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Lumberjack Problem


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StringBean and Mr. Zippy, there is no way for me to properly thank you both for your help. This has made an incredible difference is the Nashville airport. All of my problems are fixed.


Again, I sincerely appreciate the both of you and everyone else on this site that helped me today.



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It is not a file you open in notepad.

It is a .txt file. But that is only because that is the only filetype we can attach to a post.

You need to download the .txt file.

Then change the file extension, so it is on longer "filename.txt" but becomes "filename.bgl".

You simply rename the file. No opening in notepad.


You then add the file "filename.bgl" in the

../addon scenery/scenery



It creates cm exclusion of the area in front of your runway. No more trees in front of the runway at the default airport.


(I said "filename.bgl" but use the filename StringBean gave you. (I forgot what that name was)).

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