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FSX Scenery Addon Help Please


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I dl'd what I thought would be a simple addon scenery & can't get it to work. I did exactly what the Readme file said to do. I emailed the maker but no response. It's called City Project, Atlantic City, NJ.


Here is the link to the page. https://simviation.com/1/browse-Scenery-63-79?mark=45960#45960 6th one down the page.



I copied and pasted the .bgl files to my FSX/Addon Scenery Folder. Launched the game, searched for "City", Looked in the scenery library and there was nothing. Went to Free Flight, change location, nothing in there.


I then Cut & Pasted the files to the FSX/Addon Scenery/Scenery Folder............. Still nothing.


I then Cut & Pasted the files to the FSX/Addon Scenery/Texture Folder............. Still nothing.


I really don't know what to do next. What am I doing wrong? It I'm doing everything right, how can I find this scenery?



Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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I am going to try something different. I placed all of the .bgl files into a folder I named Jersey City. I will see if I can add it to my library and make it work. Standby for action!!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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It did not work trying to use the Library. The total of all of those tiny .bgl files is only 29.3KB. I could probably draw a happy face and use more bits! I added all of the .bgl files to Addon Scenery/Scenery folder and when I started my FSX is showed the loading bar adding the new scenery. I started a flight out of Laguardia and looked across the river. I guess the buildings look different??



Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Let me take a long shot - are you running Windows 10, and is FSX installed in C:\Program Files (x86)?


If this is the case, then it might be the Windows 10 access right that prevents you from adding files to Addon Scenery. Did the files in fact copy in there?




JORGEN - I am running Windows 10. "Steam" Installed FSX-SE to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamaps/Common/FSX. Steam did not give me an option to choose a different location when I purchased it last week


Yes the files did copy there. I pasted them there. What ya thinking?

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I don't use the Steam edition, but I read you can change the location in Steam's options. It should be installed to C drive.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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I made a folder, called it City put a scenery folder in it with the bgl.s and put it in Addon Scenery in FSX Deluxe,It's not an airport, it's just eye candy. it doesn't show up in the list of airports. Here's how I found it... start at any of the Atlantic city airports and head northeast. It's very obvious as there are many large buildings (even the Taj Mahal). Hope this helps.



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I made a folder, called it City put a scenery folder in it with the bgl.s and put it in Addon Scenery in FSX Deluxe,It's not an airport, it's just eye candy. it doesn't show up in the list of airports. Here's how I found it... start at any of the Atlantic city airports and head northeast. It's very obvious as there are many large buildings (even the Taj Mahal). Hope this helps.




That's what I forgot to do in my Jersey City folder! But it did work putting all into the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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That's what I forgot to do in my Jersey City folder! But it did work putting all into the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder.


I tried it exactly as you said. Does Not show. I found where it should be but there's nothing there. Could you provide Latitude & Lon coordinates so I'm sure I'm looking in the right spot. Where is your FSX-SE installed? What path? If not the same as mine, Programs Files (x86), then how would I move my Steam Installed FSX so it works? Thanks

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I tried it exactly as you said. Does Not show. I found where it should be but there's nothing there. Could you provide Latitude & Lon coordinates so I'm sure I'm looking in the right spot. Where is your FSX-SE installed? What path? If not the same as mine, Programs Files (x86), then how would I move my Steam Installed FSX so it works? Thanks

Sorry, don't have fsx-se! I killed that scenery from my Sim.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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...If not the same as mine, Programs Files (x86), then how would I move my Steam Installed FSX so it works? Thanks


Follow the how-to guide below to move your Steam install to something like C:\Steam. Note that if you have any commercial add-ons installed you may need to reinstall them. Freeware add-ons that you have manually installed into the FSX directory should be okay.




If you have a second drive you can also create an additional Steam Library folder on that drive and move the sim over without uninstalling Steam. To do this, follow the steps below.

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If you take off from KACY on runway 13 it's on the coast just left of the end of the runway. Here's an image. Hope this helps.




I'm in the process of Moving Steam from Program Files (x86) to Program Files. It's taking some time but once it's finished, I'll give it a try. Thank you



SUCCESS IN MOVING STEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too tired now to try installing scenery, will try tomorrow & give you update..... Thanks again guys

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You were told twice now to install to C. The programs folder, whether the 64 bit folder just called Program Files or Program files x86 is emulated and protected by the OS. It is vital you move out of those locations as some add-ons may not function due to the limited access write and read access needed by those add-ons in those Program Files folders.


C:\Steam should work fine. Heed our advice, or at least mine. And to anyone else reading this.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You were told twice now to install to C. The programs folder, whether the 64 bit folder just called Program Files or Program files x86 is emulated and protected by the OS. It is vital you move out of those locations as some add-ons may not function due to the limited access write and read access needed by those add-ons in those Program Files folders.


C:\Steam should work fine. Heed our advice, or at least mine. And to anyone else reading this.


I tried to install in C: but it would not let me...... What am I missing? It would only let me install to a Folder in C: I was told that Program Files (x86) was a problem, I don't remember seeing just Program Files Folder being a problem. So what folder do I choose since it won't let me install just to C: ?

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I tried to install in C: but it would not let me...... What am I missing? It would only let me install to a Folder in C: I was told that Program Files (x86) was a problem, I don't remember seeing just Program Files Folder being a problem. So what folder do I choose since it won't let me install just to C: ?


Slow down and read what was said. C:\Steam means create a folder named Steam in the C: drive.

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Slow down and read what was said. C:\Steam means create a folder named Steam in the C: drive.


OK. I re-read everything & went in slow motion this time. I did exactly as avised. Created a Folder in C:\ Named it STEAM GAMES. Moved Steam to new Location. Game works fine. I then Created a folder called CITY with sub-folder named SCENERY Inside. Copied & pasted files from CITY Download to the SCENERY FOLDER Inside CITY Folder. Copied CITY FOLDER and Pasted to C:\Steam\Steamaps\Common\FSX\Addon Scenery\Scenery. LAUNCHED GAME. And still nothing.


I realize this is just a stupid Fictitious Scenery Addon but if I can't get this simple one to work, how will I install any others? Sorry guys, don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for the help though.

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Copied CITY FOLDER and Pasted to C:\Steam\Steamaps\Common\FSX\Addon Scenery\Scenery. LAUNCHED GAME. And still nothing.

I'd say just copy the City folder to Addon Scenery (not inside Addon Scenery/Scenery).


That apart, you have to activate it from the Scenery Library inside FSX. The only time you do not have to activate is when you add .BGL files directly to Addon Scenery/Scenery.

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I'd say just copy the City folder to Addon Scenery (not inside Addon Scenery/Scenery).


That apart, you have to activate it from the Scenery Library inside FSX. The only time you do not have to activate is when you add .BGL files directly to Addon Scenery/Scenery.


Thank you. I've done that also, many times. I'm about ready to give up. Added a Screen Shot of what I'm seeing. The Scenery should be straight in front of me. No body's Home.


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Could this be an issue of not having the scenery complexity slider far enough to the right?



the Bean


My scenery complexity is always set to max. I've tried it at all different settings. Still won't show up. I really don't want to give up on this but I am at a loss. I'll try DL'ing another scenery later & try it. Thanks again :)

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