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FX instant playback

About a year ago i bought the gold edition from Microsoft ,hoping the playback in the FX version, would not be jerking like the normal edition, however it was just as bad,i did post a message asking if anybody knew how to fix that but got no result ,by chance i did find a cure for it , depending on what plane you are using, as not all do the flyby,when using the instant playback ,Click the A on your keyboard, and when the flyby has finalised the plane is sort of frozen, than by using your direct



ProFlight Simulator Delima

I would like to get a inexpensive flight simulator program that I can have fun with. I got an advertisement for a Dan Freeman ProFlight Simulator program with lots of extras for $49.00. Does anyone know anything about this program. It says there are 120 planes, world view downloads and 60 day trial. Please Help!!



Wilco A380 has some bad problems

number 1 ,the altitude ligth does not work as a result the vertical indicater also does not work, so your just lucky if you press the button correctly and it decent.number 2, the engines are blasting you away from the computor no matter what you try you cannot get them softer so you can hear ATC.if you fly at nigth apart from a few Nav ligths the plane is tottaly dark .you fly microsoft 747.400 you got a plane with cabin ligths, looks greath.they must have run out of electrical wire at wilco f



Thanks for Nothing drobson

He takes my posts down and never bothers to respond to my message asking why he was taking them down. Instead he is immature, locks the thread, and makes the childish comments of:   there is no interest being generated. At this point, I'm considering this to be spam, and am locking it.   Well you have five other threads "not generating any interest" so why isn't he deleting those?



Ask for help topic

Here is a triangle, such as △ABC,∠ B as supporting an object's former vertices, Its weight is:Gn,objects behind the fulcrum weight is: Gm,Is the total weight: Ge,As shown in figure. The graph of the symbol definition is:d=AC,AB=c,AC=b,BC=a,AL=x,OL=y, tanθ=BC/AC=a/b,Cosθ=AC/AB=b/a. The problems need to be solved as follows:   1.When the object's centerline is horizontal reference line (green line) above,also is h1>h2,θis positive angle(that is +3°、+5°、+7°、+10°,etc),at this time B Angle (B po



I want to win friends help---Ask about Center of Gravity solutions.

Please help me to solve this problem, it needs to calculate aircraft's centre of gravity, as follows: 1.Weight and the ARM: (1) Front wheel weight: 600kg,to Datum distance:372mm, (2) Main wheel(Wl+Wr) weight:1400kg,to Datum distance:2200mm,Wing frontier to the Datum distance:1963mm, (3) Total weight: 2000kg,   2.I need to calculate the following results: (1) The aircraft was in a horizontal status of longitudinal CG position, vertical CG position. (2) The front end of the aircr



Webmaster's Mailbag: Payware

[ATTACH=CONFIG]82315[/ATTACH]   Most of my email is pretty routine stuff, but sometimes I get caught off guard. It's really kind of shocking what some people think of our beloved hobby, for example this email just received (paraphrased a bit, and atrocious grammar and spelling corrected):   I have read articles regarding web sites that are trying to turn people away from the hobby. Some of the reading is so shocking that web sites will do anything just for the money. FlightSim.Com and Avsim



fsx download error

:(:(:(:(i downloaded fsx deluxe sp1 from torrent. I got it divided into two DVD images. When i extracted each. in the first dvd i got some folders and .cab files. I found that one of my .cab file was corrupt. its name was "D1Feat~1" due to this file. whole installation is aborted. PLZ help.   PLZ attach this file with your comment. if you are able:(:(:(:(



China Recovers Bodies of Remaining Trapped Coal Miners; 37 Dead

Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Rescuers recovered the bodies of the five remaining coal miners trapped by an underground gas blast in Henan province, bringing the total death toll to 37 in China’s deadliest mining disaster since June.   The bodies were found at 7.35 a.m. local time after about 300 acai berry rescuers pushed through 2,500 metric tons of coal dust at the pit in central China, the State Administration of Work Safety said on its website today.   China, the world’s biggest coal producer a



Where do I start?

Hi! I would like to buy my husband a flight simulator for Christmas but I don't even know where to start. I did some searches for flight simulators and I found Flight Simulator X, but I think I need to buy a flight simulator system as well?   Can someone please point me in the right direction? Pretty Please? What do I need? I found this link: http://sportys.com/PilotShop/product/11894   Looks like a decent price, but again I have no idea.   Please help! -Lisa :confused:



Please help me out!!

I was making my own textures for Boeing 737-800 airplane in FSX and I accidently deleted the "B737_800_1_T.dds" file. So I need this file as I am not able to make new textures. Can anyone mail me this file or give a link where I can get this file?   my email : me.thoughtful@gmail.com



An airport porter

Just "right" another hindi didn't know about or anything .   And an airport porter ,wants to play TRICKY POLITICIAN http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=52241       ? and just in case you cant't go to the forums or banned or blocked or even suspended   Voila : The Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Deepan Mehta as Regional Director for the Asian Region. Deepan brings extensive experience to the position and we welcome him to the position and the EC. He



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