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Change default startup settings?

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2. The Trike is unfortunately a bad choice because it lacks a lot of important systems which should be initialized when loading FSX


E.g. the C172 is a very good default plane to load FSX with.


+1 I find the default Baron 58 even better. Multiple engines, Prop levers along with throttles and mixture levers.


Most important switch to have in the "ON" position when saving the default flight is the Avionics Switch. That way any aircraft you use will have it on when you start the flight.


This is just my thoughts on the "default flight". I treat it like a sacred cow and never fly it or use it to start a flight just to change aircraft or airports. It's sole purpose is to set up the cold and dark condition of all of my aircraft.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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+1 I find the default Baron 58 even better. Multiple engines, Prop levers along with throttles and mixture levers.


Most important switch to have in the "ON" position when saving the default flight is the Avionics Switch. That way any aircraft you use will have it on when you start the flight.


This is just my thoughts on the "default flight". I treat it like a sacred cow and never fly it or use it to start a flight just to change aircraft or airports. It's sole purpose is to set up the cold and dark condition of all of my aircraft.


I agree. The C172 is a good default plane. Thanks for the reply and the info.

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Nonsense. The trike works find as default flight. I never use anything else, and never a problem.


I don't set it to cold and dark, but that is easy to do using the keyboard command for "mixture full lean".


Whether or not you can start your aircraft when you choose one for a later flight depends on the switches available in that aircraft. (or on combo of brain and keyboard commands) Not on what is in the trike.


Kaashaas, the default planes are way better then you make then out to be.

You should try them sometime.

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Kaashaas, the default planes are way better then you make then out to be.

You should try them sometime.


+1! My default is the Lear 45 and it has all the functions I normally need to start with. That includes the fact that I use a separate monitor to look out the left side and another for the right side as well. In fact in the bottom left hand corner of my right view I have placed the GPS. That way regardless of what view I'm using with the center screen the GPS is always visible.


I've found that even though I have a good computer, I'd much rather have good and dense scenery than to program a plane to fly itself. As an old chopper jockey, we didn't have all that fancy stuff back in the 60's when I flew. So, to me flying is something I do with the plane. Not something the plane does for me!! ;)


If I want to watch the plane fly I can always call up a u-tube video and cross my arms. If that were true, why would I need or buy anything else?

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Ehm....guys, all I was saying is that some add-ons work best when you start FSX with the default Trike. Becáúse some non-default settings are loaded when you load up with, for example, a PMDG things can easily be messed up. I mentioned FS2Crew as an example, which will simply not work correctly when you start FSX with anything else but the Trike. I wasn't trying to disqualify stock planes.


I like bushflying the DC3 around Africa for example. Has a nice roar to it. The Robin helicopter: epic around the Dutch Antilles or Mount Etna with simulator time set to the moment of its last eruption.



Grtz., Hans

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2. The Trike is unfortunately a bad choice because it lacks a lot of important systems which should be initialized when loading FSX


This is the nonsense statement.

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Hm, so why is it that e.g. Bill Leaming as a well respected and knowledgable add-on designer says that this is the case?


Could you please show me where you got that from?

Robert Kerr

3D Modeler & Texture Artist

I7 4790K @ 4.4ghz, GTX-970 w/4GB, 8gb DDR 3 RAM, two SSDs, and Win 7 64 bit.

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what it says there is wrong, in that it is not just a Trike thing.


just see what happens if you save a flight and make it the default flight.

You could set up the flight, switching the engines off.

(But leaving the mixture full rich)

When you save 'as default'

restart fsx,

and then load your "saved default flight"

you will see the engines are running when it has loaded. It happens because of the mixture.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the Trike. It would happen in any aircraft.



And on top of that.

I don't change my default flight.; I use "Ultralight over Friday Harbor". The default default flight.

I regularly save a flight with engines off. And I remember to also lean the mixture fully.

But I don't make it "the default".

Next time I start fsx, the ultralight will be shown.

I then select the flight I want to load. It loads, and the engines are not running. Just as it is supposed to be.



Many more people come here because they made their own flight the startup situation, and are now stuck.

They forgot what they did when shutting the plane down and can't get it started. They have let the battery drain overnight. Or the flight got corrupted from changing planes too often.


Because that is one thing that does have an effect. Changing planes mid-flight.


A few days ago I did a long flight, 14 hours. First in a 767, then switching to a 737 mid-flight.

I also heavily editited the aircraft's lights in flight, reloading the model often. I saved it a few times too.


When approaching destinations I had several times that all power failed. Total darkness in the VC. Impossible to fix using switches. Apu had been running, and battery was on too.

What fixed it was a quick "aircraft (reload)" command. Very unusual was that then the autopilot was off as well.

And... 5 minutes later it happened again. And again.


After many years of many flights, I know these type of errors are from loading a flight, and then changing to another plan afterwards.

They have nothing to do with the startup situation that you see in the startup menu. Friday Harbor. There you simply choose your aircraft, location, date/time, weather, and go fly.

That gives you the best chance of having a well functioning aircraft after loading.


It is not true that the trike "misses many systems and would not work as startups situation".

The trike for example has no gauges installed for autopilot. But you sure can use the autopilot commands in it (altitude hold, etc). For your fsx the planes are th same.

It is quite easy to install an autopilot in the Trike. To make it fly well, the airfile and aircraft.cfg do need a little work too to make it function well.


Of course it is a bad idea to LOAD the default flight, and after that to switch aircraft mid flight. Then things go wrong.

But if the trike is selected by default in the menu, then you select the 747, a location, weather, and time date, and then you click "Load Flight", there is no issue at all.

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Developer or not, he has over 5,000 posts and from what I have seen on other things from him, his information is helpful and credible. Remember, these forums are for helping people out, not having a massive argument. :)

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.




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I am working on a commercial business jet project with someone that has coded a lot of avionics over the years for multiple entities. Early on in our interactions he "counseled" me to do exactly as il88pp posted.

Robert Kerr

3D Modeler & Texture Artist

I7 4790K @ 4.4ghz, GTX-970 w/4GB, 8gb DDR 3 RAM, two SSDs, and Win 7 64 bit.

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