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8 Minute Freeze Issue


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I am hoping for some help having hit a brick wall with the infamous 8 minute freeze on FSX!


18 months ago I noticed I would get the 8 minute freeze, probably every 20-25 minutes of flying time... I noticed I didn't get this over the UK where I have VFR scenery so tried turning off Autogen which cured the problem.... I have done multiple mid haul flights, UK-Dubai, UK-Canaries, UK-Cape Verde etc without issue.


Last week I noticed it started to do it again... with no autogen at all on still so did more digging, I have done the Affinity Mask=14 fix in FS Config and this has improved thing (thought it had sorted the issue to be honest!) I flew from Southend to Palma to test and not one freeze, I did another test flight from Corfu to East Midlands and it was improved and seemed to be ok... until I got to the English Channel over 2 hours into the flight and had a freeze... it released after 8 minutes and flew on to EMA without incident (another 30 minutes plus).


I have only installed the update for iTunes in the past few weeks (could this cause an issue with FSX in conflict?)


The affinity has improved the issue since it arrived last weekend but is there any suggestion to be rid of this issue? Seen its been an issue ongoing for years! (would the Steam version fix this? although don't really want to go down that path ideally due to the finance and time spent building up what I have now!)


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am so frustrated with it and worried I will lose all the time and effort (and money) making my FSX how it is.


Kind Regards







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Hi Jamie, and welcome to the forum.


To be perfectly frank, I haven't heard anything about this 8-minute freeze before, nor have I experienced anything like that myself. I don't really believe that an iTunes update could cause this, and I don't think that FSX-SE would solve the issue.


What I think you should do is go here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?259352-FSX-P3D-Software-and-Hardware-Tweaking-Guide - this is Kosta's FSX tweaking guide, and you'll see the Affinity Mask setting in there also. I have used that guide with great resulting improvements.


Also, you don't indicate if you're having any issues with Windows. Is your Windows installation - no matter what version - stable and working OK?



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  • 1 month later...
Maybe a stupid question but... Are you sure you don't have an antivirus, windows defender or any "so-called" protecfive software running and sweeping in your folders ?

i7-4790K @4400 on Gigabyte Z97X (16gb), GeForce GTX 970 OC, Corsair Spec case

Win7 Ult(64) on Samsung850 SSD(256), FSX+Accell on Samsung850 SSD(256), Track IR5

Saitek yoke/rudder radio/multi/switch panels, Logitech G13, GMap on Samsung tab

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