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Installing FSX addons


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Hello all.

I am trying to install Manhatten back into FSX but I keep getting a message telling me that it cannot find Microsoft Flight Simulator 10.

I never had this problem before. Anyone know why it will not install now?. My folder is labeled FSX and it's always been called that because that's how the FSX icon is labeled. Does anyone have a clue they can give me please? Thank you in advance........John :):)

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Thanks for the nudge lol. Yes its payware I have had it for a long time now I bought it from Aerosoft and as I said in my post it's never been a problem before. I have to give up on FS9 too many problems since Avsim bought it and proceeded to wreck it in my book. Anyway no more to say about that subject. Any idea what would cause my Manhatten problem mate?

I have installed it before in FSX with no problem it has the option of FS9 or FSX. Buuut! i think that that might be an attempt to get me to buy it over again maybe. ...John

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Sounds like your registry entry for FSX is missing. You can google a search for `FSX registry` to find an appropriate tool to put FSX back into the registry.


I'm more concerned about your paranoia about FS2004. That was not `bought` by Avsim or any flight sim site, no idea where you got that notion from, but I can assure you that there is no conspiracy to make you re-purchase.

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Agreeing with mallcott, I would think that your registry entry is missing. Try this, http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library


Click on the 4th down, "FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool (36KB) " and open it, locate your FSX/FS9 directory like it says (Default I think is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FSX\) and click on fsx.exe, and in a moment it should add it to your registry system! I hope I helped!

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