical Memory 3.36 GB

Total Virtual Memory 9.79 GB

Available Virtual Memory 3.88 GB


Less then 4 Gb physical Mem available seems to indicate that your OS is 32 bit.

(but I'm not a 100% certain.)


I'm interested in 32 or 64, because I was searching for the right driver. And then that's good to know.

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Go back and read posts 21 and 22. I think that is where your answer lies. I have been following your thread and looking for answers for my own knowledge. I know, the bios does seem scary just take your time and be sure when you click something it is correct. I was the same way. Now, when necessary, I have no problem going into the bios.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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Yes that's the one.


I did get into the BIOS setup, there was an "Onboard devices" option but it would not let me into it.


I did an update of the NVIDIA drivers from Control Panel, if there is a better way of doing this I'd like to know.



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Yes that's the one.


I did get into the BIOS setup, there was an "Onboard devices" option but it would not let me into it.


I did an update of the NVIDIA drivers from Control Panel, if there is a better way of doing this I'd like to know.




Manually download the drivers from the Nvidia website. For the drivers page select "GeForce 700M (Notebooks)" and then your specific model from the drop-down menus.




After downloading the drivers, follow the guide below. The key step is choosing "Custom (Advanced)" instead of "Express". After this there should be an option to perform a clean install.



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