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A Word of Warning


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Don't do what I did.


Set myself up in a 747 to fly direct from KLAX to YSSY overnight. Then went to bed, got a very good night's sleep. Came down to find the relief crew had not bothered to wake me, the plane had crashed during the night. I don't know if it actually went down more than once either. Oh well.

Spent way too much time using these sims...

FS 5.1, FS-98, FS-2000, FS-2002, FS-2004, FSX, Flight, FSW, P3Dv3, P3Dv4, MSFS

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Used to happen to me as well!

To this day, my wife laughs her head off the day we came back from shopping or something and wife says casually and with a laugh, something's wrong with your plane. My 747 was gyrating around the sky in a a weird flat spin out of control. Was KINDA funny. :p



Now on the iFly it has auto fuel balance, auto step climbso no getting up at 2am to pee and step climb, and a pause before descent in case I sleep in.


My first officer really looks after me. :)

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Don't do what I did.


Set myself up in a 747 to fly direct from KLAX to YSSY overnight. Then went to bed, got a very good night's sleep. Came down to find the relief crew had not bothered to wake me, the plane had crashed during the night. I don't know if it actually went down more than once either. Oh well.


Sadly that's also sometimes the case RW as well! I lost some friends in the Marie Corps in the 60's when they apparently dozed off over the desert and flew their CH-46 into the side of a mountain.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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..To this day, my wife laughs her head off the day we came back from shopping or something and wife says casually and with a laugh, something's wrong with your plane. My 747 was gyrating around the sky in a a weird flat spin out of control. Was KINDA funny. :p


That's the sort of thing that makes me think computers have got an anti-human streak, because the instant you turn your back they'll stick a knife in you! No kidding, my PC behaves perfectly for hours on end, but as soon as I nip into the kitchen for a cup of tea or to the loo for 5 minutes, somethings guaranteed to have gone wrong when I come back, regardless of whether it's a sim or game or nothing in particular!

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Awwwww...Do it like a real pilot. Stay up all night. Take a three hour break where you sit in your recliner, have your wife move some glassware around (simulating either the dinner or breakfast service, your choice!) Then you get up, have a cup of strong coffee and make the landing. THEN go to bed. That's how I did it in real life :)
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