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Who moved my pictures?


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I have seen your repaints and I think you do a good job on them! But if you are posting your pics in the FS2004 Forum just for show then they do actually belong in the Screenshot Forum. I think the Mods are trying to keep these question and answer forums to that purpose with the occasional screenshot for references.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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@Mr Zippy, Thank you for the compliment but I post them here because they are FS2004 aircraft, I have posted others but got a few comments fair enough but one I posted not too long ago I got requests to upload where as the others I didn't.

So I'm aiming them at the FS2004 followers, as in the screenshot forum there are posts for the other sims, so if I saw one in there for another sim I'm not interested, plus to be honest I rarely go on that forum anyway, I mainly post here.

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Just an observation.

I hang out on the forum way too much lately. I regularly check the fs2004 forum as well.

Are you sure you posted it here?

Because I saw your post pop up in the screenshot forum. But I never saw it on the fs2004 forum with the note "moved" by it.

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OK I understand the mods have the last say, those are the forum rules, I also wondered why my other screenshots of my paints weren't moved but just this one?


As for me not sure where I posted it look at the thread and you will see it was moved, so any screenshots I happen to post in future will be moved is that correct?

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OK I understand the mods have the last say, those are the forum rules, I also wondered why my other screenshots of my paints weren't moved but just this one?


As for me not sure where I posted it look at the thread and you will see it was moved, so any screenshots I happen to post in future will be moved is that correct?


Just to stop the speculation....why not PM one or all 3 Mods for this forum and ask if they moved it?


Dominic, Darrell, and Simon are pretty good at answering those type of questions.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I posted some pics of an old repaint I did a few years ago and someone moved them to the screenshot section.

If I wanted them there i would have done it, please explain why this was done?


I moved it to the screenshot forum, because that's where they should be.



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The thing is they weren't screenshots as such just pics of my repaints, if I was going to do screenshots I would have done more dramatic and better ones, plus how come you only moved those and not my others?

You won't need to move nay more because they won't be any.

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Welcome to the wonderful wide world of forums. Sometimes the house rules just don't make any damn sense. I don't do that on my forum when I set out to create it. Although it's not a FS forum. I could add that category though.

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