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Artificial Horizon Glitch


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I seem to have a bit of a problem on my hands... Not too long ago, I downloaded the freeware fs-tutorials Cessna 150L. Everything seemed perfect until I took off and noticed that the artificial horizon would glitch out whenever I banked to the right. I can only seem to find one other thread on the FsDeveloper site that is in anyway linked to an issue such as this, and even then it was a different scenario. I can't imagine it's anything to do with the aircraft as I've seen videos where it functions correctly. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so is there a solution? :confused: Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ryan.
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This can happen with any gauge when it is either over-expanded or over-compressed by the screen resolution. If this is happening in full screen mode, try changing to windowed mode, or adjust the FS screen resolution to match your monitor's recommended setting.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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I'm not experienced enough with the 'over-technical' side of FS, so decided I wouldn't even attempt to try and swap it with another.


I've never seen this kind of thing happen before on any other gauge, or any other aircraft for that matter. I've already tested it with every single resolution available with no success.


Any more suggestions? I've gone through all of the different hardware settings, testing it repeatedly with each different setting. Also, I cant seem to find anything in the "Aircraft.cfg" which might relate to the sizing of the gauge itself.

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Also, I cant seem to find anything in the "Aircraft.cfg" which might relate to the sizing of the gauge itself.

That's because gauge sizing is in the Panel.cfg, not the aircraft.cfg. It it located in the \Learner\panel folder.

Remember to only open the .cfg files with Notepad, included with Windows, or Notepad++, a freeware readily found with Google. Never use a word-processing program of any kind.

To change from windowed mode to full screen, hit Alt+Enter. That key combo will also switch back. It's a toggle.

Anyway, if you want to see the gauge sizing for an individual gauge, open the panel.cfg file. Look for the line gauge01=cessna!Attitude, 342,408,162,162 The last two number sets are the size of the gauge, in pixels. In this case, 162, 162. the first of the two sets is the width, the second is the height, both as measured from the upper left corner of the gauge.

Having said all that, I suspect you have a screen resolution problem. You need to take a look at your screen's "native" resolution, IE: What you screen resolution is, with n programs running. R-Click on an empty spot on your desk-top, select Personalize>Display>Adjust Resolution. Make a note of what it is, like 1280X1024X32, for example. Now start FSX, go to Settings>Display. Select the resolution that is the exact same as the one you noted for you screen's "native" resolution.

Give it a try, and let us know.

By the way, did you uninstall any default or included with FSX aircraft? That plane uses many of the default Cessna gauges. Another thing you you can try is look in the default C-172's Panel folder. There should be a file in there named Cessna.cab. Copy it either to your main FSX\Gauges folder, or to the \Learner\panel folder, and see if that helps any. Worth a shot :)

Babbled long enough. Hope this helps a little...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hi Ryan, I just tested my C150 and the gauges all work fine. This model doesn't have a 2D panel so screen resolution shouldn't be a problem. Are you starting from a saved flight with the C150? If so, try starting from the FS2004 default flight with the C172, then select the C150 before clicking Fly Now.


@Asos: here's the download link: https://fs-tutoriels.com/category/cessna-150/

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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Pat, I've already looked through and tried all of the available screen resolutions within Fs2004 and none of them seems to make any difference at all. And yes, I do use notepad to open/edit .cfg files. Switching to and from the windowed mode doesn't have any effect either. Maybe it's something to do with my setting on my laptop? I'll try having a tamper with those and report back. Thanks!


I'm starting from a custom flight, just as I would with any other aircraft. I can't think why it would be any different here? Like I said above, I'm beginning to think it might be something with my laptop settings so I'll try looking into the depths of it and report back.


Thanks for the suggestions guys!

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I just had a thought (and it gave me a splitting headache, too): Have you checked your Master and Avionics switches? I won't swear to it, but I think if the Avionics switch is off it will do what you're describing. Same with if the generator switch (if there is one) is off. You'll run for a little while, then the AH will fall off to one side, when the battery is depleted.

Try loading up one of the regular, default aircraft from the Free Flight screen, and then your Learner afterwards. Make sure the default is 100% up and running before you switch. Don't load a plane cold-n-dark. Just a default plane, at some airport, anywhere. It should load in fully up and running at the end of the runway. If it doesn't, you have saved a plane as the "Default Flight". Make sure none of your saved flights are marked as default.


Just a couple thoughts. I get them so seldom, and they die of loneliness pretty quick...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Yes, the avionics master and battery master are both switched on. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that during right turns (and right turns only), the attitude indicator glitches. It works perfectly fine during ascent, decent and left turns, but right...not so much. Nothing I've tried seems to have worked. Maybe it's something to do with my Fs2004? Perhaps if I were to wipe the disk and reinstall it, maybe it would fix the problem? That however would be my last option.


Like I said, considering nobody else has experienced this to my knowledge, it could either be something wrong with my laptop resolution settings or something deeper within FS9 (maybe I've messed something up somewhere along the line with all the addons I have installed).


In the mean time, I'll keep trying out different things and get back to you :)

Thanks, Ryan.

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What do you mean by "glitches"?


Can you post a picture?


FTR, this plane has no 2D panel and the gauges are all 3D model and compiled into the .mdl file, there is no swapping to be done.


I have many hours in this bird without seeing this.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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I've already made an attempt to screenshot what's happening, but because it happens at such high speed, the screenshots just either show it as normal or at a slightly off angle and not a 'glitch' as described... The best way I can describe it is that it starts 'spazzing' whenever I bank to the right. Maybe a slightly better way to describe it is alternating between normal banking angle and a different banking angle at millisecond speeds (if that makes sense???). I've managed to capture it with my phone camera, which might be able to give you a little more information - I'll post it soon once I've moved it to my laptop.
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This doesn't really show it as well as I'd hoped, but you can kind of see where the attitude indicator glitches to the right, as it shows I am banking a lot more than I actually am. I have taken a video that I may be able to send someone which actually shows what's happening - whether that be by email, social media of some sort, or maybe the private messages here will let me send it as I can't upload a video to the forums. Thanks, Ryan.

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It looks like you're on Windows 8 or 10, and sadly this might be your problem. This model was released in 2007, so the gauge code was probably written for XP or Vista. It does work in Windows 7 but anything more recent may be a step too far for it.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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Wish I could help, I simply cannot reproduce that behavior.


Does it only happen on this plane?


Have you made any changes to this plane since you installed it?


Have you tried reinstalling this plane from a fresh download?


It looks like you're on Windows 8 or 10, and sadly this might be your problem. This model was released in 2007, so the gauge code was probably written for XP or Vista. It does work in Windows 7 but anything more recent may be a step too far for it.


The OS is not the problem, it works for me in Win 8.1.


The gauge code is not written for a specific OS, it is written to the FS9 SDK.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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There are plenty of payware aircraft which are advertised as being compatible with certain versions of windows. I have one which is compatible with XP and Vista, but the engines can't be started in 7! C++ gauges depend on the C++ runtime libraries, whose directory locations and contents can vary from one OS to the next. This may not be the case here, but I suggest it as a possibility.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

Xbox Series X, Asus Prime H510M-K, Intel Core i5-11400F 4.40GHz, 16Gb DDR4 3200, 2TB WD Black NVME SSD, 1TB Samsung SATA SSD

NVidia RTX3060 Ti 8Gb, Logitech Flight Yoke System, CH Pro Pedals, Acer K272HL 27", Windows 11 Home x64

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Perhaps it might be the OS, but like Bean said, he can run it fine on 8.1 too. Yes, the is the only aircraft that I've tried where this is an issue. I haven't made a single change to any part of the aircraft, not even a repaint. I've previously had this aircraft with the same problem. For some reason or another it was removed - I've only recently reinstalled it again to find the same problem persists!


(Apologies for the late reply, I've been away all weekend!)

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After playing around a little more with the "Hardware" section, I eventually discovered that if I limit my FPS to 50 as opposed to 'unlimited', it works fine! It seems that with anything just over 50 FPS, it starts glitching. I don't want to call "case closed" just yet - I'll do some more testing in other environments just to be sure this isn't a fluke... I'll get back to you :)

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