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Turboprop engines question


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So, i am about to share some thoughts with all you people ...in real life an ATR or a dash 8 ,when engines shut down, the propellers take a while to fully stop. However in fs9 and in fsx (i guess), when you shut down the engines, the propellers are spinning for like 3 seconds and they stop immediately in any turboprop plane. Is this something that can be modified?
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i'm just going from memory here, it's been awhile, but i'm pretty sure you can. i think in the aircraft.cfg in the [propeller] section, maybe the propeller_moi or the prop_tc

- bernie

p.s. no need to call me Capt folks, Capt Flappers is just a name my wife teases me with because of my flight sim obsession. :o

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From what I've been seeing on the FSDeveloper forums, what you want to do is in the .mdl file. Thus, you'd either need to get the original developer to change the way the props wind down, or get permission, and use MDLConverterX to make the changes yourself.

I know less than nothing about working with .mdl files, so that's all I can tell you, I'm afraid.

By the same token, I could be completely out in left field on this.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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The only problem increasing the prop MOI is that it will take longer for the engines to react to throttle changes.


Yep, I agree, Tom. If you change one thing to make it look better, it will then change something else performance-wise. Another thread went on to describe some changes that were made in the FDE. Sort of a vicious circle!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I do have a gauge created by Doug Dawson that controls prop rpm (FS2004 only) and this can simulate the slow rpm increase and decrease of typical turboprops. It's not particularly easy to use and has some limitations, so I don't advertise it as a general solution. My CV-580, F-27, and L-188 Electra packages do offer it as an option though.

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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