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3 Tips for Enjoying the Process of Building a Small Plane

Some projects can be grueling, and it can be tough to stay the course and see it through to the end. Many who undertake building their own small plane begin with a lot of enthusiasm but very little idea of what the project will actually be like. The process can become unpleasant, either boring or frustrating, and many will give up before they're halfway done. But there are some tried and true methods to make the process of building a small plane much more pleasant and enjoyable.   1. Get Creati



6 Simple Ways Airline Pilots Can Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Airline pilots seem to have it all—a glamorous lifestyle, everyone's respect and the ability to fly all over the world. However, the reality is that this profession is stressful, demanding and is often characterized by certain health issues. Pilots spend almost the entirety of a flight in a small cockpit sitting for hours at a time. Coupled with long and sometimes scattered shifts, they need the means to stay physically and mentally content. Here are six ways airline pilots can maintain a heal



How To Keep Your Airline Customers Safe

Running an airline is a potentially lucrative endeavor, but it also requires a lot of hard work and attention to detail. The miracle of flight is something that requires an immense amount of preparation and consideration, and that is reflected in the businesses that offer flight as a service. These are the tips you’ll need to run an airline successfully.   Data Storage and Security The operations of an airline will require you to collect a variety of information, and storing if safely is a m



8 Ways COVID-19 Has Impacted Airlines and What That Means For Travelers

One of the major impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been that far fewer people are traveling due to the health risks involved. This reduction in travel has had a major impact on the airline industry. These are eight of the ways airlines have been affected by COVID-19.   1. The CDC Has Said Traveling On Airplanes Increases the Risk Of Coronavirus Transmission   Being indoors for long periods of time within proximity to other people is one of the highest risk activities for coronavirus transmi



How Airports are Practicing Sustainable Efforts

As air travel continues to grow in popularity, and the size of airports continues to increase, expanding their carbon footprint, there is mounting pressure for airports to contribute to climate change efforts by increasing their sustainability practices. Some of the most eco-friendly airports in the world, such as Seattle-Tacoma, Zurich International and Stockholm Arlanda International, have major goals that focus on reducing their environmental impact by reducing emissions, decreasing all types



4 Ways Airlines Have Adopted Green Initiatives

In the last ten years, innovations in the airline industry have resulted in safer and more efficient aircraft. Although air travel has improved considerably, the industry suffers from sustainability issues that could take several years to correct. With nearly 3% of the world’s carbon emissions attributed to air travel, consumers have increasingly pressured airlines to reduce their environmental impact. Developing a more sustainable model for worldwide air travel is a challenging prospect, but



3 Ways That Airlines Protect Their Passengers

While it has become commonplace in the modern era, flight remains a logistical improbability and a bit miraculous. While it is a common fear, flying an airplane is, statistically, safer than driving a car. However, this fact depends heavily on the staff of a given airline, and there are a lot of factors working against them. These are the tips an airline staff will need in order to ferry their precious human cargo as safely as possible.   Maintaining Energy and Alertness Airlines are so abunda



Tips For Starting Out Well On Your Next Airplane Build

Whether you're a seasoned expert or a beginner dabbling in a new craft, building your own airplane is an exciting adventure. But it can also be incredibly expensive and stressful, costing thousands of dollars for design software, materials, and housing structures alone. However, there are options that can make a build cheap enough for anyone to attempt. This article will give you a few great ways to save some money and worry on your next build so you can focus on the fun part and get in the air



7 Tips To Help You Prepare for Flight School

Flying an airliner or private plane may be one of your ambitions, but first, you have to complete flight school to become a licensed pilot. To make your time at flight school more productive, you can engage in preliminary studies and activities. Although the experienced instructors will teach you the necessary skills to fly, it helps to get a broad understanding of flight controls, emergencies, radio communications and federal regulations before attending flight school. You can use the following



3 Tips For Building Your First Airplane

If you're trying to build your own airplane, you probably don't know where to start first. There are so many cool kits to look at and so many finished builds to admire, and it's hard to get your head out of your clouds to actually start the project. This article will give you a few tried and true tips for starting your first build and staying focused along the way. 1. Think Logistically One of the biggest challenges in building an airplane is finding the space and the right equipment for the j



4 Reasons For Airlines to Go Green

If you're in the airline industry or work with airlines, you've probably been involved in a discussion about whether or not you should be "going green". It may seem like too daunting a task to undertake all at once, or not worth the cost of replacing every component of the airline with eco-friendly counterparts. But going green has many benefits that outweigh the potential costs. This article will help you understand how going green can be a win for both your airline and the planet.   1. Reduce



Best Ways to Stay In Shape As a Flight Attendant

Flight attendants have busy, demanding schedules, making it even more challenging to work on your fitness. If you are in this position, it is easy to get frustrated with the lack of time and motivation. Here are the best ways to stay in shape while managing such a taxing career.   Focus On Nutrition   What you eat has a massive correlation with how you feel. When you are out of state working, eating unhealthy may be more convenient. However, your nutrition is a significant factor in meeting



Why Legal Counsel For Airline Companies Is Important

Legislation and compliance are inherent aspects of aviation. A pilot doesn't just need to know how to fly a plane. He or she also must understand their legal responsibilities regarding his or her aircraft, cargo and most importantly passengers and crew. Here are six reasons legal counsel is an important resource for airline companies.     1. Understanding Aviation Law   A large airline company will want to build a relationship with a team of aviation lawyers or an aviation law firm in order



The Complexity Of Designing Air Planes

Where flight was once novel, it is now commonplace. However, its ubiquity in the modern era stems from the fact that it has revolutionized the world around you. More specifically, it has given people a way to travel greater distances in a shorter amount of time, and that has had major ramifications for both recreational travel and commercial shipping. Designing an airplane is a potentially lucrative endeavor, because the ability to fly will always be in demand, but there are certain factors that



What New Pilots Need To Know About Airplane Engines

If you're working towards your pilot's license, you can't wait for the freedom of flying wherever you want in your own plane. Whether your dream about soaring over the coast or gliding over mountains, there are a few things you need to know about your craft's engine before you take off on your own. Educate yourself about these parts of your engine long before your first solo flight.   Learn the Different Parts There are many different parts of air craft, and you must understand how they all wo



How Are Airplanes Designed and Built?

Air travel has progressed in leaps and bounds since its origins in the early 20th century. With innovations in aeronautics, navigation and material science, modern planes are safer and more efficient than their predecessors. Building an airplane is a massive undertaking that involves engineers, technicians and specialized mechanics. Larger aircraft like airliners take less than two weeks to construct, but the design and testing phase sometimes takes several years. For more complicated military a



How To Make Long Flights Easier on Children

Traveling is a great way to spend time as a family. It's a chance to build great memories and to learn from new adventures. A trip can help enhance your child's knowledge of the world as he or she learns of different cultures, historical perspectives, and geographic diversity. With all the good things associated with travel, perhaps one of the toughest aspects is the flight from point A to point B. If you're concerned that your child may find the time on the flight challenging, you are not alon



A Day in the Life of an Airline Pilot

Airline pilots and flight attendants have some of the most unique work schedules and responsibilities. As a result, many find these professions fascinating, both as a potential career path and for having a general understanding of what's going on behind the scenes on a flight. Here is a typical schedule for many airline pilots. Getting Ready for a Shift There are legal requirements for how much rest flight crew members need in relation to how long they've flown. Because of this, pilots often n



5 Ways a Private Plane Can Benefit Your Business

A private plane is seen as a luxury around the world, but who knew it could be so useful for your business, too? Everyone hates going through security at airports and dealing with delayed flights, and all these time-wasters and distractions can impact how you conduct your business. If you're considering buying a private plane, here are five ways this purchase can help your business as well. 1. Save Time When you have your own plane, you're not restricted to the travel schedules of commercial a



How Air Travel Is Adjusting for More Sustainability

As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impacts of everyday activities such as travel, work and entertainment, industries have looked at how they can adjust for more sustainability. The airline industry has looked at ways to have less of an environmental impact through airports, planes and airline practices including using renewable energy sources, carbon offsetting and alternative fuels. Not only does this make air travel more appealing to the environmentally conscious, but it can



4 Tips For Building Your Own Airplane

So you've decided you want to build your own airplane. Whether you choose to build from scratch, sourcing all your own materials and assembling yourself, or build from a kit, it can be a daunting endeavor. Once the initial excitement has worn off and you're faced with hours of hard labor and unexpected costs, you might even regret taking it on in the first place. Having the right backup plans and safety nets in place before you begin will help you avoid a lot of headaches. 1. Financial Safety



Preparing Pilots for Airplane Emergencies

Technological advancements have improved air travel dramatically. Although aircraft are safer than ever before, pilots must frequently train for emergencies and consistently monitor pre-flight and post-flight checklists. Malfunctions and poor weather conditions can test a pilot’s ability to maintain steady flight. Some problems that occur during flight can be corrected, but serious issues many necessitate an emergency landing. By remaining calm and reacting quickly, you can assess the situatio



Pilot Training 101

We have come a long way since the plane was first invented in the early part of the 20th century. It was an incredible engineering feat then, and they have only gotten more impressive. As part of your pilot training, you should get to know your aircraft inside and out – but here are the basic parts to get you started.   The “Power Plant†One of the most complex parts of air craft, the power plant includes the propeller and the engine, which generate the power. This part of the plane lifts



4 Ways to Fly Despite Your Fears

Flying is one of humanity’s greatest achievements, as it allows for the fastest and safest form of long distance travel. However, many are afraid of flying. In come cases, this is because of a fear or heights, or it may be because they perceive plane crashes to be much more common than they actually are. Here are some crucial life hacks that can make flights more tolerable.   Relaxation There are a couple of very good reasons to sleep through a flight. While many simply aren’t bothered by



How to Help Your Kids Survive Long Flights

While most people have had the unfortunate experience of traveling with an unhappy child, there are many steps that you can take to reduce the possibilities of full meltdowns. As parents, a long flight with kids may be one of the most anxiety-provoking aspects of traveling. You can help mitigate potential issues and prepare yourself for any major problems along the way. If being trapped in an airplane with your kiddos is causing you a lot of stress, get yourself prepared with these tips.   Temp



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