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Another Multiple Objects with the Same Title Problem


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I've searched and read and read and have found no answers for this.


I just tried installing the MAIW packages into FSX, carefully (I thought) following the instructions provided on their website.


I am getting the multiple objects error for every single MAIW aircraft upon sim start up.


I understand that the title line of the aircraft.cfg is duplicating itself somewhere. I check the aircraft.cfg files and see no duplicate titles.


Here is an example:










ui_manufacturer=Aardvark AI

ui_type=Boeing C-32B

ui_variation=USAF - 207th SOF, 108th ARW, McGuire AFB, New Jersey. 00-9001

description=Repaint by Graham King











ui_manufacturer=Aardvark AI

ui_type=Boeing C-32B

ui_variation=USAF - 207th SOF, 108th ARW, McGuire AFB, New Jersey. 02-4452

description=Repaint by Graham King


What has been duplicated? Obviously I see there are duplicated entries, but if I need to change something, what is it?



I see no duplicate folders within the same particular aircraft folder.


And no, I cannot afford the migration tool. It's Xmas.




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The "title" referred to in the error message is the title(s) of the aircraft in the aircraft.cfg file. At the top of each of these files is one or more entries (one for each livery) describing the aircraft. The error message is saying that you have a duplication of the "title=" field (without the quotes, of course). It's possible that the duplicated entries are not in the same file.


So you'll need to use a text editor (Notepad is fine) to change the offending title entries.


For example, my aircraft.cfg for the Baron starts:




title=Beech Baron 58 Paint1










ui_type="Baron 58"

ui_variation="White/Blue Stripes"

ui_typerole="Twin Engine Prop"

ui_createdby="Lockheed Martin"

description="With the wonderful control harmony that is the hallmark of the Bonanza line, the Beech Baron 58 is considered a classic light twin. The Baron 58 is the spiffed-up version of a time-tested favorite, made more modern by its new Continental Special engines. The Baron combines the attractiveness of Beechcraft design with the reliability of twin engines, resulting in a gorgeous workhorse of an aircraft."







title=Beech Baron 58 Paint2










ui_type="Baron 58"

ui_variation="White/Red Stripes"

ui_typerole="Twin Engine Prop"

ui_createdby="Lockheed Martin"

description="With the wonderful control harmony that is the hallmark of the Bonanza line, the Beech Baron 58 is considered a classic light twin. The Baron 58 is the spiffed-up version of a time-tested favorite, made more modern by its new Continental Special engines. The Baron combines the attractiveness of Beechcraft design with the reliability of twin engines, resulting in a gorgeous workhorse of an aircraft."







I've just shown two entries at the top (ignore the equals sign lines -- that's just for separation here, and they are not in the .cfg file). Notice that the two title= lines are not quite the same.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Thanks for your quick response.


As I look at all of these aircraft.cfg files, they are all similar, in that, they do not have identical Title= lines. As you can see in my above post, the line:


title=MAIW_AIA_C32B_RCH_XX_207_00-9001 is different from:




So, you say "It's possible that the duplicated entries are not in the same file." This would seem to be the case, right?


Are you saying that perhaps some other aircraft folder's .cfg file has an identical entry? Because I am not seeing any duplicate reading:

title=MAIW_AIA_C32B_RCH_XX_207_02-4452 anywhere else in the same aircraft.cfg file.


Where the heck would this duplicate entry be hiding and how might I find it?


Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.



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I could be mistaken, and frequently am, but:

I think that it's not just the "title=" line that the sim will complain about being duped, but also the lines ui_variation=USAF - 207th SOF, 108th ARW, McGuire AFB, New Jersey. 02-4452

I realize there is a difference in yours, the number at the end to be specific, but sometimes when they're really long like that it doesn't see information past a certain point. I think.

Also, and again, I may well be wrong, but perhaps the "." in the line is saying "stop reading here", so to the sim, the two variation lines read the same. I think.

Again, I may be totally out in in left field on all this. Finally, as Larry mentioned, you can have identical lines in two different aircraft.cfg files, causing the sim to complain. It can take a little searching to find such lines, but it will get rid of the error message. Just add a 1 to the duplicate and see if that fixes it.

I would look in the last aircraft added before the problem popped up for the duplicated line. Then work backward through the aircraft you have added. You'll find it.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I have found, sometimes that a duplicate paint entry can be added 'anywhere in the cfg file', but usually at the bottom. I couldnt figure out why I got the same message as the OP until I went all the way through the cfg. Try that....

- Paul Elliott


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Thanks, guys.


I think I found it. An example:


I opened the folder: MAIW_DWAI_Ce550 Pope Field and found the aircraft.cfg file reading:



sim=Cessna Citation 2






ui_manufacturer=MAIW Dee Waldron AI

ui_type=Cessna UC-35A Citation II

ui_variation=U.S. Army - Company C, 2-228th Aviation Regiment, Pope Field, North Carolina. 96-0107

description=Repaint by Graham King for Military AI Works


I then opened the folder:

MAIW_DWAI_Ce550 Simmons AAF and found:



sim=Cessna Citation 2






ui_manufacturer=MAIW Dee Waldron AI

ui_type=Cessna UC-35A Citation II

ui_variation=U.S. Army - Company C, 2-228th Aviation Regiment, Simmons AAF, North Carolina. 96-0107

description=Repaint by Graham King for Military AI Works


This certainly looks like an exact duplicate.


If so, what are the steps I need to fix this? And is it just the Title= * line? Any other line need fixing?


Should I simply change the line from:



to something like:

title=MAIW_DWAI_UC35A_USAA_2-228C_96-0107 Paint2 ?


If so, it looks like I am only going to have to edit 289 items. lol


Thanks for your continued help.


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you may have two trafficplans both using a plane with that title.

If these planes/paints are really the same, you can just remov one. (just remove the section, but redo the numbering in the aircraft.cfg file)


If you have two trafficplans that both use a plane with that title, you don't need two the same planes installed.

If there is one plane with that title, both trafficplans will use it just fine.


So you can just remove one of them if you want. (remove the section on the aircraft.cfg file I mean.)


Problem there may be that if you do you will have to redo the numbering. (is you remove [fltsim.01]

the next will have to be renamed to [fltsim.01]

the next to [fltsim.02] etc


easyer is to rename one of the two title= lines. For example to:



Thatr way it won't be the same, so no error message,

it won't be found by a trafficplan, but that's fine, it will happily find the other plane. (location doesn't matter),

and the numbering in the file [fltsim.01] [fltsim.02] etc, stays intact.

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As stated, the title= line is how FS indexes all planes, user and AI.


Changing the title= line will stop the duplicate entries warning.


There are a couple other points to consider, especially as we know these are AI planes.


When you edit the title= line to something no longer used in a traffic file you are making that entry useless in the sim.


On FSX startup it indexes all of the title= lines so having a bunch of unused entries could slow down sim startup. One or two will not make much of a difference, but 289?....


As the dupes are in different folders odds are you have a bunch of duplicated texture folders. Again, one or two will not add up to much, 289 x 2Mb per folder is over half a gig of wasted hard drive space.


Something to think about.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

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