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Steam Downloads ?


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I own the very basic version of FSX which is running beautifully using Windows 7. I am considering upgrading ( ? ), to the Steam edition. Will I be able to down load the same ad-on's that I am currently enjoying on FSX Basic, and can I expect to see an increase in performance ?



Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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Hi GBJim,

It's likely that you'll see some decrease in performance due to the improvements added by the Acceleration features which are included with the Steam version. But the improvements are well worth it. I can't think of any addons which will not be compatible; many newer addons require Acceleration features which you will be able to take advantage of.

Jim F.

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Let me describe exactly what I have here, so that I don't make any mistakes. I have an old Basic or Standard edition of FSX, copyright on the box is 2006. No SP-1, SP-2, or Acceleration has been added. I am using it on Windows 7, it seems to running very well, and I would not like to screw up what I have. I like playing with downloads, and have added about 12 Military and Vintage aircraft which I really enjoy.


Questions :


1) Will the Steam edition be compatible with my Windows 7 ?


2) Is it Discs in a box to be loaded into my Disc drive ?


3) How and where is the best place to purchase Steam edition ?


4) Can I expect to be happier with going to Steam over FSX ? ? ? :rolleyes:




Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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1) Will the Steam edition be compatible with my Windows 7 ?



2) Is it Discs in a box to be loaded into my Disc drive ?

No, it is downloaded over the Internet.


3) How and where is the best place to purchase Steam edition ?

Steam- http://store.steampowered.com/app/314160/Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_X_Steam_Edition/


You will need to install the Steam client first- https://store.steampowered.com/join/


4) Can I expect to be happier with going to Steam over FSX ?

Sorry, cannot read your mind, nor predict the future ;-)


FSX -SE (Steam Edition) is FSX Deluxe w/Acceleration that has had a few tweaks added to it so it does perform a bit better than the boxed edition.


So you will get the benefits provided by Acceleration (more aircraft, missions, etc.) plus the changes that were made in the service pacs.


Without knowing your computer specs there is no way to predict what these changes will do to your performance.


You will gain the ability to try the DX10 preview (assuming you have compatible hardware) which can improve both visuals and performance.


Right now FSX-SE is on sale for US $7.49, so not a lot to lose if you want to try it.


Installing FSX-SE will have no affect to what you currently have installed, you can leave your current installation as is, if you have the disc space.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

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" Right now FSX-SE is on sale for US $7.49, so not a lot to lose if you want to try it. "


I went to the link that you provided above, provided them with the information to join Steam and buy the download, verified my email address with them as required, and nothing happened ? I'll continue to be patient and will see what happens. If I don't hear from them soon .... Then screw them !



Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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I personally won't use anything "steam" related. I prefer my pristine FSX to stay the way it is and that is it works, well most of the time. I get a crash every now and then but that's what FSXSave is for. Thank God for that.


I imagine if Steam is anything like Punkbuster, they can look inside your computer.


Long live optical media! :D

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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" Right now FSX-SE is on sale for US $7.49, so not a lot to lose if you want to try it. "


I went to the link that you provided above, provided them with the information to join Steam and buy the download, verified my email address with them as required, and nothing happened ? I'll continue to be patient and will see what happens. If I don't hear from them soon .... Then screw them !




Did you download and install the Steam client? After installing the client you can download and install the sim.


And contrary to some beliefs, Steam itself is rather benign when it comes to DRM. It doesn't need to be connected to the Internet after the initial install of a game.

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I personally won't use anything "steam" related. I prefer my pristine FSX to stay the way it is and that is it works, well most of the time. I get a crash every now and then but that's what FSXSave is for. Thank God for that.


I imagine if Steam is anything like Punkbuster, they can look inside your computer.


Long live optical media! :D


Yer Know, that's interesting. My old FSX never crashes or misbehaves in any way, it's super reliable, and I'm just delighted with the performance that it gives me. Maybe it's just hard to improve on perfection, or I just don't know what perfection is ? The only reason that I was considering Steam, was because of the very attractive sale price, and it would be a new toy to play with. And I certainly don't need any new ad-on planes, my hanger is already loaded with the very best. I'm gonna have to give this some additional thought before I take the plunge. :)


Thanks for your input simpilot. - Jim

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Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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My crashes may be do to my weather engine Active Sky Evolution 2010. I may try FSrealWX for a while and see what happens. It doesn't crash all that often, but when it does it's a real downer. But since I have FSXSave I can go right back to where I was withen 5 minutes of the last save. The thing I learned about FSXSave is that you need at least 2 saves otherwise you may not have a save to load. I found that out the hard way. So now I have it generate two saves every 5 minutes.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Well, it's Saturday now, I've got Steam logos on my desktop, so I guess that I've joined the Steam organization, but I'm still failing to log in and make the FSX Steam edition purchase. I'm trying to contact their support group but they are not responding. I guess maybe that they don't work on week ends ?


Oy vey ! :(



Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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I assumed that I was registered with a name and pass word, but when I try to use that name and pass word to make the purchase, it tells me that I'm in error. Tried 3-4 times and it's driving me nuts. Also, when I click on their Support button, nothing happens.



Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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Did you click the link in the verification email they sent you when you first registered?


Yes, I clicked that email verification link, and never heard anything more back from them ? ? ? I then attempted to continue with the purchase and got Name and Password errors. Then when I would try for Support, they never responded. A phone number for them would be better.


Very frustrating !

Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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Welcome to Steam. Bad idea to go this route if you ask me.


Simpilot, I am beginning to believe that you are right. I really can't see how I can improve on what I am already flying.


What kind of problems did you have with them ?

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Happiness is FSX Steam and Windows 7 . :)
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It's not a bad idea. They have a system that they use to verify a new computer. You just need to copy and paste the code they send you via email. Then you are in. If you sign in from another computer you need to go through the process again (but only one time).

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K CPU@4.2GHz

Memory: 16.00GB Ram

Resolution: 3840 x 2160, 30Hz Seiki 39†Monitor

Operating System: Windows 10 Home Edition

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Many people have been using Steam for years with no trouble, and it has become the predominant online store for PC games for good reason. Posting vague comments about it being a bad idea without details aren't very helpful in solving the problem.


The suggestion about verifying a new computer is a good one to check into. A screenshot or two of exactly where you are running into the log in error may be helpful as well. There are some videos on YouTube that walk through the process and may be useful in making sure something wasn't overlooked.


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Adding Steam to an already working Sim is just going to complicate the whole mess. Why would anyone do that for a small apparent improvement?


Be different if you were buying a FPS or you never had FSX boxed from the begin with. But I digress, I like my optical media. The hell I'm letting crap interact on my PC. Bad enough I can't stand Origin and BF3 suxx so I promptly uninstalled it. Long live BF2 with the AIX mod!

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Adding Steam to an already working Sim is just going to complicate the whole mess. Why would anyone do that for a small apparent improvement?


I guess that depends on your definition of small.


For the OP, one benefit is he gets the Acceleration pac for $7.50, lots of people paid $30 for it.


Should he ever need/chose to reinstall, Steam eliminates the Microsoft activation which has been known to cause grief to some, though I have never had a problem with it.


Also, any addons purchased through Steam are a one click installation, which could greatly simplify a re-install.


As the HighMemFix and UIAutomationCore.dll fix are included in the Steam version you do not have to remember to execute them during a re-install, if you are even aware of them to begin with.


And the performance enhancements are real, if small.


I would say that all of that for less than lunch at McDonalds would be worth at least looking at.



the Bean


[added]Also, you do not "add" Steam to your current installation, they are 2 separate installations that have no affect on each other.[/added]

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Be different if you were buying a FPS or you never had FSX boxed from the begin with. But I digress, I like my optical media. The hell I'm letting crap interact on my PC. Bad enough I can't stand Origin and BF3 suxx so I promptly uninstalled it. Long live BF2 with the AIX mod!


Optical media like FSX that still depend on Microsoft's product activation servers?


And comparing Valve and Steam to EA and their Origin software is a poor comparison. EA has a very spotty record when it comes to both DRM and treatment of legitimate users. With Steam, Valve came up with a decent compromise between user experience while still providing a reasonable amount of protection for their, and other's, games.

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Also, remember that FSX-SE is a 32bit program that runs in a 64bit operating system.

As development has been frozen, there will not be any further updates or upgrades to FSX-SE.

No matter how much total memory is in your PC, a 32bit program will any address a total of 4GB RAM. This includes the RAM of the PC plus the graphics card RAM. A 64bit program, such as below, running in a 64bit environment, does not have this restriction, & will use whatever RAM is available.


Fllight Sim World, from Steam as well,(not forgetting P3D), IS a 64bit program that is being upgraded and developed as we speak.


Having said that, there are thousand of add-ons out there for FSX/FSX-SE, will many still being released.


Kind Regards,


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Robin wrote: "No matter how much total memory is in your PC, a 32bit program will any address a total of 4GB RAM. This includes the RAM of the PC plus the graphics card RAM."


The second sentence is not correct. A 32-bit program will address a maximum of 4 GB of VAS (Virtual Address Space) in RAM - the graphics card VRAM is not included in the VAS.



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Not at all sure why you are so down on Steam. Personal preference, I guess. I have both the boxed version of FSX and Steam installed, and prefer the steam version. It provides better performance for me than the boxed version.

Absolutely no problems with Steam.



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Steam brings FSX via another layer of delivery and sophistication.


Given that some simmers shouldn't be in charge of boiling water, much less a sophisticated gaming product, for some that may be a very good thing, while for everyone else it's not a bad thing.


Besides it's the only platform flogging the game for a fiver in one of its regular fire sales.

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