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3 Tips For Building Your First Airplane



If you're trying to build your own airplane, you probably don't know where to start first. There are so many cool kits to look at and so many finished builds to admire, and it's hard to get your head out of your clouds to actually start the project. This article will give you a few tried and true tips for starting your first build and staying focused along the way.

1. Think Logistically

One of the biggest challenges in building an airplane is finding the space and the right equipment for the job. You can easily start a smaller kit in your own garage, and could tinker away with your smaller components before finding that you've outgrown the space and need a crane rental Seattle service to come move you to the next field over. It's best to know where you'll be building before you get started, and have the right equipment already there before you need it.

Many plane builders will use large open fields for their project, since that will offer an abundance of space and won't get damaged by the heavy materials and equipment. But that can present challenges if you live in a damp or rainy area and a tarp just won't cut it. Look around for spaces like unused barns, or look into buying your own event-sized canopy. This can be a great investment, since it can be moved around somewhat easily and can be added on to if you need more coverage.

2. Be Realistic

You probably have a few kits already picked out, with a few dream builds in mind. But it's important to keep your head on your shoulders. For a first build, going simple is always the best plan of action. It's very common for new builders to get partway into a project before they realize it's just too complicated, then have to abandon it when they've already invested a lot of time any money.

It's also important to choose a kit from a company that still exists, so you can ring them for information and support if you hit snags. There are message boards for builders to discuss their current projects, as well, that can be a fantastic resource when you're trying to stay enthusiastic and optimistic. And just make sure to ask yourself before you begin: do I really want to still be working on this in two to five years? If the answer is a resounding yes, you're ready to start.

3. Know Yourself

As well as financial limitations, it's also important to be realistic about the kind of person you are and what strengths and weaknesses you have. If you're someone who is easily frustrated or discouraged, make sure you're really ready for this challenge before you invest your money. There will be moments where huge mistakes are made, and you'll have to learn how to come back from these moments quickly. Knowing your personal goals for the airplane is also very important, as the kind of flights you're hoping to take will dictate the sort of plane you'll need.

You should also know before hand how much time you have or want to dedicate to the project. A retiree with tons of free time will likely have a different project timeline from someone with a full time job and a family. And if you're someone who likes to socialize on the weekends, you may only have a few hours here or there to work on the build. Know your limitations and plan your project around them. At the end of the day, focusing on the original goal you had for the build will help you to stay the course and carry out your plans.

Building your own airplane is an enormous undertaking, but it can be incredibly fulfilling and enjoyable along the way. Use these tips to get inspired, while still having the tools you need to get off on the right food.


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