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FPS friendly aircraft to purchase

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Hi all,


I'd like to purchase a new payware airliner as the only I currently have is the Captain Sim 757. I like the detail on the plane but there are some problems with it which can make flying frustrating at times. It flies well okay my rig but sometimes frames drop on approach.


Would you recommend any other fps friendly aircraft, such as the Aerosoft A320 or (dare I say it) the PMDG 737?


Thank you!

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So have you flown the freeware planes on the forum link? How about the default ones that came with the sim? Do you lose frames with them?


If I were a tube-liner pilot already seeing frame rate issues I'd explore how badly I was affected by as much freeware as I could try. Perhaps then I'd look at payware. I'm not big on spending money on things that I can't use. ;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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So have you flown the freeware planes on the forum link? How about the default ones that came with the sim? Do you lose frames with them?


If I were a tube-liner pilot already seeing frame rate issues I'd explore how badly I was affected by as much freeware as I could try. Perhaps then I'd look at payware. I'm not big on spending money on things that I can't use. ;)


I couldn't agree with Michael anymore! I hear/read about people having all kinds of problems with their payware downloads! I have managed to accumulate a pretty good collection of Boeings, Airbus aircraft and many general aviation aircraft! I like flying them all! No I have not had 100% success rate on all my downloads, but the ones I come upon that just don't want to cooperate, I simply delete what I've downloaded and move on to another download. Many times, problems can be overcome just by making minor tweeks! And believe me, trying to figure out some of these downloads and reaching out to the seasoned veterans for help, you learn a lot along the way! I couldn't image what I would have in my collection if I were paying for it! At least try a couple freeware downloads, see how you like them! I used to like this saying, at least until Donald Trump started beating it into the ground, "What do you have to lose?"


Good luck - Rick

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I would definitely recommend the Aerosoft A320/A310, the best value is the bundle which includes the A318/319 . There is a frame rate hit but nothing drastic, and you can tweak by eg turning logging in the configuration manager. I'm not sure what Downwind means when he says " I hear/read about people having all kinds of problems with their payware downloads!". Does he mean the down load process, or the product's functionality after down load. I don't doubt what he says, but i do feel that people are far more likely to be vocal when they are dissatisfied rather than when they are satisfied.

I bought the Virtualcol CRJ and was pleasantly surprised by this aircraft. Nicely detailed and nice to fly. It comes with an easy FMC (not that i have a problem setting FMC's ) it flies nicely, and is easily Vitualco's best plane so far.

I never seem to down load the free Aircraft available and maybe i should. There is a lot of hard work goes into them by very skilled developers. I do down load free wear airports, and getting myself into the habit of e mailing the developer to let him know how good the particular airport is.

Finally, my comments plugging Aerosoft and virtualcol, may sound like i have a financial gain from tham, while that would be a lovely way to make money, i assure you that no arrangement exists :(

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I'm not sure what Downwind means when he says " I hear/read about people having all kinds of problems with their payware downloads!". Does he mean the down load process, or the product's functionality after down load. I don't doubt what he says, but i do feel that people are far more likely to be vocal when they are dissatisfied rather than when they are satisfied.


I never seem to down load the free Aircraft available and maybe i should.(


I should not have said people having all kinds of problems with their payware downloads! Should have said just the word problems! Yes, people are more vocal when they have problems and both freeware and payware have their share of problems! But, guess what, my problems with freeware are getting the issue fixed or moving on to another download, which doesn't cost me anything but time! I have many aircraft in my collection and so far I only have $60 invested in the FSX program itself. I could ill-afford what I have today if I only limited myself to payware aircraft! Not only would my bank account not allow it, but, my wife would show me to the front door! She probably spends more on the books she reads than I have on flight simming! Not probably, she does spend more on them!


Like I said in my original post, at least try a couple freeware downloads, and I think you and Maszario will be presently surprised at what is being offered to us at no cost!


Happy flying! - Rick

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Here's a nice A320 freeware download, nice flying aircraft and everything works. I don't believe this is offered with a virtual cockpit, which I am not crazy about. I look for those that don't have VC's. Lots of freeware with or without VC's!



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I should not have said people having all kinds of problems with their payware downloads! Should have said just the word problems! Yes, people are more vocal when they have problems and both freeware and payware have their share of problems! But, guess what, my problems with freeware are getting the issue fixed or moving on to another download, which doesn't cost me anything but time! I have many aircraft in my collection and so far I only have $60 invested in the FSX program itself. I could ill-afford what I have today if I only limited myself to payware aircraft! Not only would my bank account not allow it, but, my wife would show me to the front door! She probably spends more on the books she reads than I have on flight simming! Not probably, she does spend more on them!


Like I said in my original post, at least try a couple freeware downloads, and I think you and Maszario will be presently surprised at what is being offered to us at no cost!


Happy flying! - Rick


+1! At least try from the freeware library on FlightSim.com!! If nothing else, some of these freeware planes may help you to discover whether your system can/will run the fancy payware stuff properly! And IMHO you'll have trouble ever beating the price!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Hi all,


I'd like to purchase a new payware airliner as the only I currently have is the Captain Sim 757. I like the detail on the plane but there are some problems with it which can make flying frustrating at times. It flies well okay my rig but sometimes frames drop on approach.


Would you recommend any other fps friendly aircraft, such as the Aerosoft A320 or (dare I say it) the PMDG 737?


Thank you!


1) What problems are making the flying frustrating?


2) What are the specs of your "rig"?


3) Where are you flying when you receive the drop in frame rates?


Another aircraft with less detail may solve some problems, but if you go for the Aerosoft airbus or PMDG, you may still have the same results.

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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Yes. Please stop!

Useless posts without a link. Not that I'm interested btw, maybe the OP.


@OP: don't start with payware. You'll never come back from it.




Wim - Excuse me? They are not interested in where to find these freeware downloads, right now they think freeware downloads offer something less than what they are paying for! Once they see, not only my pics, but do some research on freeware on their own, I would be more than glad to give them links!

Give them links you say? You or nobody else gave me links, the freeware downloads for the 2 pics that I posted, I found on my own, and it wouldn't take a genius go figure out where I found them! I decided what I wanted for downloads and I did searches for these aircraft, some didn't work so well, others were keepers! But I did it on my own! Sometimes, you have to venture out, know what you want and go find it! If they need help, I will give them links!


I had something to say about your reply, but I choose to keep this post clean!


Have a nice day! - Rick

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Why do I ask that question? Because that's what RW commercial flying has come to in today's world!


I flew choppers for the USMC in the 60's and that and all of my GA experience afterwords was 90+% hands on. So I've never understood the thrill of programming a flight and sitting there with your arms crossed and watching your plane or your sim plane fly.


I live near a UPS World-port and not far from a DHL hub. There are three active UPS pilots and a pair of retired DHL pilots who live nearby and are friends of mine. All of them either own or rent small GA aircraft to fly on a regular basis. Because they still choose to fly those small GA planes so they can actually fly a plane!


In fact the retired DHL pilot who is from Sweden and his wife, also a retired DHL pilot born and raised in Hawaii used their Cessnas to commute to and from work at KCVG to a small airfield within walking distance of where we all live. What did he do just before retiring? He flew a 747 into Iraq at least once a month. And the only thing he enjoyed or found interesting about it was the threat of coming under fire! She couldn't wait to retire because she found computer programming instead of flying was so boring!!


I was fortunate enough to be allowed to "fly" a UPS owned and operated 747 simulator at KSDF. I can't tell you how disappointed I was!! Give me a 172 any day rather than punching in a bunch of numbers in a 747!!


So no, I'm not into fancy payware aircraft! And I can't imagine why most if not all RW commercial pilots would be either.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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surely you realize that generalizing payware aircraft to “fmc programmable tubeliners” is really two steps too far!




No, unless we're talking payware puddle jumpers or STOL aircraft, that description in my opinion is correct. And that's exactly what my RW tube-liner pilot friends would say as well!!


You will never prize these RW commercial pilots away from their Cessnas or Beeches which they enjoy actually flying an airplane!! They all detest the computer controlled "taxis" or "semi trucks" where they sat and watched the plane fly to make their living!!!!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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My first car was a Fiat 500, lawnmower engine with two pots and 500 cc's in the back. My current car is a Fiat 500 and while it is ten times safer and feels somewhat of a Rolls Royce compared to the original, there also feels as if something is missing when driving it, you don't feel as much in control with the car. I don't think that this translates into aircraft as most people want them to be as safe as possible, and there is no doubt that modern aircraft are safer. There are a lot of myths about the Airbus,and it's "computer controlled flight" but in reality it only does what the pilot tells it to. I enjoy programing the FMGC and often spend half an hour at the gate before starting push back (GSX and all that) . I trundle out to the runway and get clearance to take off, rattle down the runway, wait for thrust reduction altitude and then punch the autopilot. I would have thought that most planes at cruise altitude with the auto pilot on, have the potential to be boring and that is probably why most of us limit our flights to 2 hours or so.
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My first car was a Fiat 500, lawnmower engine with two pots and 500 cc's in the back. My current car is a Fiat 500 and while it is ten times safer and feels somewhat of a Rolls Royce compared to the original, there also feels as if something is missing when driving it, you don't feel as much in control with the car. I don't think that this translates into aircraft as most people want them to be as safe as possible, and there is no doubt that modern aircraft are safer. There are a lot of myths about the Airbus,and it's "computer controlled flight" but in reality it only does what the pilot tells it to. I enjoy programing the FMGC and often spend half an hour at the gate before starting push back (GSX and all that) . I trundle out to the runway and get clearance to take off, rattle down the runway, wait for thrust reduction altitude and then punch the autopilot. I would have thought that most planes at cruise altitude with the auto pilot on, have the potential to be boring and that is probably why most of us limit our flights to 2 hours or so.


So you spend a half-hour programming and two hours "flying" with your arms crossed. That's exactly why my longtime commercial tube-liner pilot friends love their "hands on" GA aircraft. And fly them as often as they can find the time off to do so!


And that's exactly why I "fly" GA aircraft and tail-draggers on my sim. Thanks for explaining the difference so well!!;) BTW: That's also why I'll never even consider a Tesla or other automobiles of the "auto-driver" ilk!!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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And that's exactly why I "fly" GA aircraft and tail-draggers on my sim. Thanks for explaining the difference so well!!;) BTW: That's also why I'll never even consider a Tesla or other automobiles of the "auto-driver" ilk!!


Michael - I love to fly them all, but, you hit a "soft spot" with me when you mentioned GA aircraft and taildraggers! I was introduced to flying by my Father and Grandfather at the age of 5! My Grandfather owned a 1953 Cessna 180 and both would include us in their flying activities. I took up flying on my own in '66, went on to get my PPL, did some time flying skydivers for a friend's jump center, he owned a Cessna 170B model, got lots of hours doing that! The passion of it all never leaves us!


Today , with the high price of GA rentals and with some health issues that I have had, I still fulfill the passion with flight simming. I do enjoy the larger jetliners, but I do not use an FMC and do not care for the virtual cockpits! I do enjoy flying these "badboys" from point A to point B, but, the love of flying and how it all began for me, still exists, and I, too, still love the GA aircraft AND taildraggers!

I have modified the default DC3 to my liking and have a Cessna 185 in my collection, both are very enjoyable to fly!


Always have enjoyed your "screenshots" and your "point of views" in the forum. Keep them coming!



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Hey Rick,


Thanks for the thumbs up!!;) Sad to say this old RW pilot can no longer pass a flight physical. So other than hitch-hiking on one of my friends RW GA flights I'm limited to getting my flying fix by Simming as well.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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So you spend a half-hour programming and two hours "flying" with your arms crossed. That's exactly why my longtime commercial tube-liner pilot friends love their "hands on" GA aircraft. And fly them as often as they can find the time off to do so!


And that's exactly why I "fly" GA aircraft and tail-draggers on my sim. Thanks for explaining the difference so well!!;) BTW: That's also why I'll never even consider a Tesla or other automobiles of the "auto-driver" ilk!!


Well yes, but all of this planning and programming of the FMGC is an integral part of flying a modern Airliner. Starting at the gate with ground power, and then start to plan the fuel, passenger load etc (all this is optional). I have no interest in 'tail draggers' or GA aircraft, no disrespect to you of course as i can see why it would interest you... horses for courses and all that. It's the bigger jets that fascinate me, and always have done and was the only type of plane i wanted to simulate when i first got into the hobby.

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It sounds like you know exactly where your priorities are. Sorry, I can't help in your search for that type of plane!


But I do heartily recommend you avoid fancy scenery software. A: You won't see it from 35,000' and B: Your computer will be plenty busy without it.


Good Luck!!



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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As far as I know the aerosoft a321 and the pmdg planes are quite heavy on the frames. What kind of pc do you have? Give as many detail as you can. That will make it easier to advise.
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As far as I know the aerosoft a321 and the pmdg planes are quite heavy on the frames. What kind of pc do you have? Give as many detail as you can. That will make it easier to advise.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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As far as I know the aerosoft a321 and the pmdg planes are quite heavy on the frames. What kind of pc do you have? Give as many detail as you can. That will make it easier to advise.


I'm sorry il88pp, is that for me or the OP? If me, i already have the Aerosoft A318 through A321 bundle. I have the configuration manager, and CFG file nicely tweaked so quiet happy with the frame rates. Also purchased the Quality wings BEA 146 package when it was on sale, for 25$. That is a nice package, but a bit of a handful to fly, luckily i have MCE ultimate edition which is a great piece of soft ware and puts the first officer next to you for flows, check lists etc. @ Rupert the scenery i like to purchase is the airports. I enjoy the detail on the ground, bit like people who like baseball or soccer stadiums. Bit of a knock to the processor, but nothing drastic, and you can usually choose your level of detail. UK scenery has free airports you can download which are a massive improvement over default. The scenery designer hopes you will be sufficiently impressed to purchase the full version for around 20 $. I've bought two, both well worth the money. Aerosoft airports are good, but for some strange reason the gates never move.

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