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Problems after windows ten large update


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Hello All

I have had a busy week ,not only reinstalling Fs9 ,but also Windows Ten as well.

I thought I had sorted it all out, and the sim was running as previously with no problems ,however after a large download from Msoft things are not quite so good. The sim runs fine in windows mode (but I don't like windows mode) if I select full screen this is were the problems occur.

If I make any right clicks with my mouse the screen goes black for a few seconds before returning to normal also using the alt key to get to the menu produces a similar problem. I suspect a graphics card issue (my card is the Radeon 730 ).

I have had this problem before ,but solved it buy uninstalling there latest driver and rolling back to an earlier one, I tried this again but its not worked this time (I tried various earlier drivers to ,but no joy.)

I can use the sim but this is an annoying glitch.

Has anybody here run across a similar problem ?


Thanks Andy

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I've had similar problems with Win 10 updates and FS2002. After one large update FS2002 wouldn't even launch for a couple of days. :eek:


What I've learned to do is.. wait. ;)

Many of us who have switched over to Win 10 have to get used to getting periodic updates again. :eek: While Win 10 updates when it feels like it, it also generates error reports when conflicts happen. Sometimes waiting for a day or two will resolve the problem automatically. Sometimes you'll want to search for things like DLL and driver updates. Just give it a little time before you start hacking away at the sim. :pilot:

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I faffed about like that with Win10 for five months, until it refused to install FSX alongside FS2004 and FSX:SE. After three days of trying everything else I deleted the whole partition and re-installed Win7 Ultimate x64. FS2004 itself ran OK with a compatibility setting in nvidia inspector for full screen, but some of my FS2004 add-ons such as FSPassengers weren't Win10 compatible anyway. A waste of time in my opinion.


Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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I should add that I use Win10 every day at work, on a dual-screen setup running Office 365 and a couple of cloud-based apps, which it does perfectly well. As a platform for a 15 year old flight sim it's not ideal in my experience, and realistically why should it be? By all means give Win10 your best shot, I did. I simply got tired of constantly trying to find workarounds and having to make compromises when I could have been using Win7 with none of those problems.


If you're using nVidia Inspector, you can now get Antialiasing (AA) in full-screen mode in older games such as FS2004 in Windows 10:


(From the A2A Simulations forum, posted by molleh)


Towards the top of the profile settings in your nVidia Inspector profile you will see a setting called "Antialiasing compatibility."


Set that to "0x004412C1 (Diablo III)" and it should work again.


Apparently many other games that run in exclusive fullscreen mode require a similar change to the antialiasing compatibility flag to have the profile settings stick like they should. In the Fall Creators Update, MS changed how fullscreen rendering works - for example, you can disable Vsync now in a borderless windowed app (such as Prepar3D!) which wasn't actually possible before because of the desktop compositor which basically forced Vsync. Apparently this new functionality wasn't tested very well on older apps/games.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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As a platform for a 15 year old flight sim it's not ideal in my experience, and realistically why should it be?

I'll answer! This needs to be given more thought because things are totally different today then they were in the past.

MS want everyone to use Win 10 and nothing else. In this case, they certainly should be supporting old software unless we are all going to be happy dumping any piece of software that is not totally current and replacing it all constantly. In the past we could just stick with an older OS appropriate for our fav old software but that option is now being removed.


This part nothing to do with you Tim.

Too many people jumping on the Win 10 bandwagon with little thought of what Win 10 really means to future computer use.

Mark Daniels
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MS want everyone to use Win 10 and nothing else. In this case, they certainly should be supporting old software unless we are all going to be happy dumping any piece of software that is not totally current and replacing it all constantly.


My thoughts exactly, Mark. If MS want to produce Windows 10 only in future, perhaps they should produce platform-specific versions such Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 PC - my Win10 install couldn't decide whether my desktop PC was a phone, tablet, or laptop and installed all kinds of apps which were superfluous and even counter-productive to me.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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My thoughts exactly, Mark. If MS want to produce Windows 10 only in future, perhaps they should produce platform-specific versions such Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 PC - my Win10 install couldn't decide whether my desktop PC was a phone, tablet, or laptop and installed all kinds of apps which were superfluous and even counter-productive to me.


Yep, the way we are heading. Won't be long before MS will take the iTunes (worst software known to mankind) path and decide we no longer need things like copy/paste on our PC's and we should just "sync" everything. It's going to get ridiculous! lol

Mark Daniels
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To the OP, my advice is don't touch Win 10 until you absolutely have no other choice. If you can go back to another operating system I would be doing so. You said you just reinstalled everything so you are not too committed yet to keeping that Win 10 installation possibly???
Mark Daniels
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FS2004 works extremely well with Windows 10. I have 4x versions of FS2004 running.

It is essential to install FS2004 in the root directory, C:\ instead of the default directory as well.

Just run it as Administrator & in Compatibility mode.


Bad advice to not touch Windows 10. It has security patches that non of the older operating systems (they are all not supported as Windows 10 is) do not have.




You really cannot expect MS to keep on supporting old software!! In any case, Windows 10 is optimised for newer hardware. So, if you have a computer that is 10 years old, then keep your Windows XP, & 7 (Windows 8 & 8.1 was a 'dog' anyway)


Cape Town, South Africa

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FS2004 works extremely well with Windows 10. I have 4x versions of FS2004 running.

It is essential to install FS2004 in the root directory, C:\ instead of the default directory as well.

Just run it as Administrator & in Compatibility mode.


Bad advice to not touch Windows 10. It has security patches that non of the older operating systems (they are all not supported as Windows 10 is) do not have.




You really cannot expect MS to keep on supporting old software!! In any case, Windows 10 is optimised for newer hardware. So, if you have a computer that is 10 years old, then keep your Windows XP, & 7 (Windows 8 & 8.1 was a 'dog' anyway)


I knew it wouldn't be long. Hi Robin! lol

Mark Daniels
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Bad advice to not touch Windows 10. It has security patches that non of the older operating systems (they are all not supported as Windows 10 is) do not have.


Windows 7 is still supported by Microsoft, and will be until 2020. I'm using it with Windows Defender and Windows Security Essentials, both of which I expect will be supported for much longer!

My advice was to try Windows 10, but don't struggle with it - if you have problems with your "must-have" add-ons, go back to Windows 7 for now (you're absolutely right about Windows 8/8.1 Robin!).

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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To the OP, my advice is don't touch Win 10 until you absolutely have no other choice. If you can go back to another operating system I would be doing so. You said you just reinstalled everything so you are not too committed yet to keeping that Win 10 installation possibly???


Yep, I gotta agree, Win7 is still out there and will be up till very early January 2020 according to what I've read. I have it and, well, I'm happy with it with everything I set on it so far. I can't live without FS so as a racing sim. I put too much time organizing them to my likings, a project I'm still working in progress with since 2010. I want to finalize them all and make lots of backups so I don't repeat after all this time. At least thanks to members to tell it will still run fine in Win10 anyways.

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The only advice I have for you is to try and roll back the massive update. Then go to group policy and turn off those BS updates. Is an OS that broken that it needs updating every time?


I don't use updates. I haven't since 2004 and I haven't gotten malware or been "hacked." That's just a fallacy to get people to use updates and the "latest and greatest OS." If you take a proactive approach on how you do things then you don't need updates. There may be a few that you do need for motherboard drivers and other things.


Learn to use Sandboxie for your browser. Learn to scan all downloads at Virus Total. Don't surf the Internet like a moron, and you won't have to worry about updates. And even if you do use updates you're still gonna get malware, especially polymorphic malware. Check out Faronics Anti-executable. Or you can try something like Shadow Defender. But you need to exclude many folders and the recycle bin. I can help you with that if you chose to use Shadow Defender.


Anyway... About Group policy. https://www.easeus.com/todo-backup-resource/how-to-stop-windows-10-from-automatically-update.html


On my forum I have several posts on malware/ransomware protection and blocking Win 10 telemetry.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I don't use updates. I haven't since 2004 and I haven't gotten malware or been "hacked."


Few Points:


1. On Win 10 you may wake up tomorrow and your FS9 and/or FSX is gone forever. Next Win 10 update could take it out forever. If you are on Win 7 you can sleep peacefully knowing tomorrow morning you can still enjoy FS9/FSX.

2. Quote above is a good example. Many people even today still using Win XP. Those who have upgraded from XP, the most common reason I have read is those people are usually buying a new PC.

3. For the security paranoid. Win 7 updates continue till MINIMUM 2020. As with XP, many businesses continue to use Win 7 and as with XP, Microsoft may very well be forced to extend their support way beyond 2020. Even after this does eventually end, without a year or two of updates your computer will still remain quite safe. Hackers don't care about the old guy watching porn on his PC. They have more challenging interests and PC's to try and hack.


End of the day, a Win 7 PC is likely usable for many more years as are your current FS9/FSX installations. On a Win 10 PC, today could be the last day you ever use MSFS. Tomorrow, off to P3D you go!

Mark Daniels
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I'm still on Win XP even though I have a win 7 computer all ready to go. I just don't want the hassle of going through transferring everything to a new computer. Ive heard all the scare tactics trying to get me to upgrade to a newer version of windows junk but I have never had a problem with my XP. My Webroot Anti-virus still supports XP and it usually doesn't have to block anything. I'm not one that goes to questionable websites so there's usually not a problem. At my work they have been transferring everything to office 365 and Windows 10 and there have been nothing but problems since. Our intranet has been penetrated. We get phishing emails galore now. Computers are always crashing and slow as hell now. We never had any of this crap before. Good job microcrap. When this computer finally goes dead (MOBO is from 2005!) then ill set up the new one but until then ill keep rocking XP!!
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XP was and is a fine operating system. Especially for FS2004 and FSX. Only issue is that if you want to use newer and faster hardware you're stuck with at least Windows 7 and now Windows 10. And as the future rolls on Win 10. I migrated to 7 and it's been alright. Certainly not like 10, and I played with that crap on a new laptop I bought on eBay with 10 installed. I was always going to install 7 to it, but I messed around with it and after the few black DOS boxes appeared and other crap I was like who in GOD'S name uses this crap? I didn't even feel like I had control over my own damn OS. Was glad to format and put 7 right on this laptop.


I use XP on a netbook that is connected to an external monitor and a mini wireless keyboard that sits in the kitchen running, (and get this), a Team Speak server, FTP local server who's storage is on a SD card and it runs Phone Tray to help block telemarketers and has special ring tones over the speakers when people call. Yes, I have a landline through Comcast. Like to get Ooma sometime. I also use Nomorobo so it's like I have a firewall on my phone line. Very rarely do telemarketers get though. Anyways, I call it the kitchen kiosk. I use the Windows firewall and an older version of Immunet. I may install an older version of Comodo firewall like I had when I ran XP and see about using Time Freeze or Shadow Defender on it. I also have Peerblock on it that blocks over six hundred million IPs from cloud providers like, Google, Azure, Amazon, you name it as well ass China, Russia, Iran and several other countries. You wouldn't believe it, but once I open the Team Speak ports in the router I get connection attempts from all over the place. At one time I was able to change the Team Speak ports. But now I can't and after some major cursing and damn near taking a hammer to the computer I just said the hell with it and let TS use its default ports. Those ports ARE scanned for. No, my little netbook has never been "hacked" or gotten malware. So it's BS that people tell you that you absolutely MUST use updates or your vulnerable. No, there are many security solutions out there and you don't need updates to take a proactive approach on securing your computer. Hell! I could probably run a VM on there and do everything from that. But it would be pointless if I use something like Shadow Defender. Since if malware somehow got on there all I have to do is reboot and all is back to normal like nothing ever changed.


I think it may come down to having to use FS in XP or Windows 7. Windows 10 and its core updates going forward into the future probably means less and less compatibility for this old horse we play with call Flight Simulator. One solution would be to have a dual partition or dual HDD environment with Windows 10 and Windows 7 providing your motherboard drivers are compatible. And there in lies the straw that breaks the camel's back. Ultimately it may be that the hardware support won't be there and FS turns into dust. Unless you want to run old hardware. So there goes all hope at using a CPU in the future with a clock of 5GHz to finally have a good Sim experience since M$ in their infinite wisdom didn't make FS multi-threaded.


The future of security is not with update crap. It's with sandboxinig and virtualization of the host OS environment. Of course, the software that makes that possible would need patches as CVEs come out on its known or future exploits. I would say your router is more vulnerable. I can't tell you how many times I've seen infected zombie routers try to gain access to my website. And yet I bet these people who have unwittingly and unbeknownst to them have had their router hacked wonder why their Internet speed is so slow. And yet they yell at the ISP and give them bad reviews. No... You need to stay abreast of any and all router firmware updates, not use the default Admin password and/or turn off remote administration. Better yet, get a damn router that's worth a damn and supports something like DD-WRT or ASUS Merlin. Gesh... Now we have a major IoT problem... LMAO! It was, after all used in the largest damn DDoS attack known. Thanks in part to the IoT manufactures that could care less about security. It may take Congress to act. Believe you me. With things like databases and SCADA vulnerabilities, IoT are going to be a major issue.


I'm done. *takes breath* :D






OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Hello All

I have had a busy week ,not only reinstalling Fs9 ,but also Windows Ten as well.

I thought I had sorted it all out, and the sim was running as previously with no problems ,however after a large download from Msoft things are not quite so good. The sim runs fine in windows mode (but I don't like windows mode) if I select full screen this is were the problems occur.

If I make any right clicks with my mouse the screen goes black for a few seconds before returning to normal also using the alt key to get to the menu produces a similar problem. I suspect a graphics card issue (my card is the Radeon 730 ).

I have had this problem before ,but solved it buy uninstalling there latest driver and rolling back to an earlier one, I tried this again but its not worked this time (I tried various earlier drivers to ,but no joy.)

I can use the sim but this is an annoying glitch.

Has anybody here run across a similar problem ?


Thanks Andy



Absent of rolling back updates and deactivating updates with group policy, try this first:


Stop M$ from updating your drivers. Read this: https://www.itprotoday.com/windows-10/stop-automatic-driver-updates-windows-10


Now download your video card driver from the manufacturer's website.


Install Revouninstaller.


Boot into safe mode and uninstall your video card driver with Revouninstaller. Reboot.


Install the downloaded driver.


If that doesn't work try an older driver.


If all else fails go back to rolling back that massive update and then you need to turn off updates or it will appear again.


You're better off with a dual OS environment if you ask me. One with 7 for the Sim and one with 10.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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So you are recommending that people stay with Windows XP (17 years old) & Windows 7 (about 10 years old), both optimised for PC's of those era's?


We all know that hardware has changed so much in the last few years (Moore's law).

So do you really think that putting a 10 or 17 year old operating system onto a new computer is advisable and will work better than an operating system that is optimised for current & new hardware?


Really now, this Windows 10 bashing must stop!

The comments that, when you wake up one day, your FS9/FSX will be gone are also total rubbish & scare tactics.


Common sense is obviously to follow the simple advice of many Windows 10 users:

1. Install Fs2004 NOT in it's default folder, but into C:\

2. IF there is a problem, Run in Compatibility mode & as Administrator.

3. I am sure that, after 15 years since FS2004 has been released, most of us are using that exe that must not be mentioned.


Cape Town, South Africa

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To each their own I always say.


Like I said already. The time WILL come when FS can't be used anymore and that will fall withen the hardware/OS environment. FS is a very old game so you bet FS would be better suited for an older OS. And like I already said, it may be best to dual boot two OS's. But there in lies the issue with hardware again. With modern hardware as of right now, most MOBO's support Win 7, but not XP. And as the future rolls along even 7 is out of the picture. So as 10 evolves, the Sim may in fact be left in the dust. I mean, can you run some old Win 98se program (16 bit be it that) in say Win 7 or even XP?!


I'm not saying don't use 10, but be mindful of the fact updates can and WILL muck your system up. Just Google, "Windows 10 updates hosed my computer" and you'll see. It's not something that hasn't happened before and those that preach and pretend there's no issue are fooling themselves. An update may not have affected you or anyone else, but it has. It's like playing Russian roulette.


Go back and reread everything I said and accept the fact I've seen my fair share of BS with updates throughout my years of being on computer forums all across the Internet. In fact, the owner of one computer forum I was a member of gave me an Amazon gift certificate because I went out of my way to help people. I'm no computer dummy. I get it, updates are a "must" to those that think they need them. And this may be true to those that no next to nothing, have no real security in place, browse and download crap. It used to be at one time you could pick and chose your updates. Not anymore. Some asshat in Redmond sitting at his desk thought, "wouldn't it be great if an OS behaved like an asinine smart phone?" Thus Windows 8 was born and L-M-A-O! What a flipping joke that was. Then they kept the God awful flat crap and deployed the constant (you have no control) update madness like smart phones. I have a smart phone, but it's mostly for.. get this, making a bloody phone call and 2FA. Basically, all it does all day long is give me notification, notification, notification, notification, notification, notification, notification, notification. Update, Update, Update,Update, Update, Update, Update. And people use this thing to play Candy Crush! WTF!


Smart phones and Win 10 have turned the sucker into an analytical/ADs driven cash cow. You have ADs in Apps and in the start menu of Win 10. And to make it worse, I've read M$ wants to make sure you can only use Edge. Now they got their little rat claws on Github. So long open source to that. Next Bitbucket will fall. I can see it now.




Anyway.... Critical updates I guess are important. And that's about all you really need unless a program or driver specifically needs a certain KBxxxxx. Since I'm pretty damn paranoid with my computers and even my website's I chose a different path. Of course patches in a Linux server environment is a whole different ball game. You have an open door on port 80/443 so things need to be tight. And I run a pretty damn tight ship. No updates on my OS needed. Try to get past Shadow Defender or Faronics Anti-executable. You won't. I already blasted it with about 450 MB of malware, ransomware and other crap in a VM. All past the test. Updates certainly didn't stop it.


Once again. The future of security is not with update crap. It's with sandboxinig and virtualization of the host OS environment.


You can tell people to stop bashing Winblows 10 all you want, but it's my and other people's opinion. Except I present a strong case with solutions for proactive security so one doesn't have to use updates. I'm living proof you don't have to update. Haven't since 2004 when I ran Windows 98se. But I can only lead a horse to water now can I?


There's a large shed in the Internet, and it seems many if not all the tools are as sharp as they should be.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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I've had similar problems with Win 10 updates and FS2002. After one large update FS2002 wouldn't even launch for a couple of days. :eek:


What I've learned to do is.. wait. ;)

Many of us who have switched over to Win 10 have to get used to getting periodic updates again. :eek: While Win 10 updates when it feels like it, it also generates error reports when conflicts happen. Sometimes waiting for a day or two will resolve the problem automatically. Sometimes you'll want to search for things like DLL and driver updates. Just give it a little time before you start hacking away at the sim. :pilot:


Hello Bob

I am going to take your advice.

When I first started using Ten around last Christmas time I saw the very thing you describe i.e.

Various legacy components were needed for fs9 and had to be activated, but every time I tried nothing happened these items were not available . I had other issues as well but can't remember precisely what so sorry about that BUT! as you describe over the next few days they simply seemed to fix themselves.

Anyway I will wait to see what occurs


Thanks Andy

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Really now, this Windows 10 bashing must stop!

The comments that, when you wake up one day, your FS9/FSX will be gone are also total rubbish & scare tactics.


Comments like those are absolute and complete reality. I don't think you understand what you are using. Your Win 10 is not just one opertaing system it is the first of all future operating systems that will run under the same name.


Win 10 began as say the equivalent of Win 95. Win 10 will progress via updates to an equivalent of Win 98. It's probably already there by this stage. Next Win 10 will progress to the equivalent of Win XP and on and on!


I ask you, how many Win 95 programs run today on Win 10??? Exactly the same will happen to programs that were running on the initial Win 10 release. In time, Win 10 will evolve so everything that runs on it now will not run on it at some point in the future.


You of all people stressing "progress cannot be stopped" can surely understand by holding back legacy elements in an operating system only hinders the system development moving forward. There comes a point it is no longer viable to retain the legacy software of the system in order to move the system forward in the direction it needs to go. At this point the "legacy" element of the old system is cut free! Bye bye!


FS9/FSX WILL stop working on Win 10. Not "possibly," not "maybe," not "if" the only question is "WHEN?"


Edit: Should also say, if you are telling people they need the newest operating system to run the newest hardware surely you can also understand if you want to run decade+ old games this probably isn't the best way to do things. If you want to keep running old software, you can't also keep moving forward constantly with OS's and hardware and expect the old games to just keep working???


If you enjoy old stuff like FS9 the last thing you want to be doing is promoting Win 10. The business model MS clearly have in place for the future will destroy our ability to play many of these old games. The more users and businesses that refuse to switch the better off people like us would be. People think they did great by getting a free operating system. This is simply a short term gain and a long term loss. MS planned it well. You never get something for nothing...

Mark Daniels
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Hi Mark,

I do respect your views, however, your question on how many Windows 95 programs run on Windows 10 is a bit odd, to say the least. As you are no doubt aware, Windows 95 was released in 1995!! 23 years ago, & I'm sure that there is nobody that expects any 23 year old program to run on Windows 10 perfectly! Actually, Office 95 does!


I have no problem if, on an equivalent time line, my FS2004 will stop working in 8-10 years time. During that time, hardware & software would have evolved.


Older programs (DOS) can run within Windows 10 within Dosbox. Yup, progress does move on, & can you imagine legacy system software being incorporated? The amount of bloat that would incur!

In any case, Most people now days, when buying a PC, expect it to last 3-5 years.


So, you are advocating not to use Windows 10, because maybe, someday, all 'older software' will be decared redundant?


Cape Town, South Africa

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So, you are advocating not to use Windows 10, because maybe, someday, all 'older software' will be decared redundant?


I'm suggesting you don't take risk when there is no need to take risk and support a future that is not in your favor. If you play old games, Win 10 is not a good move until it is necessary to make that move. I don't rely on things like DOSBox to save my butt if I can still avoid it. Things like this are a life jacket for when you are already drowning. Don't jump off the ship in the first place.

Mark Daniels
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I agree with Skywatcher12, if you have something going real nice and no serious issues then why change it? Keep it running till it's time for a necessary change. My desktop is bought since September 2013, as of today, I would say it is super clean and running absolute fine (it is a Win7). Before I bought it, I made a few reviews for win7 and winxp to decide which I would stick with. I firstly wanted xp but I doubt if I could find it at the shop but when I saw that all my programs will run under win7 without big problems I went with it and the results were really great. There even was a few guys saying FS seemed to perform better under win7 than winxp or vista in terms of fps. The only scare FS users had was when an update came and FS wasn't running anymore from cd inserted, infinite thank you's for the no-cd patch! Win7 is just amazing for FS and so as for many other programs. I might even buy another giant pc by the end of 2019 just to have 2 big rigs of FS backups before win7 ends since my current one now is 5 years old. Win7 for the win!
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