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Jim Hall

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Seriously, has any experienced simmer tried to fly a flight plan intoxicated? At what point in the flight did it dangerously effect the flight? If I were ATC and thought the pilot at Clearance was drunk I would think twice worried that I was confusing a minor speech impediment with being drunk. I mean what do you do, tell the pilot that he needs to get a breath test before he can take off and then get a law suit? I would guess that actually flying the plane would be automatic but ATC and navigating would be disastrous. I know many drive drunk and suspect that some fly drunk. For the record, I have never simmed drunk, yet. Besides, I’m new at this and would seem drunk to knowledgeable ATC and pilots already.
i7-7700k @ 4.2 Ghz, 16 GB DDR4/3000,2280 SSD M.2,Genome II Case,Nvidia GTX 1080 rear exhaust, Samsung 40" HDTV & Two 24" HP side monitors. Redbird Alloy yoke, pedals, and throttle. A single Saitek Instrument Panel and Cessna trim wheel. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 speakers. Windows 10 64 bit. 58 measured Mbps.
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I'm always drunk when I fly. It's the only way I can put up with lousy frame rates and stuttering..............
Intel 10700K @ 5.0 Ghz, Asus Maxumus XII Hero MB, Noctua NH-U12A Cooler, Corsair Vengence Pro 32GB 3200Mhz, Geforce RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, and other good stuff.
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When simming online and one is drunk, it gets a nuisance to others. So I'd suggest to go offline. And to get some help given the fact that most people are simming alone, getting drunk without others around is a typical symptom of alcholism. It's not okay when that happens more often and one could use some care.


I'd be worried about him/her. When you get caught being on the airside intoxicated in reallife you will instantly have your license revoked.



Grtz., Hans

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And to get some help given the fact that most people are simming alone, getting drunk without others around is a typical symptom of alcholism.


No it isn't. Typical symptoms of alcoholism include, getting behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated, inability to work effectively causing financial end emotional problems, inability to cease alcohol consumption without moderate to severe withdrawal up to, and including the DT'S (contrary to popular belief the shaking of the hands is not the 'DT'S')..and of course, dropping an Airbus in the Mississippi river while attempting to land.

Sitting in front of your computer with 6 pack is not a symptom of alcoholism.

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Well, seriously. I have driven drunk once - long time ago, when I was young and stupid, now I'm just not young any more. Nothing happened, except I got scared.Subject: The Future


Watch out folks . . . the times they are a changing . . . laugh but it will come to this

as they already know more than enough about our life now.


- Hello! Gordon's Pizza?

- No sir, it is Google Pizza.

- So, I have the wrong number?

- No sir, Google bought Gordon's Pizza.

- OK. Take my order please ..

- Well sir, you want the usual?

- The usual? How do you know me?

- According to your caller ID, the last 12 times, you ordered pizza with cheese,

sausage, thick crust ...

- OK! OK! That's it.

- Sir, may I suggest to you this time ricotta cheese, arugula with sun-dried


- No, I hate vegetables.

- But your cholesterol is high!

- How do you know?

- Through the Lab subscriber's guide. We have the results of your blood tests

for the last 7 years.

- Okay, but I want my regular pizza, I already take medicine.

- But sir, you have not taken your medicine regularly. Four months ago, you only

purchased a box with 30 tablets at Drugsale Network.

- I bought more from another drugstore.

- It is not showing on your credit card.

- I paid in cash.

- But you did not withdraw that much cash according to your bank statement.

- I have other sources of cash.

- This is not showing on your last Income-Tax return, unless you got it from an

undeclared source.

- WHAT THE HELL? Enough! I'm sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp. I'm

going to an Island without Wi-Fi or internet. Where there are no cell phones or

satellites to spy on me.

- I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport, as it has expired 5 weeks

ago!ssion). That's one thing I have never done again, and never will. As for flying.....



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Sitting in front of your computer with 6 pack is not a symptom of alcoholism.


Drinking more than 5 beers at one occasion technically is considered binge drinking. So technically, it is. As is denial btw. ;-)



Grtz., Hans

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Drinking more than 5 beers at one occasion technically is considered binge drinking. So technically, it is. As is denial btw. ;-)


Binge drinking is not alcoholism. In fact, while we are on the subject, give me the definition of an alcoholic..sure, you can google it and find all sorts of clinical answers to that but none of them are definitive. When i was doing my training, an alcoholic was defined as 'anything you want him to be' and that is so true.

As far as the denial thing, that's always amused me, it's like me saying 'why don't you get help with your cocaine problem' and when the person answers, ' i don't have a cocaine problem' ...well you get the picture.

Kaashaas, i'm not picking a fight with you, you're opinion and input is as equally as good as mine, it's just that this subject has always fascinated me for some reason.

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To clarify; I'm a therapist with over 18 years experience treating all sorts of drug- and alcohol habits in The Netherlands. Or 'Substance Abuse Disorder' as we call it nowadays.


The summary you gave earlier covers most of the criteria to diagnose 'dependancy' and/or addiction to substances like alcohol as described in the DSM-IV (call it the 'mental health bible'. We use this instrument to diagnose mental health issues.) These criteria are slightly modified in the latest version, DSM-V.


One of the 11 criteria is 'Inability to sustain hobbies, social activities or work as a result of using a substance'. As for online simming; if I'm too drunk to continue my session this criterium is pretty much ticked.


But what if someone looses his job?. It's hard to quantify which caused what. Maybe someone is very unhappy at work because it's too demanding and starts snorting. Does that mean he's not functioning because of the cocaine? This guy will probably tell you it's the other way around. Is he in denial then? Or do I ask the wrong question? That's open for discussion.


In fact, it doesn't matter. There are 11 hard criteria to diagnose SAD. If you meet 3, there's a mild disorder. Meet 4 or 5 and the disorder is considered moderate. Meet 6 or more and the disorder is considered severe.


So stating that someone who drinks over 5 beers on an occasion (and reaching an alcohol promillage equal of greater than 0,8) is an alcoholic is not always relevant. It can be if this occurs more often and influences how one functions.


Bingedrinking (reaching a promillage euqal or greater than .8) affects someones medical condition (brain damage, liver etc.) so could on itself be a sign of substance abuse accoring tho the criterium 'continuing to use the substance even when this imposes danger to the person itself'. But, like I said, this there's always room for interpretation. Bingedrinking alone will not make you an alcoholic, but when done regularly will have more criteria ticked as a result.



Grtz., Hans

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