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Is my system strong enough for fsx?


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I5 2.9gh 4gb ram gtx 770 hdd 500gb and windows 10

that s what my pc consists of

i have fsx installed

i know my system is not the best for fsx which as i have read it uses more cpu than gpu.

when i m on an defaurlt scenery the simulator runs really smooth.

however i have installed an aerosoft scenery and when i have chosen pmdg aircraft the game does not run as i wanted.it s not that it doesn t run well but it s not smooth .

I have tried to chaange some graphic options but i don t know what to reduce and what to increase.i don t know also how many fps i have to choose.

So i wanted to ask if you could help me on that and also would more ram memory (lets say 10 gb ) fix the problem cause i cant afford buying i7 cpu


Thank you

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More RAM will not help! FSX uses only 4GB plus whatever VAS it can squeeze out of your system. You have to face the fact that payware stuff kills FPS and CPU speed.



Things to reduce...AI traffic, boat and car traffic, Lens Flare and Light Bloom, Move the water textures slider to 2LOW setting.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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if win10 is 32 bit, then 4 gb is fine. The system can't acces more anyway.

SOme of the 4gb would be used by the videocard, some by Windows, and only between 2 and three would be assigned to fsx.


But if your win10 is 64 bit, then having more then 4 will be usefull.

8gb would be fine, more is not essential for something like fsx.


With 8gb, and a 64bit Windows, FSX gets a full 4gb to play with, and the rest is for Windows and the videocard.


An i7 is not essential at all. It's more to do with processor speed.

I myself have an i5, that has a base frequency of 3.4 ghz, up to a turbo frequency of 3.8ghz.

Not only that, but mine can be overclocked. I run it a a speed of 4.0 ghz.

(It's the i5-3570k processor. Bought that 3.5 years ago.)


I know full well that replacing your processor would be expensive. I do not want to push you to do that. Just wanted to give you some info.

FOr example, the difference between i5 and i7 is that the i7 has not only 4cores, bt that each core also can run a "virtual core".

When used correctly by a program, that can result in faster processing.

But, good old fsx does not make use of virtual cores. So for FSX itself there is no difference.

There are one or two programs (Active Sky for example) that make use of virtual cores. However, that's just one program. With all the things that are not using those virtual cores, it still makes little overall.


If looking for a new processor (later perhaps, for a new pc) focus on a quad core with a high clockspeed.

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a great way to gain some fps easily:

Less clouds set up in Weather setup menu


select fair weather. click ok.

choose World--Weather again.

Now select: "Customise"

(What is set up in there will be same as fair weather now.)

Change that slightly.

-drag the lowest cloud layer a bit higher, to 10.000 ft or so.

-make that cloud band also a bit less wide perhaps.

-and for that cloud band, make the cloud coverage less. I usually just choose 1/8 coverage.


Then go to the highest cloud layer. That's at 40.000ft or so.

It will be set to "Cirrus" which is the correct cloud type for that altitude. SO leave that as is.

But the coverage is set to 6/8

you can reduce that to 1/8, and while flying it will still look only slightly less. Actually, I like it a lot better, because you do get a little less high-altitude clouds. It then resembles the wispy clouds you see high up on a clear day. Pretty realistic.


Clouds, because they overlap, are partly transparent and also change shape, take the pc a lot of effort to show them. Reducing the clouds has a noticeable effect on fps.

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Thank you all for your replies .I ll try to buy 4gb ram.I saw this

this guy has an i5 cpu just like me but he has more ram and he gets a wonderful smooth picture even on add on sceneries.

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As one already answered, it would be useless to have more than 8gb.

For the frame limiter(FPS), those who use it set 30 or 31. But, Depending of system, it can cause more issues than help. It's my case. You got to test and figure.

Be sure you don't have any unnecessary task or program running before you start FSX.

i7-4790K @4400 on Gigabyte Z97X (16gb), GeForce GTX 970 OC, Corsair Spec case

Win7 Ult(64) on Samsung850 SSD(256), FSX+Accell on Samsung850 SSD(256), Track IR5

Saitek yoke/rudder radio/multi/switch panels, Logitech G13, GMap on Samsung tab

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We know a i7 is faster. Perhaps the OP should of asked: 'What do I have to TWEAK to make my i5 2.9gh system run FSX?'. The answer would still NOT be 'get an i7'.


If you don't TWEAK the fsx.cfg then you can't make FSX run at 30 fps or more, even if you have an i7 (like I do). It's that simple.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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Yep... Unfortunately, it's part of the game. Long hours of tweaks, tuning and testing...

But on the other side, the best way to know and understand our rig. ✈

i7-4790K @4400 on Gigabyte Z97X (16gb), GeForce GTX 970 OC, Corsair Spec case

Win7 Ult(64) on Samsung850 SSD(256), FSX+Accell on Samsung850 SSD(256), Track IR5

Saitek yoke/rudder radio/multi/switch panels, Logitech G13, GMap on Samsung tab

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