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Help with FSXSave


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I tried to install FSXSave. It wanted by default to install to the programs folder where FSX would be into the modules folder, but I have FSX in the root of C:\\. So I changed the install path to C:\\FSX\modules\FSXSave. I started the Sim and the module under Addons wasn't there. I uninstalled and then reinstalled to C:\\FSX\modules\ directly. Same result.


I don't know if FSUIPC is installed either. I don't use a registered copy, but shouldn't I see its module under Addons?


What's funny is that I have a few FSDreamTeam and FlightBeam airports installed and its DRM (or whatever you call it) module is installed under the Addons option at the top menu. So I don't understand why FSXSave and FSUIPC doesn't show up.


I know I installed SP1 and SP2. But how can I confirm FSX is indeed updated to SP2?


Any and all help appreciated.

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"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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...So I changed the install path to C:\\FSX\modules\FSXSave. I started the Sim and the module under Addons wasn't there. I uninstalled and then reinstalled to C:\\FSX\modules\ directly. Same result.


Whenever I install anything it's only necessary to specifiy just the FSX root directory (ie: D:\Flight Simulator X - Gold Edition) or what ever you path is. So far everything installed did not need any specified subfolders in the install path.


I don't know if FSUIPC is installed either. I don't use a registered copy, but shouldn't I see its module under Addons?


Yes, even with a unregistered version it should be in the 'Addons'


I know I installed SP1 and SP2. But how can I confirm FSX is indeed updated to SP2?


If you have a 'DX10 Preview' selection box I think is one way to confirm SP2.

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Yes, even with a unregistered version it should be in the 'Addons'


Then something is out of place here. I don't know what. Should I remove both service packs and try a repair install? Is that going to mess up my FSDreamTeam and Flightbeam installs?



I also have a module or dll installed that fixes the blurry cockpit when it rains. Will that get over written?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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I think I got this to work. There is a file called dll.xml in the same folder as fsx.cfg. There are other files with a similar name. I backed up those files and opened them with Notepad++ and used Everything.exe to look for the DLL entries that may or may not exist and found a few that didn't exist so I deleted those entries. I was then able to update FSUIPC and it now shows up in the addons menu and it appears I have to start FSXSave.exe in the modules folder while in game. But reading this I think I can add those entries to the dll.xml file to auto load FSXSave.


I think the reason why FSXSave didn't write that entry to dll.xml was because the program expected FSX to be under the programs files folder and my install is under C:\\

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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  • 3 years later...
I think I got this to work... But reading this I think I can add those entries to the dll.xml file to auto load FSXSave.


I know I'm a little bit late to the party here. I'm currently trying to install FSXSave into FSX and I'm having the same install issue most of the people I've seen. Unfortunately the link provided doesn't seem to work anymore.


I've added the FSXsave.msi file to the FSX/modules folder. For the entry in the dll.xml file, is it as simple as copying the FSUIPC entry and replacing "/Modules/FSUIPC.dll" with "/Modules/FSXsave.msi"?



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Yeah, It's in the exe.xml file. That's where the Sim launches FSXSave. Follow my instructions to a T. A T!


1) Download and install Everything.exe https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/


2) Don't have to, but it's easier. Download and install Notepad ++. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/


A) As always, scan ALL downloads at Virus Total. Rule of thumb is 4 hits and you toss, but it largely depends what you have there that you're scanning. Game hacks will light the radar up so to speak.


3) Double click FSXsave.msi to install. An MSI is a Windows installer.


4) Fire up Everything.exe and search for exe.xml


5) Right click exe.xml in Everything.exe and open its path to navigate there to that path which should be C:\Users\[Windows username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX


6) Right click and open exe.xml with Notepad ++ or temp rename the exe.xml file to exe.txt to open in Notepad. If you do that just remember to rename it back to exe.xml.


7) Once you have the exe.xml file loaded in a text editor add the following:





A) Note this has to be added before the closing text. See attached screenshot.


B) Note the path. See where my path says the path to FSXSave.exe is in my FSX folder under C drive? That path has to reflect where your FSXSave is located at. So mine is: C:\FSX\Modules\FSXSave.exe. Key thing here is that it's in the modules folder. To find your FSXSave.exe path just search for it in Everything.exe.


8) Now just save the exe.xml file. If it was renamed to a text document make sure it's saved as the default XML file. If you don't already, make sure show extensions is on. To do that type in Windows search folder options. Now in folder options click the View tab. Uncheck hide extensions for known file types. This should be unchecked at all times for lots of reasons I won't get into here.


I'll make a video. LOL


OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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And added these instructions plus a video to my website here: https://cyberpcforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=3285#p3285

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have FSX-Steam - when I tried to install FSXSAVE it said I needed SDP2 and would not install: I thought the Steam system included SP2?


Yes, the installer no longer works with the latest versions of Windows / FSX. See the link to the solution in the previous post.



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