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Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: If we knew which file that F-16 cockpit came from, we could give a more detailed answer as to exactly How-To. Or at least a bit more detailed. Is it freeware? Payware? Where did it come from, that sort of thing.

We would need to know which plane you want my want them all into, also, or we could give a generic, do this, do that kind of answer. Whichever you prefer.

Also, a lot depends on how much you know about editing Panel.cfg files.

As a side note, I am surprised they used the Garmin 295, not the 500. Other than that it doesn't look all that hard to do. Hardest part of it all, IMO, would be setting the HUD up to be aligned with new plane properly, again, just a little time consuming, not really difficult.


Hope all that helps a little bit.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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kirk olsson f16 fsx add on freeware from flyaway at this point into this stuff I have not purchased any payware and my reason is until I find out how most of the aircraft work I do not want to purchase lots of stuff I may not enjoy flying. Those three items allow you to have good control, especially landing you set everything up and do ils approach right down to 100 feet turn speed off and get very good landing. Try that with default f18 very difficult to get speed correct using joystick or keyboard at least for me. I have just scratched the surface with all those cfg files and so on, I meet myself coming back sometimes a little hard to keep track of everything.
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So you want to see the aircraft with GPS popup, A/P popup, and Radiostack popup?


FSX - FSX Modern Military FSX Lockheed Martin F-16

[ Download | View ]

Name: viperdnx.zip

Size: 83,180,045 Date: 04-13-2009 Downloads: 15,975



fcq1.gif FSX Lockheed Martin F-16. This is Kirk Olsson's Viperden F-16 with most gauges replaced so it can be used in FSX. Now you have a working virtual flight deck (VC) and 2D panel. All incompatible gauges replaced with FSX XML gauges. The Lockheed Martin F16 Fighting Falcon ("Viper") by Kirk Olsson was adapted to use in FSX by Danny Garnier.


Looks like there already is a popup for the radio and GPS! Looks like all it needs is a popup for the crj700 A/P.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Try that with default f18 very difficult to get speed correct using joystick or keyboard at least for me.

I don't have any problem with it, myself. You need to be sure you have the right pitch trim for the weight of the plane, full flaps, then just play the throttle a little bit to keep the AOA and HUD symbology all lined up properly. Sounds easier than it is, I suppeose, now that I think of it :D

But I, personally, never use the AP anywhere near the airport. But that's just me.

Good luck! Flying can be a thrill a minute, if you let it.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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my original idea was to overcome the unpredictability of manual speed control while landing the delay in timing of controller results in over speed or under speed, always playing catch up, no fun set speed and forget it smooth landing most cases. the gps, ap, radio stack shown in f16 viper work like a swiss watch for me. at this point the f16 viper shown above flys eaiser than any aircraft I have tried. if this exact system was applied to default f18 or other aircraft would they fly much the same? f18, f35, grumman, goosehawk, are not as much fun to fly at least on my set up.
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main idea is to click on a add on package composed of these controls, that will download, install itself in aircraft of your choosing open fsx and start flying


Doesn't seem to be any "package" that will do what you want! It would be a case of editing the individual aircraft to make it happen.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Doesn't seem to be any "package" that will do what you want! It would be a case of editing the individual aircraft to make it happen.


Well Said! No two RW models of planes fly exactly alike. That's why the RW requires type certification for different planes. If we're trying to "sim," one size shouldn't fit all either. If it does in any program, IMHO that makes that program a "game" and not a "sim."

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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