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FSX Caravan Heading bug......


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My heading bug dial is partically hidden behind the "clipboard" on the yoke! What's up with that.......I can go right, but I cannot get a "-" to show up to go left! surely there is a fix for that I am missing? Are there other options?


This is the stock FSX caravan BTW.


Please advise.

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Yes......I suppose that is one option. I am using the AP during this issue. The other I found is to switch to 2d view.....but that's cheating isn't it ?! Seems like quite an oversight in design......I suppose the aircraft looks that way in real life huh? That's quite an undesirable trait.
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I'm not sure which is the heading bug dial but this is how my Caravan VC looks after using our old pals the 'Move eyepoint' keys to move forward and up to peek over the yoke, plus a bit of juggling with the zoom in/out keys-




VC EYEPOINT DEFAULT KEYS, hold down to slide your eyeballs

SHIFT Enter= Up

SHIFT Backspace=Down



CTRL Backspace= Forward

CTRL Enter= Back

Hold CTRL and hit SPACE= Reset


Zoom in/out '=' and '-'

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Yes......I suppose that is one option. I am using the AP during this issue. The other I found is to switch to 2d view.....but that's cheating isn't it ?! Seems like quite an oversight in design......I suppose the aircraft looks that way in real life huh? That's quite an undesirable trait.


Sorry, I real world flew fixed wing & rotor craft for years. The view I saw and still use while simming is what is now called 2d.


Why is seeing what I as a pilot in the real world see is cheating? I have over 1,000 RW hours flying in choppers and over 250+ RW hours in fixed wing. The only view during that whole time was what I saw out the windscreen.


IMHO If you're not looking out the windscreen, you are the one who is cheating!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Sorry, I real world flew fixed wing & rotor craft for years. The view I saw and still use while simming is what is now called 2d.


Why is seeing what I as a pilot in the real world see is cheating? I have over 1,000 RW hours flying in choppers and over 250+ RW hours in fixed wing. The only view during that whole time was what I saw out the windscreen.


IMHO If you're not looking out the windscreen, you are the one who is cheating!


I don't really understand most of what you are saying, but...I guess what I meant was the 3d view is a more "real world " look. Like if you were really sitting there in the seat. And you "should" be able to see ALL the controls clearly. Of course you "real world" pilots do just what has been mentioned here, and that is move your head to see over the yoke.....like you can do with Track IR. Maybe there is a keystroke combo as was helpfully pointed out above, that gets me there. I guess I'll have to try harder with those.

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..I don't really understand most of what you are saying, but...I guess what I meant was the 3d view is a more "real world " look. Like if you were really sitting there in the seat. And you "should" be able to see ALL the controls clearly..


Yes the 3D Virtual Cockpit view (F9) is my favourite, I don't like the 2D cockpit (key F10).

Here's my Caravan VC over Chicago, I simply juggled the eyepoint movement keys and the zoom in/out keys to get it looking like this, and don't forget to use your joystick hat to smoothly pan around and up/down-





Another 3D VC shot panned around to look over your shoulder like this-



PS- check out this page for more sensational VC shots-


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Yes, those look very good. Thanks for pointing out those keystrokes. I know some of them and have used them with some success. But now I've printed out your list and will use it more extensively. I'm pretty confident it will solve the problem. Thanks again.
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I guess I can't explain how I fly 2D with screen shots. So I took two photos which also show my cluttered desk area. Bit it also shows my yoke and some other controls that give me a real world feel. And you already know what a set of rudders look like so I won't add another shot just for that. At least this way maybe you'll understand how I fly.


Each side screen takes over at the outside edge of the center screen. And the little screen below the center screen has the GPS view. This is the closest I've come to flying RW without a complicated commercial simulator.




This is HUD view.




This is just out the windscreen view.


Again, I apologize these aren't screen shots! A screenshot won't show what I want you to see. If I were good with a photo editor, I'd clean these up. However!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Hey Sselv, here's a great post of Rupert's from another FSX thread which shows a way to set up your instruments in the 2D cockpit-


..I'm fond of using the 2D and pushing W which often gives me almost a HUD. Such as this shot of EGLC.



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Yes Scatterbrain, that's as close to showing what I do with a screenshot. I just wish I could find a decent way to screen shot the other monitors as well!


Frankly I'd forgotten I'd submitted this one!:rolleyes:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Your pictures look fine, what's wrong with them?




Since I don't have 35mm gear or a dark room anymore, I depend on a little Nikon digital camera. It's great for outdoor shots because it still has a viewfinder. Plus the now obligatory screen back. I hate it when someone tries to take an picture in bright light or outside without a viewfinder. Their screen is often overwhelmed so they generally can't see what they're shooting at! So they take a ton of pictures and hope one turns out OK.


But my digital is severely compromised for use indoors. This flash doesn't pivot up for indirect lighting. Direct flash towards a mirror, window, or a monitor washes out the subject matter unless you shoot from an acute angle. So you often end up with a lot of useless background, like a printer & wall hangings. Back in the dark room I used to be able to crop distractions out. If I were tech savvy I probably still could.


However what I'd really love to learn, if it's possible, is to take screenshots that show the contents of all the screens as I see them. That old screenshot you added shows the view shown on my center screen only. Sadly that doesn't provide any clue as to what I see every flight.


I wish more people could see what I consider the advantages of 2D viewing with multi monitors. If so, I think a lot would consider it a good asset for flying RW style simulations. The UPS commercial 737 simulator I got to fly for about half a hour had at least a dozen monitors. Of course it also had all the real world controls and gauges as well!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Have you tried using "Print Screen" to do a 3-monitor screenshot? You would then open up Microsoft Paint and then hit Ctrl+V to show the picture, then save as a JPEG image.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Have you tried using "Print Screen" to do a 3-monitor screenshot? You would then open up Microsoft Paint and then hit Ctrl+V to show the picture, then save as a JPEG image.


Like this shot of Seattle at 2,000'?


Seattle 3 screens for fsx.jpg




Of course when I view it all three shown fill their monitor and the sky as well as the ground objects match up too. And I still don't see the GPS, but it's a start.


I never heard of using Paint this way!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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...However what I'd really love to learn, if it's possible, is to take screenshots that show the contents of all the screens as I see them. That old screenshot you added shows the view shown on my center screen only...


Firstly, remember a screenshot is- strictly speaking- not the same as a photo!

A screenshot is a captured screen image from a game or sim which is automatically saved to your computer. For example key 'V' is the simplest way of capturing FSX screenshots.

If you take a picture of your monitor screen with a camera, it's not a screenshot but is a photo and although you could use a camera to photograph your monitor screen, the quality and definition is usually not as good as a screenshot.


I only use one monitor, but as you've got 3, the problem is how to take a screenshot of each monitor separately, and I don't know how to do that.

If you can capture the three screenshots, it'd be a piece of cake to splice them into a panorama with Paint program, I can show you how to do it once you can get 3 separate screenshots..:)


PS- I've been tinkering with your earlier photo and this is the best I can do; cropping out the surroundings was easy but as I said, the definition in photos of computer screens is not too good as you can see here-




PS again- one way round it might be for you to use your cam to take a close-up pic of each monitor, get as close as you can to fill the viewfinder, then send the 3 pics to me pooroldspike(at)aol(dotcom) and I'll see if I can produce a passable panorama.

And try disabling the flash because the screen is usually bright enough to not need flash anyway..:)

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Firstly, remember a screenshot is- strictly speaking- not the same as a photo!

A screenshot is a captured screen image from a game or sim which is automatically saved to your computer. For example key 'V' is the simplest way of capturing FSX screenshots.

If you take a picture of your monitor screen with a camera, it's not a screenshot but is a photo and although you could use a camera to photograph your monitor screen, the quality and definition is usually not as good as a screenshot.


I only use one monitor, but as you've got 3, the problem is how to take a screenshot of each monitor separately, and I don't know how to do that.

If you can capture the three screenshots, it'd be a piece of cake to splice them into a panorama with Paint program, I can show you how to do it once you can get 3 separate screenshots..:)


PS- I've been tinkering with your earlier photo and this is the best I can do; cropping out the surroundings was easy but as I said, the definition in photos of computer screens is not too good as you can see here-




PS again- one way round it might be for you to use your cam to take a close-up pic of each monitor, get as close as you can to fill the viewfinder, then send the 3 pics to me pooroldspike(at)aol(dotcom) and I'll see if I can produce a passable panorama.

And try disabling the flash because the screen is usually bright enough to not need flash anyway..:)


Thanks Scatterbrain!


I'm fooling around right now with Mr Zippy's idea of using PrtScn. So far it hasn't worked out very well. Even though all three of my primary screens are the same format & used at the same zoom, the three screens just don't seem to align when I do a PrtScn. Although they look perfect while flying!


If that continues to be true I might very well take you up on your offer to bring three RW photos of displayed scenery together! It looks so real when I view it while "flying." I can't understand why it doesn't PrtScn looking like i see it!:confused:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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