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FSX rudder pedal not working


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New to FSX and I just received a new set of Thrustmaster rudder pedals. Followed install instructions and it controls the throttle and not rudder. Tried reinstall, turning things off nothing helps. Contacted Thrustmaster late Friday awaiting help.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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New to FSX and I just received a new set of Thrustmaster rudder pedals. Followed install instructions and it controls the throttle and not rudder. Tried reinstall, turning things off nothing helps. Contacted Thrustmaster late Friday awaiting help.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



You need to allocate the controls as desired. It's not for Thrustmaster to fix.

Use Windows and the GUI in the sim.

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Thanks for the reply, It sold as plug a play. I have tried to set it up in FSX. when you run the test it test ok. I have tries simple controls and advance controls on or off.

Advanced Controls: On Flight stick I have rudder sensitivity full left, null full left. On T rudder i have a setting for throttle and moved the sensitivity full left, null full left.

Not familiar with the term GUI

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Top Gun, Thanks I have set them to no avail. On Thrustmaster site I downloaded a file TARGET Command center it shows the configuration and has an Add button. When I click on it there is a new box asking where I want the files to go. I have no Idea what to type in them.


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Hi Clark,

If the rudder pedals control the throttle, either Windows or FSX has incorrectly identified the pedals as a yoke or joystick. I'm not certain as to how to fix this, although it should be relatively simple. This incorrect identification will be found in the Standard.xml file in the Controls folder. Thrustmaster will likely have run into this before and have an easy solution. I recommend downloading the free "XML Notepad 2007" file from MS as this will greatly simplify making any changes to any XML file. Post again if Thrustmaster doesn't come through soon.

Jim F.

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