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Editvoicepack sidestep error


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Hello everyone!


After downloading some evp mods, I noticed that when I request another runway for landing (for example atc selects runway 26R but I request ruway 26L), the atc says: "*callsign*Turn left/right *heading* expect vectors ILS approch runway 26L. Sidestep runway 26L."


What should I do? I can provide screenshots if needed. Thanks! :)

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Hello everyone!


After downloading some evp mods, I noticed that when I request another runway for landing (for example atc selects runway 26R but I request ruway 26L), the atc says: "*callsign*Turn left/right *heading* expect vectors ILS approch runway 26L. Sidestep runway 26L."


What should I do? I can provide screenshots if needed. Thanks! :)


What you should do is follow ATC's advice. Once the approach is given by ATC, if you change it, you will be given the "sidestep".

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Here is a screenshot...

It was not like that before. That bothers me. :(


Well, if it bothers you then don't request something other than what ATC gives you the first time.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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The screenshot is irrelevant as we can't see which runway/approach was given initially by ATC.




+1 I see 2 ways to "solve" your problem. 1. Use the first approach that ATC gives you.

2. Uninstall the EditVoicepack mods you installed.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I am curious to know if you ever get any king of clearance to a "R" runway?


Do you use an addon for KBOS or is that the default KBOS?



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

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Oh well. Thank you for the reply sir! But, out of curiosity, is there any fix for this?



NO fix needed. Better understanding of the approach instruction needed. On many parallel runways there are two runways, but only one ILS (to avoid interference). If you arm the 26L Approach but are expected to land on 26R it is the PILOTS responsibility to change the approach type, or accept the sidestep approach where you use the 26L instrument guidance before sidestepping to the other runway at the correct point on the approach.


FSX does not do this by default - if it has the `choice` between an ILS runway and a parallel non-ILS runway for instrument approach it will choose the ILS runway. You have added realism but apparently not the knowledge to use it.


Not sure how we `fix` that?

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I am curious to know if you ever get any kind of clearance to a "R" runway?


Do you use an addon for KBOS or is that the default KBOS?



the Bean


+1 I'm even more curious about the first approach that was given by ATC. I haven't installed any evp mods to my EditVoicepack and if I request another approach, I get the same type of "sidestep" instruction.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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NO fix needed...


If you were to actually look at the posted screenshot you would see the OP was cleared for what appears to be the KBOS ILS for 4L, then instructed to sidestep to 4L.


Does that sound correct to you? Is that something you see as user error?


Also, if you did a little research you might find out that KBOS does not have an ILS on 4L, it does on 4R.


I also see in the screenshot the OP is communicating with Boston Control.


AFAIK "Control" is not standard FSX terminology, which leads me to suspect the OP is using a modified voice pack. I am curious if the OP ever sees a "right" runway clearance because it is possible that whomever made the "Control" mod screwed up the left/right runway callouts.


If my suspicions are correct, then the OP does have a fixable problem and is not experiencing user error. The fix is to get rid of that modified voice pack.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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I am curious to know if you ever get any king of clearance to a "R" runway?


Do you use an addon for KBOS or is that the default KBOS?



the Bean


I am using an addon. Sorry for the late reply. :)

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Do you use an addon for KBOS or is that the default KBOS?



the Bean


I am using an addon.


Care to share with the class which one?



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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