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Red and white lights position in the beginning the runway

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Red and white lights in the beginning the runway: descending to the runway, I can't find the lights that guide on my correct position.

Does not all airports have it? Do I have to activate them in any way?

Thank you

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Those lights are a visual representation of your glideslope. If they're all white, you're too high and all red, too low. Not all airports have them and, no you don't activate them. By keeping a mix of red and white you have a good glidepath for your approach!
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For future reference, those are (depending on configuration) VASI or PAPI (or a couple of other types), and they behave as mentioned above. You don't mention which airport/runway but, as mentioned above, they're not at all airports, and even some runways may be without at airports that have some.


The AIM (Aeronautical Information Manual) has good information on these and other styles:




Chapter two of the AIM has information on various lighting systems, including all of these glide slope indicators. There's a huge amount of additional useful information in that manual, too.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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