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Active runway and ATC


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When I file an IFR flight plan I normally choose the active runway for takeoff unless I'm leaving from the gate. Usually this works fine but sometimes ATC will send me to a different runway. Am I incorrect in assuming the active runway is the one which ATC would use.


I don't know how the logic in ATC works, but I am also wondering if something like Active Sky, which I use, could have an affect as well.

I would imagine wind would be the main driver of runway selection for takeoff.

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Yep and we , sometimes, end-up downwind on the departure runway..!

maybe some kind of "skill test" 😨

i7-4790K @4400 on Gigabyte Z97X (16gb), GeForce GTX 970 OC, Corsair Spec case

Win7 Ult(64) on Samsung850 SSD(256), FSX+Accell on Samsung850 SSD(256), Track IR5

Saitek yoke/rudder radio/multi/switch panels, Logitech G13, GMap on Samsung tab

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More often then not it seems I find myself on a runway only to be told to taxi (usually a long way off...I'm getting really good at taxiiing!) to the active after getting clearance from ATC. It's frustrating and only makes me wish that we had the option to start cold and dark at the gate or parking spot of our choosing.
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More often then not it seems I find myself on a runway only to be told to taxi (usually a long way off...I'm getting really good at taxiiing!) to the active after getting clearance from ATC. It's frustrating and only makes me wish that we had the option to start cold and dark at the gate or parking spot of our choosing.


Uhh..........Why yes you do have that option, By cracky!;)

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Really? News to me! Do tell, Zip!


OK, To begin with I'll tell you how I have my Sim set up. You can choose to follow suit or do it your way.




I don't use the Funky motorized kite flying over Friday Harbor.


I chose my default Baron 58 set up in a parking spot at KSNA (John Wayne Airport). All engines turned off, throttles at idle, prop levers full, mixtures set to full rich. All electrical off. Avionics switch on, and parking brake set. I am using Real Weather updated every 15 minutes. I then hit the semicolon key, to save this as my default flight, type in "My default flight" and check the box at the bottom to make this the "Default flight". Now any aircraft I choose to fly will start out "cold and dark".


In your flight plan, when choosing an airport for departure, there is a dropdown to select a gate, ramp, or GA parking spot....your choice. Now you can jump into your aircraft, crank it up and taxi to whatever runway ATC points you at.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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You could do all zippy's cold and dark stuff. (make sure batt and lights are off). But that's not needed to start at a gate.


To select a gate from the main menu, click the airport select box, select the airport, click in the box that says 'active runway', and scroll down to the gate you want.

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Well I'll be damned. It's that friggin' easy and I never even thought of it. Duhhh. Thanks Zip!


You could do all zippy's cold and dark stuff. (make sure batt and lights are off). But that's not needed to start at a gate.


To select a gate from the main menu, click the airport select box, select the airport, click in the box that says 'active runway', and scroll down to the gate you want.


I'm so anal about trying to make it as real as possible (and not even getting close) that cold and dark is how I want it. Does that sound evil? LOL Thanks india lima 88 papa papa!

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I wasn't saying cold and dark is bad, but I think you got that.;):D

Just that, you can select a gate from the main menu.


If your setup is always cold and dark anyway you can still use that.

Select a gate from the main menu, weahter, time, etc.

then "Fly Now", and it starts you cold at the gate.


Saves time actually. There's no need to load your default cold and dark flight to start at home base first, and then select the correct gate to go to it (that would take time loading again), then select time (loading again), weather (loading again), etc.


I can see the long way round can have it's appeal too. Can be quicker in some situations. Personal preference, as always with FSX.:D;)



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