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    • Landing and takeoff exercise on aircraft carrier. Plane vertical takeoff. A must. https://store.flightsim.com/pizzagallich-_bymfg_97-4-1.html
    • I cannot recall the current in the Philippines (moved from there to Germany in 2015), but here in Germany the current is usually 10 A, and in Denmark 6 or 10 A. In my apartment here the water heater and stove are runnung at 380 V 3-phase 100 A.   From when I lived in the U.S. I don't recall seeing those 220 V outlets and/or 50 A breakers, but then again I moved from there to the Philippines in 2009. Maybe that is a State issue, or the local power company that decides that?   Jorgen
    • Brand new Airbus A321 NEO Jet2 (G-SUND)  landing ,taxi and takeoff at Alicante Elche Airport (ALC) with ATC audio included runway 10, another A321 Neo for Jet2 (Company moving to Airbus)  
    • I have searched but cannot find a clock that displays the game time of day on the screen when running fsx no matter which display you are using: cockpit, tower,  chase, etc. Anyone know of one?
    • True, but low current 220V is standard there.  In the US a 220V outlet usually denotes - used for stoves, larger clothes dryers, air conditioners, etc.;  typically on a separate 50A breaker.
    • jgf, allow me a quote: "How long before you will need a 220V outlet, as used for an electric stove, in your den just for the computer".   We have that in Europe already... and even in the Philippines...   Jorgen
    • First time ever with a dedicated computer for MSFS. Started immediately after the latest update. Never had a single problem before. MSFS would not start & second monitor would not display. Ended up having corruption on my HD. Fixed that & updated my video driver. 2nd monitor works and MSFS runs fine. The ONLY alteration was downloading the service pack.
    • PANEL DE LOS PLANEADORES.   - INICIAREMOS VIENDO EL PANEL BASICO DEL MODELO DE FS2004 Y LUEGO DEL X PARA IR CONOCIENDO ESTOS GLIDER.   1-  En el panel de fs2004 vemos elementos básicos, un panel muy agradable e intuitivo, lo mismo se observa en el 3D del fs2004. con elementos de navegación, superficie de control, radios y GPS PERO en este panel no hay elementos que permitan el despegue de la Aeronave.. lo que es muy desagradable. en este punto se pierde el interés ya que se deben usar métodos - PARA NADA REALES - esto causa que la puesta en AIRE de este modelo sea un tanto ANORMAL..  PD: EN EL SIGUIENTE TEMA - TRATAREMOS SOBRE LAS METODOLOGIAS PARA PONER EL GLIDER EN VUELO.   2- En el Panel del fsX encontraremos elementos mas interesantes y de mejor calidad visual. Dispone de un panel 2D y de uno 3D mejorando el GPS y un dispositivo que nos indica la Acción del Viento y de las corrientes (ascendentes / descendentes) sobre nuestro Glider  - incorpora funciones que llevan el realismo del planeador a un 90%, puedes liberar incluso los depósitos de agua, entre otras funciones reales del vuelo a vela  - LO MAS DESTACADO DE ESTE MODELO Y DEL PANEL - Es la posibilidad de despegar usando el arrastre de una Aeronave modelo MAULE.        PANEL 2D PLANEADOR  FS2004                                                                                PANEL 3D FS2004        PANEL 3D FSX  
    • Interesting, considering a decade ago a 450W supply was adequate while today 1200W, even 1800W, are common.   The "Energy Star" concept of computers is long forgotten;  all electronic/electrical items today use less electricity than of their counterparts of twenty years ago .....except computers, whose power requirements have gone from 250W to 1800W in thirty years.  How long before you will need a 220V outlet, as used for an electric stove, in your den just for the computer.
    • It ran fine for me in Windows 11 as well until the problem I described here a few days ago.  I'm now using Windows 10 and it's been a few days and I'm not getting that issue in Windows 10.  Also I was having issues with Windows 11 deactivating itself on me since adding a 2nd NVMe drive in my 4th M.2 slot and after a reinstall of Windows 11 and a BIOS update it did deactivate on me for a few seconds then activated again.  A few days ago when I ran into the issue of FS2020 not starting up due to a CLiP device mismatch, that's when I noticed that Windows 11 deactivated on me as well but earlier in the day I could play FS2020 and Windows 11 was activated.  Was I entitled to the free Windows 11 Pro upgrade in this PC that I built in December 2023 using my Windows 10 Pro retail key or did Windows 10 keys stop being eligible for the free Windows 11 upgrade at some point?  Also do Microsoft Store games only work when Windows is activated?  Also does the free Windows 11 retail upgrade from Windows 10 become a Windows 11 OEM or does it become a Windows 11 retail version?
    • Reseña:  Aporte - Simulación Virtual. TEMA: Planeadores FS2002 / FS2004. Editor: José G Crespo (Cap. Hojalata). El Planeador o Glider es uno de los modelos que dejo muchos Interrogantes en FS2004 para los que intentaron usarlo. Me atrevería a Decir que Pocos le dieron un uso Activo, Es por esta Razón que traigo lo que pude Aprender en el intento de hacerlo Volar de una forma Agradable. ACLARATORIA  ( NO Soy Profesional del Vuelo a Vela ) Todo lo aquí Expuesto es el resultado de 1 año de ensayo y error.   (1995/2004) - El avión Schweizer 2-32 es un avión de alto rendimiento que se ha incluido en versiones de Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004. Introducido en 1964, procedió a establecer docenas de récords en varias categorías para planeadores biplaza. También se volvió muy buscado para vuelos turísticos. Al final, solo se construyeron 87, pero más de 50 permanecen registrados en todo el mundo. El Schweizer finalmente fue reemplazado en Flight Simulator X por el DG Flugzeugbau DG 808-S, un avión de alto rendimiento mucho más moderno.   MODELO DEL FS2002 MODELO FS2004                                                         
    • ran on windows 10 and it runs fine on windows 11
    • Nor is any sim regardless of name, view, or content ever RW!!    We here are all trying to simulate RW flights in the way we can most easily refer to.  In my case looking at three screens and seeing different views as I might see just by shifting my eyes without moving a mouse or changing screen views, but just shifting my eyes as I did in RW cockpits, is as close get I can to simulate the RW views I saw when I could still RW fly!    Being a 100% disabled combat pilot I now try as best I can to simulate what I saw looking out the windshield and looking at the instrument panel.  That was when I RW flew various aircraft and qualified for in several different fixed wing aircraft.  Before I ever even was trained in rotary wing aircraft including the H-34 and H-46 choppers both of which I flew RW in combat in Vietnam.    The RW injuries that I suffered while I was a PIC in Vietnam is why I can now only "fly" a sim! Recreating those RW experiences as close as is possible has always been my goal as a sim pilot!   Being able to view three screens all the time and getting an almost wrap around view by just moving my eyes without accessing them with a mouse isn't the best situation ever. It certainly doesn't equal the RW views while being an actual PIC. But that IMO moving my eyes from screen to screen beats any mouse moving or other changing of views sim alternative I've found to date regardless of how pretty the scenery they display is.
    • Based upon US DOE energy averages information, you would save $13.61 per year in 2023 compared to 2013. So my comment to Digital_Aviator stands, show me the date to support your claim. One can not purchase much "investment" for $13.61 a year.       2013 2023 US Cost per kWh 12.72 10.07 PC Pwr Usage kWh/mth 20 14 Per month cost  $       2.54  $       1.41 Per year cost  $    30.53  $    16.92 Annual Difference  $    13.61  
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