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Numbers on the autopilot & clock don't show


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Thank You wing06!!


Many posters ask questions, get feedback, ask more questions, get more answers, and then don't ever repost. So we're all left hanging. Did the advice help? Was it something you or we missed? etc.


You not only thanked others for help their but also explained your "cure!" So the next time someone has a similar issue, others will have another idea of how to help that next person.


Some seem to think all the frequent "helpers" here are paid to do that!!??? Actually the opposite is usually true! People like you help make that commitment worth the time and effort!;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Some seem to think all the frequent "helpers" here are paid to do that!!??? Actually the opposite is usually true! People like you help make that commitment worth the time and effort!;)


+1 Wait a minute.....I get a bi-weekly check from Nels! Don't all you guys get the same??(this oughta create a stir!)

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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