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Autopilot in Airbus A321


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Hi everyone,


I often fly the default FSX Airbus A321, and I use the autopilot when doing so.


I have discovered this situation. Let's say that I keep the autopilot engaged but that I temporarily turn off the auto-heading or the auto-altitude. I would think that I would then be able to adjust the heading or the altitude manually. But I cannot.


Note that, when I fly the default FSX Learjet, one of my other favorite aircraft to fly, then I am able to change the heading and the altitude manually -- as long as I disengage the auto-heading or the auto-altitude -- even when the autopilot is turned on overall.


Does anyone know why this is the case?


Thank you.



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switch off "sec 1" on the overhead panel.

sec1=spoiler elevator computer

there's also

elac1=elevator/aileron Computer


fac1=flight augmentation compter


(there's also sec2, elac2 etc.)

use "show tooltips" in fsx settings at first. helps.



Don't ask me to explain the a321 "logic"

I don't even understand my own logic most of the time. I often use "fuzzy logic", maybe that's why.;)


Happy flights,


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I haven't been in the default Airbus much but I was just there. I found I can change all of the autopilot settings either by turning a knob on my Saitek Multipanel or by clicking on either the + or - sign part of the button exactly as I do with the Lear 45. Whether the Heading Hold, Alt Hold is on or off, it still works the same for me.


Now I'll have to go back and see what il88pp is talking about with the overhead panel. Perhaps that part is off by default. I didn't even look at that. The autopilot tuned just like the LearJet does.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Hi everyone,


What il88pp suggested solved the problem.


Thank you so much.



Intel Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60 GHz | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | Dell U2717D monitor | Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X

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I realise I should at least explain my understanding of the A321 logic.


Probaly some of this is wrong, but here goes:

THe airbs differs from the boeing. In the boeing the imput from the pilot (pulling on yoke, etc), is directly effecting the control surfaces. What the pilot does, happens. That is good in many ways, but it also means the pilot can "overcontrol" creating a too steep bank angle, or pulling up so sharply that the plane stalls.


In the airbus, the pilot's actions don't directly affect the control surfaces. The airbus does not have a (mechanical) yoke that is directly connected via cables and hydrolics to the ailerons/rudder etc.

Instead the A321 has a joystick. Similar (more advanced though) to the one you have sitting on yourr desk.

The imput from the pilot is a electrical signal, that is evaluated by the computers, and only carried out if it doesn't go outside the acceptable limits.

There are some highly advanced sensors on the outside, measuring airflow, angle of attack of the wings in relation to the airflow, etc.

Also of course airspeed is known,

from all that the aircraft "calculates" if the angle of attack is too high, and if it is, commanding a climb by pulling on the stick, will have no effect. (as you would get a stall anyway).


How much of that you will fing in the default FSX A321 I don't know.

Many threads I read from people asking about it the answer was: Not very well simulated in the default one. Still good to have some fun with. Bt if you want more accurate simulation of these systems the advice was to buy the Aerosoft Airbus instead. (I think they have several versions, don't know which is best.)


Again, probably a lot of inaccuracy's in my post.

I don't fly the airbus much to be honest.:)

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Thanks il88pp,


I just went and looked at the overhead panel and see what you were referring to. Frankly, as I said, the plane always flew as I expected so I didn't give it a lot of thought.


IMHO most "fly by wire" systems, even those in a lot of newer cars, don't exactly operate logically!:rolleyes:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Thanks il88pp. A lot of useful information.



Intel Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60 GHz | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | Dell U2717D monitor | Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X

Total available graphics memory: 24534 MB; Dedicated video memory: 8192 MB; System video memory: 0 MB; Shared system memory: 16342 MB

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